Chapter 25

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I'm still sitting on the desk, with Rowan standing between my legs; but now, I'm frozen in place. Obviously I would love to show up to prom with Rowan's arm around me... but prom is in public. In public where the entire school will be. In public where Matt will be.

Rowan and I have been talking about possibly telling Matt soon, especially with graduation only a couple months away. However, talking about it is much different than actually doing it.

"I would love to go to prom with you..." I know he can hear the restraint in my voice.

"But you're still worried about Matt knowing." 

"I really do want to go to prom with you, and I want to tell Matt, but every time I think I'm ready to do it, I have that little voice in my head that ells me Matt will hate both of us. I can deal with him but I don't want to be the cause of the end of your friendship." Rowan's hands are now resting on my hips, using his thumbs to rub calming circles along my waistline. His presence had always been calming to me, even before we started dating. I never wanted to admit it but it was always true. I could be furious with him, but also somehow content.

"You're forgetting that I've known Matt for almost our entire lives. I can deal with him to."

"I know you can... I just can't help overthinking everything."

"If you don't want to tell him, I won't pressure you in to doing anything you don't want to do. If you want to keep us a secret until we're old and grey, then I'm fine with that. As long as I have you." As I look into Rowans eyes, I know what I truly want. I want to be able to show up at school with my hand in his. I want to be able to hang out with Rowan and not have to worry about whether or not Matt will be there. I want to be able to go on actual dates with him. As I look into his eyes, I know I've made my decision.

"I would love to go to prom with you. Period. No more worrying if Matt or anyone else will see. I want to go in with our arms linked and I want to be able to slow dance with you." Rowans beautiful smile reappears on his face. "We can tell Matt before prom, give him sometime to process it." Then all of the sudden, an idea comes to my head. "Why don't you come over tonight and spend the night." Rowan has never spent the night at my house with me. Sure he's stayed over plenty of times as a friend of Matt's but never as my boyfriend. He always leaves before Matt or my parents come home. "Matt is staying at Claire's and my parents are working. We can have one last-- and I guess first-- night together with just us, and then we can tell Matt when he gets home tomorrow." Rowans smile is somehow even bigger than before and his hands are now on my cheeks, pulling me up to kiss him.

"I think that might just be the best idea you've ever had."

"Oh I don't know, my idea of fuzzy sock with built-in heaters was pretty genius." Rowan shakes his head while chuckling. "Come over at 6, he'll be gone by then. And by 6pm tomorrow, Matt will know about us and we won't have to hide any longer." 

He holds his fist up between us and sticks his pinky finger out.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." I say while wrapping my pinky finger around his. He brings our fists to his lips and kisses mine. Then places one last kiss one my lips before grabbing his back pack and exiting the closet. 



Shit, I'm late to class... worth it.

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