Chapter 16

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"Okay so I have watermelon, lemon, rose, and honey," Asher says as he pulls four different sheet masks out of his bag.

"You do realize that I have face masks here right? You didn't need to bring any of your own." I start to look at all the skin care things that Asher always seems to bring whenever we have a sleep over.

"True, but why use yours when mine are so much better?" Alex snorts at Asher's comment and I roll my eyes.

"I mean, he's got a point Harp."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I ended up winning the "who gets the basement tonight" competition. It was easy really; all I had to do was tell Alex and Asher to get their asses over to my house while Rowan and Matt went out to get gas station junk food. By the time the guys had gotten back, we were all already downstairs getting things unpacked. 

We start to do "skin care" for the next half hour and by the time we're done, my face felt like it was going to explode if I put one more product on my face. 

"See? I told you my stuff is better!"

"How do we know that your stuff is better than mine, if we didn't even try my stuff?" Asher just shrugs and starts to throw away wrappers from the different masks we used.

"Is anyone else as hungry as me?" Alex asks.

"Is that even a question?" I once again roll my eyes at my friends and start to walk over the mini fridge to get some soda and/or food only to realize that there is barely anything in it at all. "I forgot to load up the mini fridge today; I'll be right back." I go upstairs hearing Alex and Asher shout requests behind me.  

Almost as soon as I am at the actual fridge I hear footsteps coming from upstairs.

"Mattie I swear if you want to steal my food again I will- oh, Rowan, it's you." I try to look past Rowan a little bit to see if Matt might be behind him.

"Oh, so you do remember my name." He says referring to the comment I made earlier.

"Maybe I just made a lucky guess." He chuckles and starts to walk towards me and no matter how much I want to be able to touch him, even just a little, I'm still wary if someone is going to randomly show up and just the wrong time like what happens in the movies. I know that everyone will say "Harper your life isn't a movie" but like, have they actually seen my life as of late? My life is definitely the plot of some rom-com.

"If you came down here to steal my food, think again, I know kung fu." 

"Really...?" He gives me a smirk knowing I don't know the first thing about kung fu.

"Yup." Once he's close enough, his hands slither around my waist, pulling me in. I place my hands on his chest, just in case I need to push him away. As if he could read my mind, he says,

"You know, you don't need to be so paranoid all the time. Matt's upstairs playing video games. I don't think anything could pull his attention away from it right now." I roll my eyes knowing that he's probably right. When Matt's playing his games, nothing can get him away. Trust me, I've tried. Rowan puts one hand under my chin and pulls my faced up for a quick peck on the lips. "Well, if you really want to save your food from Matt and I, I guess I better go." I know he's playing me, but I don't care. He starts to pull away but I pull him right back. He chuckles knowing that I played right into his little game. 

As I bring my lips to his, I feel a smile grow across his mouth. His hands land on my hips while mine go around his neck and in his hair. He gently pushes me against the  fridge and moves one of his hands to caress my cheek. His tongue slowly grazes my bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. I gladly give it to him, and his tongue starts to explore my mouth. Just like every other time we have kissed, I melt into his touch; into him. His mouth moves from mine down to my neck. I bite my lip trying to contain a moan from slipping out. I hear a groan coming from Rowan, and I giggle a bit.

Soon, I remember what I came up here to do; get food. If I don't pull away now, I never will. I can feel Rowan hesitate as I pull away but he knows that same thing I do; that if we don't stop, one way or another we're going to get caught in a position that we wouldn't be able to explain. 

"Well, I gotta get back downstairs with some snacks or Asher's gonna throw a hissy fit."

"Yeah I guess your right... even though I don't want you to be." I chuckle at the last bit.

I open the fridge to get drinks as Rowan leans against the counter giving me his signature smirk with his arms crossed over his chest. I grab out some sodas and a couple waters out from the fridge, put them on the counter beside Rowan, then walk over to the pantry to get chips. The chips that both Matt and I like are on the top shelf; out of my reach. Of course.

"Hey, why did you come down here in the first place?" I start trying to reach for them as I hear Rowan's foot steps behind me and sure enough, I start to feel his hands grip my waist.

"Maybe I did want to steal all your food." He takes one hand from my waist and reaches up to grab the chip bag I was reaching for. I turn around, expecting him to give it to me but he lifts his hands still keeping the bag out of my reach. I try to make an "intimidating" face but knowing me, I probably look like a upset puppy.

"You don't give me my food, and we're breaking up." He chuckles at the face I'm making, but ends up lowering the bag so I can reach it. I'm about to grab it when he lifts it once again.

"I would prefer not to break up but, if you want the chips, it's gonna cost you." This time I'm the one giving the smirk, knowing exactly what he means.

"Alright then, how much do you want? 20 bucks?" He rolls his eyes at me and swoops down to kiss me. I kiss him back but quickly pull away. "You still haven't answered me. Do you want the 20 bucks or not."

"Your impossible." He gives me another kiss and finally gives me the chips bag. I pass beside him and gather all the snacks/drinks that I left on the counter. "The reason I came down here though..." he says referring to my original question " because I heard someone down here, and I figured it'd be you."

"Wow, I'm starting to think that you might have a crush on me or something."

"What would make you think that."

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