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It was the day of his birthday. Aaron went on a short getaway trip with his family a few days before his birthday. How lucky. He went to a resort and saw the beautiful scenery such as the mountains and river. He sent a few pictures of him with his family. I also sent my regards to his mom. His mom is really nice. I really liked her and wished that she can be my future mother in law.

The clock stated at 12.08 AM. I typed all my birthday wishes to him. I even sent a voice note of me singing a birthday song to him. Ahhh how embarrassing. I never sing in front of people at all. The things I do for the sake of love. I sighed, hiding my face in a pillow and forced myself to sleep.

Aaron replied my message the next morning because the signal of his phone is not good. I chuckled quietly when I read his message, 'Thank you my gorgeous girlfriend. Your voice is so cute. I am lucky to have you in my life.' I smiled, looking at this chat and replied, 'I love you. Have fun my baby. Send me a selfie, birthday boy.'

A few minutes later, I received a few messages from him. He sent me a few of his selfies. He looked cute like always. I grinned while looking at his pictures. I opened my camera app, taking a few selfies and sent him a few of my selfies as well.

5 minutes later, Aaron replied, 'That's my girl. My mom says that you are pretty.' I blushed, knowing that his mom complimented me. I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief. 'No way.' I said to myself. The two of us chatted for a few more hours and we bid goodbye. His present already arrived a week before his birthday. Aaron did not open it yet and I was so nervous to see his reaction. I close my eyes, 'I hope he likes it.' I said to myself.

The next day, Aaron went back from his trip to New Zealand. He chatted me and we talked a lot about his trip. I asked so many questions as I was curious on the scenery of the place. I always wanted to go there. He said that he ate so many strawberries there as it is really cheap and tasty. He promised that he will bring me there for our honeymoon trip in future. I laughed when I heard his promises. I shook my head. 'This funny guy.' I said to myself.

All of a sudden, Aaron sent me a pic of his birthday present and a video of him opening it. My heart was trembling. I bit my lip, playing my fingers, expecting his response. I was so nervous. I really hoped he likes it.

My heart beats faster and faster as I clicked on the video. It was a video of him smiling and say thank you for a few times to me. His reaction was so cute.

"I am so thankful and happy that I have a girlfriend like you, Alice. I love you. The shirts is so smart. I couldn't believe that you bought two shirts for me. I am going to wear it a lot." He said. I smiled, feeling grateful and proud of myself.

"I am so grateful that you like it. It is my first time giving a present to a guy." I type, feeling so shy.

"I am feeling lucky. It's my first time receiving a gift from a girl" He said. A few seconds later, he added, 'I love you so much.' I smiled brightly and replied, 'I love you a million times.'

Everything went well in our relationship and both of us spent as much time as we can together making new memories to be cherish in the future.

Like all relationships, my relationship with Aaron also had its ups and downs. There are countless of time of me being annoying and clingy. You know how girls are always so emotional. It was funny. I remembered an incident where I acted sulkily and moody when Aaron is too busy with his part time job. I do realised misunderstanding and overthinking will bring problems in relationship. I was so glad both Aaron and I quickly solved our conflict and we become close as days go by.

As this is my first relationship, I really felt that love is something wonderful. I am beyond happy and grateful.

It was already November and that means it is nearly finals exam. So stressful and exiting at the same time. I really cannot wait for semester break and just sleeping at my house. I missed my parents and also missed my younger brother. I missed annoying him, telling him to help me doing housework.

It was Sunday morning and I was currently revising a few chapters for the subject of Introduction to Psychology. I sighed heavily, and said, 'Wow. So many chapters to revise and remember!' I had been flipping through these textbooks and notes for almost 2 hours. I groaned, took off my glasses and relaxed for a few minutes. I studied by myself, laying on my bed while reading my notes. Jeremy and Kathy did asked me to join them studying together but I really cannot focus when I join group study.

I smiled as I reminisced the flashbacks of high school moments with my two best friends, Linda and Wendy. I remembered how Linda, Wendy and I were studying for Physics and we did do some exercise based on a few topics. Well, for the first half an hour we actually seemed focus and seen as a diligent student. However, as the time goes by, we ended up talking about a different topics instead. It was seriously so funny. I chuckled when I remembered all those flashbacks of high school memories including the topic we talked about instead of studying.

I began to write up a few notes and memorizing important terms for the finals for a few hours. It was 6 pm and I sighed in relief as I finally finished it. I stretched my body and said, 'Ah. Finally, I'm done. Time to relax.' I lay down, closing my eyes and took a deep breath. A few seconds later, my phone vibrates. I reached for my phone that was on the table. I looked at it and it was a call from Aaron.

"Oh? Why does he call me?" I said to myself before answering his call. I accepted his call and answered, 'Hello?' I heard Aaron cleared his throat and said, 'Hey baby. What are you up to?'

I sighed in relief and replied, 'I just finished my revision for a few chapters. How about you? Which chapter are you up to?' Aaron replied, 'I am up to chapter 12 already. Just 2 more chapters to go.' I clapped my hand, trying to be a supportive girlfriend and said, 'Really? That's good. I already finish all of the chapters.' He chuckled and replied, 'That's my girl. Smart and cute princess.'

And we spent a few more hours talking to each other, telling how our day was and sharing a few jokes and riddles. Aaron always have a few crazy and funny riddles for me to solve. I was usually really clueless and I could not get the answer right.

"Okay, I got a riddle for you. Do you know how to put an elephant inside the refrigerator?" Aaron asked.

I was confused at first and begin to wonder like how on earth can I put an elephant inside the refrigerator. 

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