Chapter 1

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  "Harper!" I was woken up from my dream to my brother screaming my name. "Harper, get your butt down here for breakfast!!" After a couple minutes of me not listening to him, my door slams open. I shoot up from my bed to see Matt standing in the door way.

"You know, I could have been naked" I gave him a glare, a little pissed that he didn't even knock. 

"True. But are you?" I roll my eyes and shove him out the door so I can change out of my pjs and into some actual clothes. 

"Hey Mattie what's for breakfast?" I asked while coming down the stairs. 

"Mom left some eggs in the fridge, but I'm having some cereal, and when are you gonna stop calling me that stupid nickname?" Our parents both work in a hospital. Mom is a labor and delivery nurse and Dad is a surgeon. Because of their jobs they're really busy. I mean don't get me wrong, they're great parents and do try to be in mine and Matt's life as much as they can, but because they're busy a lot, Matthew and I are home alone a lot.

"When Hell freezes over" I say with a grin, and grab some scrambled eggs from the fridge and put them in the microwave for about 30 seconds. 

"Oh by the way..." when those words come out of Matt's mouth, it's almost never good. "...Rowan is gonna start driving us to school for the next couple months."

"What! Why? What's wrong with your car?!" Rowan is Matt's best friend. I've known him since forever. I live in the type of town where everyone knows pretty much everyone. I try to ignore him as much as possible and the few times that we do talk, it's mostly just teasing. I mean he was HELLA fine, but most of the time, his annoyingness compensates for that...most of the time.

"Because my car is in the shop and they said it wouldn't be ready for a couple months." 

"I still don't understand how the hell you wrecked your car enough that it needs to be in the shop for months?" He shrugs but doesn't respond. The reason that I don't just drive to school is because well, I haven't found a car yet. For mine and Matt's 16th birthday, our parents said that we could each get a car of our choosing (Also, not only do we live in a small town, we live in a small, rich town. Pretty much everyone is rich beyond means ). I know that  I've been able to drive on my own for a little over a year now but, I have come to the realization that I am really indecisive, so I haven't figured out which car I want yet.

 "Ugh fine." I went back upstairs to finish getting ready. 

By the time I was done getting ready for school I could hear Mattie's voice coming from downstairs. "Hey Harper! You finally ready yet?" 

"Yes, my totally not annoying brother!" I yell back. I went downstairs to see that Rowan was already in our kitchen. 

"Took you long enough." I could see a stupid smirk on Rowan's face appear as he talked to me. "Seriously, what are you doing up there?"

"Making myself look better than you, that's for sure." I give him back a sly grin.

"Ya know, you should give better hospitality to your guest. I have been here for a full 3 minutes and you haven't asked me if I wanted anything to eat or drink."

"Oh please! You over here so often, that you practically live here." I rolled my eyes and punched his arm playfully as I walked over to the fridge grabbing some bacon that my mom had also made. Rowan tried to grab some of the bacon from my hands put I dodged him and swatted his hand away. 

"Wow, that was not very nice of you!" He said in a childish voice. Rowan and I's conversations pretty much only consists of teases and insults. My friends always talk about how Rowan and I would make a "cute couple" but I always turn down the idea for one simple reason. Matt. He has made it clear over the years that he does not want Rowan and I to be together. His "rule" doesn't bother me anyways, I mean, Rowan is only my brother's best friend.

 Once Matt and Rowan were done eating the rest of the bacon (finally) we all hopped in Rowans car and drove to school. Rowan had a insanely nice black BMW that he got for his 16th birthday. Once we got there, pretty much everyone who was by the main door started walking up to Rowan and Matt so I darted out of there as quickly as I could. Rowan and Matt have always been the popular jock type people and I, well, have not. Unlike my popular brother, I like to keep my life on the down-low. Most people at school don't even know that Matt and I are related, much less twins.

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