Chapter 14

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The next couple of days were complete bliss and complete torture at the same time. Between subtle touches, and stealing little kisses when no one is looking. There would be times through out the day where I would just have a bunch of guilt wash over me, but the little things Rowan would do, giving me small smiles, his subtle winks, made me remember that in this situation, everyone is happy. I get Rowan, Rowan gets me, and Matt won't be completely pissed.

"Ok, but like... do you really have to go?" I giggle at Rowan's question. It was a teacher work day so even though it was Friday, all the students had the day off.

"Technically, you have to go, but this is your house so..." Rowans' parents, much like mine, worked a hell of a lot, and it was obviously harder to get any alone time at my house cause of Matt... so we had spent about half the day at his house. Matt and Rowan had some football thing the had to go to and I knew for a fact that if I stayed any longer, Rowan would never let me leave.

We had spent the entire day playing video games, watching dumb movies, making out... since we had known each other for basically our entire lives, we don't have to go through that stereo typical thing that most couples do where their really awkward with each other at first. I start to get off of his bed and look for my jacket when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back in.

"True, but... ya know, you could just stay here," he starts to kiss the place where my shoulder and neck meet. "And I could maybe just skip this one practice." I place my hands on his shoulders slightly pushing him off.

"From what I've heard from Matt about your coach, I don't think that you would want to do that." 

"Ugh, have I ever told you that I hate it when your right? ."

"Many times." I smirk as I once again climb off of his bed, this time actually succeeding I might add. But before I can actually leave his room Rowan turns me around and wraps his pinky around mine, then kisses my hand. It's become kind of an inside joke between us now that whenever one of us has to leave we give each other a "pinky promise" like we did when we had made our original promise.

Eventually I was able to leave, luckily Rowan lives relatively close so that I could walk home but it definitely took longer than it would have if I had just agreed to let Rowan drive me home. However, like I said before, I am terrible at excuses and the three minute car ride would not have been nearly enough time to come up with one.

Rowan was obviously at my house before I got there so right before I opened the door I did that thing in movies where they take a deep breath and then they walk in and every thing either goes to shit or everything goes on just peachy. Frankly I hope it ends up being the latter.

I walk in to see Rowan and Matt sitting on the couch talking.

"Hey Mattie, ugh why does Rowan have to be here all the freaking time?" I see a small smirk appear on Rowans face as I walk over to the kitchen to get some water from the fridge.

"Glad to see your still chipper" I hear Rowan say from behind me. I think we still got a bit of a kick out of making fun out of each other. Then I hear Matt say,

"Alright well, we have to go or coach is going to be up our asses all month about being late. Rowan, I'll meet you in the car, I have to go get my bag." I hear Rowan leave and am about to go upstairs when all of the sudden Matt stops me and looks at me weirdly.

"Hey Mattie, you wanna get off me so I don't have to look at your face anymore?"

"Ha ha don't change the subject"

"I didn't realize there was an original subject" He starts to lift my chin with his fingers and looks like freaking Sherlock Holmes trying to inspect something.

"Is that a hickey?!" My eyes go wide for a split second when I realize that yep... I got to come up with an excuse. Peachy.

"Uhh... no! It's a... curling iron burn!" He gives me a suspicious look.

"Your hair is straight." Crap.

"Yep! Because I suck at using a curling iron so... I straightened my hair."

"Oh um... ok then." He starts to back away, but is still looking at me. "Whatever... I guess." Welp! I guess that worked. Hand me my Oscar! Hollywood, look out! We go upstairs at the same time, put part at the top to go to our separate bedrooms. I hear Rowan and Matt leave and after about five minutes, needless to say, I got bored so I decided to call Asher.


Hey bitch! What's up?

"I'm bored!" I make an exaggerated groan into the phone as I hear Asher laugh on the other end.



Hell yeah!

"Yayyyy" We make plans that Asher will pick me up and I texted Alex, but she had babysit. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Damn. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't look the best. I brush my hair, put on some makeup and change my outfit. I choose a simple short white sun dress and an over-sized jean jacket with some converse. Right as I grabbed my purse, I hear Asher's car pull up. 

Soon enough, we're on our way to the mall.

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