Chapter 22

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Three months later

"Okay so we could either watch The Amazing Spiderman or we could watch Spiderman Homecoming"

"What's the difference?" Rowan asks.

"The difference, my dear, is that one has Andrew Garfield and the other has Tom Holland. Either way I get to watch a hot actor so I don't really care."

"Hey! What about your even hotter boyfriend that you have right here?"

"True...but Tom Holland."

It's been three months since Asher and Alex found out about Rowan and I. It's actually been really nice being able to talk to someone about my relationship with Rowan with someone other than Rowan. Oh! Also side note... guess who finally got a car!

About a month ago, I finally got sick of either not leaving the house in general or having to wait until someone was free so I could leave the house. So, my dad said that he would take me to the dealership on one of his days off so we could get a car for me, and that's what we did!

Rowan and I's relationship has gotten even better (and easier) as time goes on, just like Rowan said. There have been a few times where we almost got caught but other than that it has been complete heaven on earth. 

"I'm offended." He puts his hand on his heart and makes an "offended" face. "Hey um... why don't we go out somewhere. There's a place I wanna take you to."

"I knew it."

"Knew what?"

"This is it. This is when you murder me. I mean I knew it was gonna happen eventually I just didn't think it  would be this soon."

"Dammit, you figured me out!" I hit his arm lightly before we get up and head for the door. Matt was once again hanging out with Claire and my parents once again both had really long shifts so Rowan and I had the house to ourselves the entire day. He grabs the keys to his car and extends his hand to me. "M'lady" I giggle and take his hand as we walk to the car. 

"So, what is this 'place you wanna take me to to possibly kill me'?"

"It's a surprise" He says smiling at me. He started driving but through out the entire drive, he never once let go of my hand... not that I was complaining. 

After about 15-ish minutes of driving, we pull into what looks like some sort of hiking trail.

"Yep. You're definitely murdering me. Do me a favor, tell Mattie that I was the one who stole his nerf gun when we were eight." 

"That was you?! He blamed me for it for weeks."

"Well yeah, I had to tell him it was someone else or else he would find out it was me." 

"Your lucky you're cute."

"I know" I quickly kiss him and get out of the car. As Rowan steps out of the car, he grabs a backpack from the back seat that I hadn't noticed before. Then, he walks over to me and takes my hand as we start walking. 

After 30-ish minutes of walking Rowan decided that it would be a great idea to cover my eyes with his hand.

"Listen dude, I already know that you're gonna kill me, but covering my eyes is a little much, don't ya think?" I hear him chuckle under his breath

"We're almost there, don't worry." And after what feels like forever (probably was like a minute) "Ok." He lets out a small breath, "We're here"

He takes his hands off my eyes to reveal a beautiful outlook point with a sunset over the horizon.

"I- wow, Rowan this is amazing!"

"You really like it?"

"I love it!" He takes a blanket out of the back pack and sets it on the ground. We lay down as Rowan pulls me into his chest.

"My dad and I used to like to find different hiking trails before his job basically took over his entire life. This is one of the last ones we found, and I eventually found out that this one is pretty much abandoned, so now I go here if I want to just clear my head and get some alone time. I haven't taken anyone... until now."

"Not even Matt?"

"Not even Matt." His gaze goes from my eyes down to my lips. I know exactly what he wants, and I want it too.

"Kiss me." I say. A small smirk appears on his face as he leans down just a little, till his lips reach mine.

*Ok, so, hopefully you might have guessed what is about to happen. No matter how much I love reading and writing romance stories, I have no idea how to write a spicy scene. I have already planned out some of the future stories I want to write and there may possibly be spice in those books, but for right now, the most spice with just be make outs and fade to blacks. I hope you have been enjoying the story. Thank you.

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