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The next morning, I woke up early as it was time for my practical classes. I took a look at my wardrobe and said, "Pink blouse and denim skirt? Yes, it is." I grabbed my blouse, skirt and went to get dressed. Then, I braided my hair into a fishtail style. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I stopped for a second, and went back to my room as I remembered that I forgot something. "Oh, right. The application form. Almost forget to bring it. Silly me." I said to myself.

I took my breakfast which were eggs and toast. Ibid goodbye to my parents, "Bye mom and dad. I have to go now." I grabbed the car keys and went towards the car. I buckled up my seat belt, adjusting the mirror and said, "Let's head to class. Shall we?"

30 minutes later, I arrived at the lecture hall and sat next to Mila. We talked to each other for a few minutes and the professor came. Both of us became a bit closer to each other. There were still a bit of awkwardness but I am sure that it will go away as time goes by. I grabbed my note book and began to copy off the notes from the lecturer. An hour and a half later, the class finished. I went up to Alison and greeted her.

"Hey there. How are you doing? I think I agree to join this club. It seems interesting and I think I should have a go." I smiled, handing in the form to her.

"Oh my God! Yes! You won't regret joining our club. Oh and we will be having a meeting next week. I will text you to remind you later. Make sure to come." She squealed in joy, smiling widely.

I nodded and bid good bye to her. I smiled, thinking what it will be like when I join this club. I walked out of the lecture hall and I drove home. It was in the evening and I opened my laptop to search for information regarding my assignment. My eyes landed at the drama folder at my desktop. I had a few flashbacks on watching dramas with Aaron. To be honest, it had been months since I watched dramas. I stopped watching dramas since my break up with Aaron. I remembered a few days after we broke up, I tried to watch dramas and I stopped a few minutes after. This is due to me wailing and reminisce the moments I had with Aaron. Ever since that day, I stopped doing the things I liked and enjoyed doing. So now, I decided to watch dramas and do the things I enjoyed doing before I even met him.

I clicked on the drama's episode and spent time watching an episode for an hour. I kept on having flashbacks of the past especially the time of me and Aaron discussing about the plot of the drama every time we finished watching an episode of it. Now, I just stared at the laptop screen as soon as I finished an episode. I faked a smile, trying to heal my heart, pretending everything is fine. "You'll be fine one day, Alice. It's alright." I said to myself, faking a smile.

A week passed, I had been getting used of my routine without Aaron in my life. Let me tell you my daily routine starting from early in the morning until night. It's like my life before I met Aaron. You know, the single, free and ready to mingle life? Well, except for now, I'm not ready to look for love at the moment. Too scared to get heartbroken again. It is true that love leaves that no one can steal. However, it can also leave a heartache that no one else can heal.

Anyway, here's my daily routine schedule. I woke up early in the morning, probably around 7 o' clock and getting ready to attend my class. Either online or coming to the actual class. Afternoon will be my break time. It was the time for me to get a rest, eat my lunch and even take a quick nap. Getting a nap is essential for me to be productive for the rest of a day. I need to recharge my energy after all the interactions I made and also studying I have done. At evening, I would do some stretching while watching YouTube videos on exercises steps. It was a good way to be fit and keep a healthy lifestyle. Later at night, it was a me time. I would watch an episode or two episodes of dramas to release my tension from my daily life issue. Watching dramas is like a therapy and meditation for me.

Remember how I used to feel empty and missed the moments how Aaron and I used to discuss the plot of the drama every time we finished watching? Well, now I can discussed my thoughts and feelings on certain episodes of drama with my new buddy, Alison. Apparently, Alison and I had a lot of common in our pick for dramas. So, it was such a good idea to discuss certain topics with her and she also gave me a lot of suggestions on which drama to watch next. Oh, and the most important thing is that I can discussed and fangirled over hot actors with her. Typical Korean Drama fan. I know.

"Oh My God. This episode is so confusing and mind blowing at the same time. Like how could the guy cheated on his friend's wife. How unbelievable." I typed.

A few seconds later, Alison replied, "Oh yeah that part. Don't worry, you will get more furious watching the next episode. I can tell you the spoiler if you want. I already finished watching it yesterday." I rolled my eyes and replied, "Don't you dare do that! HAHAHA."

I become much better and get used to my daily routine day by day. There were times where I would have emotional breakdown and missed Aaron. That is understandable as I was still trying to heal my heart from this heart break. There was a quote I read from Twitter a few days ago. It goes with a line 'Healing is the process of remembering you are still okay and always were.' I agreed with this statement and yes, I believe that I will be healing from this pain soon. I just need more time to heal. After all, healing has no specific timeline.

There were chapters of my life that made me cry and there were chapters of my life that made me smiling from ear to ear. I guess that's how life works. I have to keep going and live my life, not missing any moments in my life.

A few weeks passed and it was 15th of September which is the time for me to join the Psychology club meeting. I smiled as I remembered Alice reminded me for a few times just in case I forgot. It was my first meeting for this club and meeting the members of the club. I wondered who will be there. I got dressed and looked at the mirror for one last check for my outfit. "Just going to keep it simple today. White blouse and dark blue jeans for today." I said to myself. I smiled and hummed along a song that was stuck in my head, drove to the Faculty building.

I arrived at the faculty building about half an hour later. I opened the door and saw Alison, putting pamphlet on tables. I smiled and greeted her, "Hey Alison. How are you doing??" Alison looked up and waved at me. She said, "Hey Alice. I'm good. Oh, you are early. The others will be here in a minute. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. This will be your usual place to come starting from now." I nodded and took a seat at the corner.

Both of us chatted for a few minutes while waiting for the rest of the club members to arrive. Alison then wrote a few notes on a piece of paper meanwhile I was scrolling through my calendar. A few minutes later, I heard chattering sounds outside the door. The door opened and there were a few people coming into the club room. Maybe about 10 people. 4 of them were my course mates and 6 of them could be either my seniors or juniors. Everyone took their seat respectively. Alison cleared her throat and said, "Hey everyone. It's been a long time since we had a meeting, right. Welcome back, guys. Today, we will be discussing about the activities that should be done for this semester and upcoming semesters too." She paused a few seconds and added, "Oh, but first we have a new member that will be joining our club today." Then, she looked at me, signaling me to introduce myself.

I nodded, clearing my throat and said, "Good Morning, everyone. My name is Alice Clarke. A second year student of Psychology. Nice to meet you." I smiled and return to my seat. Alison then stood up and said, "Okay then, let's introduce ourselves to Alice. I'll start. Hi Alice. I'm Alison Alexander." A girl with dark brown skin, long black hair smiled at me and said, "Hi there. My name is Veronica Davies. Nice to meet you." She was one of my course mates. I looked to my left, and my course mates, Nicole Newton and Denise Reed introducing themselves. So basically, there were 5 members of 2nd year students in this club including me. 

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