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It was New Year's Eve. I looked at my watch and it stated that it was almost 10 o'clock at night. I planned to hang out with my two best friends, Wendy and Linda. The three of us agreed to have dinner at a café nearby the city before we continue our day watching the fireworks together. I got ready an hour before and decided to wear a blue blouse and black pants paired it up with black boots. I wore my sling bag, putting my essential items in it and headed to the café.

I arrived at the café 45 minutes later. I walked in, sitting at the corner of the café. I took a few selfies while waiting for my friends. I looked around and saw Wendy came towards me. She was wearing a light pink dress and white boots. She smiled at me and greeted me cheerfully, "Hey Alice. It has been a long time. You look prettier." I smiled widely, giggling at her compliment and replied, "Well, you look pretty too. Nice outfit. When is Linda coming? Did she say anything to you?"

Wendy looked at her phone, texting Linda and replied, "Yes, she said she'll be here in a minute." Then she added, "I am so glad that I had a day off from a hectic shift. Oh My Gosh. I am so tired and starving!" I laughed and gave her the menu for her to order. A few seconds later, Linda came to our seat and pouted, "Are you going to order without me?" I waved at her and asked her to sit down. Linda looked so pretty with her long hair. She wore a white shirt and denim shorts paired with black ankle boots. I greeted her and said, "Hey Linda! You are here and let's order, shall we? Wendy and I are starving." The three of us ordered our food and chatted while we were waiting for our food to be served. It was nice catching up with them face to face. I laughed a lot and listened to their life updates while eating. We were at the café, enjoying our food for almost an hour and a half.

It was 30 minutes before the countdown of New Year and watching the fireworks. My friends and I drove to the nearest spot to watch the fireworks. We bought some snacks such as popcorns, hotdogs and soft drinks to eat while waiting for the countdown. Wendy asked me, "Alice, so this is your first time watching the firework, right? Are you excited?" I grinned and replied, "Of course, I am so excited. I will take a video of it and maybe share it on Instagram. Wait a second! We should take a proper selfie together. Come on here, girls."

Wendy and Linda came towards me and the three of us took tons of selfies together. Each picture with different poses and face expressions. I giggled looking at our funny faces and posted it on Instagram with a caption New Year's with these two weirdos. #Bestfriends. We spent the remaining of the 30 minutes talking and eating our snacks until Linda hushed us and said, "Girls! Come on! Stand here so that we can get a better view. They are doing the countdown now."

I heard the people around us shouting and did the countdown from 10. 10. 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... and 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Fireworks exploded and I did jump a little, startled of the sudden loud popping sounds. POP! POP! POP!

I looked at the sky and saw the fireworks turning into different colours each time they popped in the night sky. There were blue, green, red and also yellow. I smiled, amazed at how pretty the fireworks were. My smile faded when I remembered my promise with Aaron last year. We promised to go to watch the fireworks together. I sighed loudly, feeling frustrated. I shook my head, trying to brush that thought away.

Linda patted my back and asked, "Alice, are you okay? I saw you looked a bit down just now." I nodded and smiled. Wendy came and linked her arms with both of us, wishing us Happy New Year. I put on a smile on my face, replying, "Happy New Year, girls. May this year bring us happiness, love and success. May the three of us achieve our goals as well." Linda nodded in agreement and said, "Happy New Year to you too, Alice!" I grinned and said, "Girls, come on. Close your eyes and let's make a wish." 

I closed my eyes, holding my hands to my chest and making a wish. "I wish I am able to move on completely from Aaron and fall in love again. I wish I will believe in love and start my love story again in future." I whispered to myself. I opened my eyes and smiled, looking at the fireworks again. It was such a memorable day and fun experience. We spent a few more minutes watching the fireworks until it was almost 1 o'clock midnight.

The three of us bid good bye and went home. I hummed a song that was on the radio and drove home. I quickly went to the bathroom. I immediately hit the sack as soon as I finished removing my makeup and showered. It was a tiring yet fun day tonight. 

The next day, I woke up and picked up a new journal that I bought from a bookstore yesterday. It was a light blue notebook that has a white clouds and flowers printed on it. I flipped it over and wrote my resolutions for this New Year. "Okay, let's get started with a new resolution, shall we?" I reached for my fountain pen and began writing my resolutions for this year. I read all of the resolutions I wrote out loud. Then I whispered to myself, "It's time to forget about him, Alice. Time to focus on yourself first." 

I reached for my phone that was on my bedside table. I scrolled through my social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. I put on a smile on my face and said, "It is time to do this." I took a deep breath and clicked the delete button on every single chat I had with Aaron. Well, except for WhatsApp. There were so many memories there so I just put it aside and made a promise to myself not to open the chat at any cost. Lastly, I blocked Aaron on every social media including WhatsApp. Then, I went to my phone's gallery and searched for an album consisted all pictures of Aaron. I closed my eyes, clicking the delete button, whispering to myself, "This is the best way to forget him. Delete everything about him. This is what you should have done since the first day of the break up." Out of sight. Out of mind. Aaron needs to get out of my mind. This is the only way for that to happen.

I put my phone away from my sight and wiped my tears. I tried to calm myself down but it did not work. After an hour of emotional breakdown in my room, I decided to call Linda to vent everything to her. She is like my personal counselor who will always support me and listened to endless pointless dramas. I ranted to her for almost an hour. Linda listened to me intently and gave me lots of advices. I really thanked her for that. Linda replied to me, "Don't cry, Alice. You did a good job and effort to move on from him completely. I am proud of you. Take a slow step by step, okay?" I nodded and replied, "I am going to focus on my final semester of university. Focus on myself for now." We ended the call shortly after chatting on different topics of our life.

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