Chapter 24

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"Hey what did you get on that math quiz?" Asher whispers.

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I need to make everything into a competition." I mean... I can't argue with that.

"Ok fine. I got a 94."

"Ha! I got a 95!"

"Wow, I'm very proud of you for getting that one extra point." Asher and I are currently in the library though I don't think he realizes that his "whispers" are more like his regular voice with a bit of a raspy undertone. 

"So, how's Mystery Man doing?" I roll my eyes at his nick name for Rowan.

"You've known who "Mystery Man" is for like three months now, why do you insist on calling him by that nick name instead of his actual name?"

"Because it makes him sound so much more... mysterious."



"Annnd there's the bell. Why is it that our free period always seems to go so much faster than our other periods?" Asher asks while pack his things into his back pack.

"Maybe it's because being on your phone for 45 minutes instead of studying makes the time go by faster." I give him a knowing look.

"Awe sweetie, it's truly adorable that you think I'm not on my phone during class too." And once again my eyes are rolling. I start to walk down the hall towards my next class when all of the sudden, a hand wraps around my arm and pulls me into a storage closet that the janitors use.

It's pitch black but I recognize the voice that belongs to the person who pulled me in.

"Hey beautiful." I giggle as I try to find a light switch.

"I would say "hi handsome" but I can't see you." Suddenly the light turns on and I see Rowans hand on the switch behind him.

"How 'bout now?" He says with a smirk on his face. God that smirk. I place my hands on each side of his face, feeling his light scruff. He's normally pretty clean shaven but I have to admit, when he doesn't shave for a couple days and he starts to grow a light stubble, it is so damn sexy.

"Hi handsome." He leans down and places his lips on mine. About five seconds into the kiss, it turns into a full blown make out. I feel myself being pushed backwards and the backs of my knees hit a random desk in the corner of the storage closet. I sit down and spread my legs, giving Rowan the opening he needed (we both needed if I'm being honest) for him to be even closer to me. 

"I missed you." He says in between kisses.

I giggle, "It's been like an hour. Did you forget that we have 2nd period together."

"Trust me babe, I will never forget when your in a room with me. You just looked so damn hot and I couldn't wait." 

"I looked 'so damn hot' when I was stressing over the quiz we were taking?" 

"Well you look hot doing anything so..." Ever since that night in the woods two weeks ago, we've barely been able to keep our hands off each other. Finding new ways to spend time together, finding new excuses to be alone with each other, finding new places to go when our houses aren't an option...

Even though I really don't want to, I pull back from his touch and stare into those beautiful blue eyes I've gotten lost in more times than I can count. 

"As much as I love this little impromptu make out session in a janitors closet..." A chuckle escapes from his throat at my comment, "...I have to get to class in three minutes."

"Well, as much has I also love impromptu make out sessions anywhere with you, my need to kiss you wasn't the only reason I pulled you in here. I wanted to ask you something."

"And you couldn't have waited until tonight when I come over to your house?" He gives me one look and I already know the answer. "Right, yeah, 'cause I was too smoking hot while I was panicking trying to figure out the damn math equation."

"Correct. Now, back to my question. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and go to prom with me Harper Amanda Ryan?"

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