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It was 1st of March and I had so many assignments to finish. 'Hectic student life incoming!' I said to myself. I looked at my planner which stated that there were 5 more reports needed to be done and handed in next week. I reached for my hair tie and tying my hair into a high ponytail. I put on my glasses and turn on my laptop.

I smiled, stretching my arms, and said, 'Let's get cracking with these assignments.' I looked at my text books, journals that I have printed and also my notepad. I began to type my report while searching information from the internet. A few hours later, I finally finished my report and stretch my back since I sat for a long hours. I jumped into my bed, laying down and put on a music to help me relax. It did lighten up my mood. My phone vibrated indicating an incoming call from Aaron. I picked up his call and said, 'hi cutie.'

"Well, hello there miss gorgeous. What' cha doing? Can we video call now? I'll end this call and video call you, okay?" He asked, and immediately ended our call.

Before I could utter a single word to him, he ended our call and received an incoming video call from him. I looked at my face in the mirror and I looked like a mess. I shrugged and picked up the call.

"Hey there, my beautiful girl? I'm sorry I just need to see your face since I miss you so much." He said. I pouted at him and said, 'Aww that's so sweet. But I look like a mess now.'

He widened his eyes and said the cheesiest line I ever heard from him while pretending to look around searching for something, 'I don't see any mess here. I only see an angel right in front of me.' I laughed, rolling my eyes and said, 'Stop it, you do know how to make me smile, do you?' Then he replied, 'I like seeing you happy and smiling.' And we talked a lot until it is nearly dinner time. I told him about my day and how I was so focus on finishing my assignments meanwhile Aaron told me about his day, his mother and also his 4th sister. His 4th sister, Annie sometimes sent regards to me too. She seemed nice and I cannot wait to meet and get to know her better. Well, I cannot wait to meet all of Aaron's family members too. And both of us talked to each other for almost an hour.

The next day, I walked to the lecture hall and sat beside my friends, Kathy, Jeremy and Mila. Ever since the field trip, I became a bit closer to Mila. It was not as close as we were in middle school but I think I am able to move on and forget the past. However, I still have not known her side of story and the reason why she quitted literature. I was curious but I will wait for her to tell me when the time is right. After all, timing is important, right?

"Hey guys, how's your weekend? Anything exciting happening?" I asked.

The three of them look at me, looking tired with eye bags. 'I'll take that as a no then.' I laughed. Kathy whined and says, 'You know, I stayed up all night last night just to finish the report from Child development subject.'

Mila then exclaimed and sighed heavily, 'Guys, have you done the statistics exercises? We need to hand it in tomorrow.' Jeremy and Kathy sighed in unison while putting their head on the table. 'Hectic life, here we go.' I muttered to myself.

The morning class went so fast. Throughout the class, I just wrote a few dot points and ended up doing some doodles at the corner of the page. Well, it is like a habit of mine. It was a must to have doodles in every corner of my note book. I had always envy and admire at the same time at those who write neat notes with colourful pens and highlighters. My notes were always written in blue pen and doodles in the corner of the notes. Messy, I know. The class lasted for about 2 hours and we bid goodbye. I walked home, thinking about the statistics exercises I have to finish. As I already mentioned earlier, I am literally suck at mathematics. I sighed and said, 'Let's give it a try, Alice.'

I dropped my bag and jumped into my bed. I closed my eyes, and muttered, 'ten minutes of nap and I will take a look at the statistics book.' Ten minutes later and the clock stated that it is half past 12. Just the right time to eat my lunch. My stomach grumbled signaling that I am starving. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and went straight to the kitchen, making a light lunch. 20 minutes later, I finished my lunch and went to my room to start doing my work. I opened my textbook and my mind went dizzy as I saw lots of numbers. I shook my head to snap out of it. I looked at the exercise one again and clicking my pen.

"Okay, question 1. What is the mean of the student's grade?" I said, while looking at the figure.

I flipped through the text book to find the formula of mean. I smiled when I finally found the formula, 'Okay, there you go. Wow, I'm doing better than I thought. Good job, Alice.' I said to myself. A few minutes later, I sighed heavily and said, 'Great, I can do up to question 5 and I'm stuck.' I flipped through the page and read what Z score, normal distribution and other terms is. I yawned and decided to call Aaron since it was his day off today. A few seconds later, he answered my call.

"Hello baby." He answered.

I pouted, telling him about my problems, 'Do you know how to do this? You know, I'm suck at mathematics.' Aaron then replied, 'Okay, let me just google this real quick and I'll explain it to you.' He explained the meaning, calculation of all the terms I don't understand very clearly. He even helped me solving the exercises problems I had been stuck on a few hours ago. What a lifesaver! I smiled, praising him for his help, 'You know, you are truly a life saver. I don't know what I would do without you.' He then replied with a cocky voice, 'Well, you can't live without me, right?' I scoffed but deep down he was right after all. Before I know it, he become a part of my world. I wish everyday will be like this.

Fast forward and it was 15th of March. There were lots of news around the world regarding a virus called Covid-19. Apparently this virus is dangerous and life threatening. It was currently spreading all around the world. All the countries from Asian, African, South America, Europe and America region were affected due to this virus. As a safety precaution, I already started wearing a mask whenever I went out even though it was still not a must to wear a mask here. Well, prevention is better than cure and let's stay safe.

I walked to the lecture hall and everyone was busy talking about the current issue on the news. I sat in front with my friends, listening to their conversation. Jeremy, Kathy and Mila were discussing about Covid-19 in a serious and concern manner. 

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