Chapter 2

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"Hey bitch!" I could recognize that voice anywhere. "I see that you got out of the stampede quick enough!" I turned around to see one of my best friends, Asher. I've known him since we were in diapers. Our parents being best friends and all, it was kind of inevitable that we would also become best friends.  

"Well these past few years have given me lots of practice!" The "stampede" as Asher and I liked to call it happens almost every day, so I've learned to avoid it. We heard the bell for first period and ran to class.

*45 minutes later*

"I swear that teacher is trying to fail me" Asher whines almost every time we come out of that class. The only thing he liked about that class is the cute guy that sat in the back. But, he had to transfer classes about a month ago, I have no idea why though. 

"Oh come on, the teacher is not trying to fail you, math just, isn't your best subject."

"Easy for you to say, you have and A in almost every class!" 

"Maybe that's because I actually study instead of drooling over boys" I love Asher, but sometimes I think that he has a new crush about every two weeks.

"No comment...anyway, let's meet up with Alex so we can get to second period" Alex is our other best friend. I've only known her for about a year but we clicked right away, and so did her and Asher. 

Once we got to the third floor, we saw Alex leaning on the wall next to the elevators. 

"What's up my hoes!" She pushed up against the wall and started walking towards our next class with us.

*6 hours later* 

"Ugh!!!! Finally we are out of that place!" Asher threw his arms up into the air dramatically as we walked to his car. I always went home in Asher's car because Matt almost always had football practice.

"Sometimes you are way too dramatic about school" Alex said as she got into the front passenger seat.

"Yeah, I agree with Alex. Also, you know we have to come back here tomorrow, right?"

 "Whatever. Oh, hey Harper, Alex and I were going to go to the mall after in about an hour, do you want to come with us?"

"Damn, I wish but My mom texted me earlier saying that she wanted me home right after school." I thought that it was kind of weird getting a text from my mom in the middle of a school day since my parents are pretty strict on grades, but I didn't really want to question it.

"Ooooooh, what did you do this time?" I could see a smirk appear on his face through the rearview mirror.

"I didn't do anything, my mom might be off tonight and just wanted to spend time with me or something." After about a 15 minute car ride of Alex and Asher trying to figure out what I "did", we pulled into my driveway where I could see Matt "hiding" in the window. I don't think that Asher or Alex saw since neither of them said anything.

We said our usual after school goodbyes and I walked up to my door and started to open it. Before I could even fully turn the knob, Matt forcefully opened the door and practically shoved me inside.

"Mattie, what are you doing home so early, I thought that you had football practice today?" I could see his "I have an idea" smile forming on his face. "What's your idea" I let out a dramatic sigh as I put my keys on the key rack that was next to the door.

"So you know how Rowan's birthday is coming up?"

"Um, yeah?" He started to talk with his hands which told me that he was about to tell me something I probably wouldn't like.

"Well I was thinking that we could have a party for him at our house!" At this point, I was super confused. Matt and Rowan usually just sat around and played video games while eating pizza on Rowan's birthday. I don't know why, but Rowan just doesn't like his birthday all too much.

"First of all, you guys never do anything for his birthday so why now? Second of all, why at our house? And third of all, why would Mom and Dad let you throw a party? Speaking of, where is Mom?" I started to turn my head trying to see if I could spot Mom in the kitchen.

"Well, to answer your first question...I wanted to do something for his birthday this year since he's turning the big 18. To answer your second and third question, it's going to be a surprise party and that will be easier if we do it here, and Mom and Dad will be stuck at the hospital and won't be home until after the party will already be over!" 

"Ok...but where is Mom and Dad? Mom texted me."

"See, here's the thing...Mom was home when you got that text, but I sent it from her phone." I roll my eyes as I agree to the party. Matt gave me a cheery smile as he walked over to get his phone.

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