Chapter 11

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It had been only a couple days since the dance, and I had been avoiding anywhere that Liam and Veronica would be. I told Asher and Alex about what happened at the dance but I decided to not tell them about Rowan and I going to the diner. I knew that they would want to ask me questions that I didn't really want to answer. After Asher dropped me off at my house after school, I saw Rowan's car parked in the driveway. I wasn't surprised since he is at my house constantly, but I was surprised when I remembered that Matt wasn't even home. He had told me yesterday that he was going to be out with Claire so he wouldn't be home until later at night. I walked in to see Rowan sitting at the kitchen counter. 

"Hey, Harp" Rowan and Matt pretty much told each other everything. I would have thought that Rowan would know about Matt and Claire's date today.

"Matt's not here. He's on a date with Claire." He stool he was sitting on, and walked up to me.

"I know. I um- I actually came here to talk to you." He had a small sense of desperation in the corner of his eyes as he looked at me. 

"What are you talking about?" I wanted to back away from him but my feet wouldn't let me for some reason.

"It's been eating at me for the past couple weeks, and I just want to tell you straight up." I started to get even more nervous then I already was, especially with what he had said at the diner a week ago. "Look, I like you. I have for a while but I guess I didn't really notice my feelings until a few weeks ago at my birthday party. I know that when we were at the diner, you said that you "can't" like me because of Matt but... just pretend that Matt's thoughts about us weren't an issue, how do you actually feel about me?" I couldn't believe what he was saying. I tried to not ever think about how I felt towards Rowan, because of Matt.

I kind of blanked out and all I could think to do is run up to my room. Once I got to my room, I closed my door and locked it. I sat on my bed and could hear Rowan's foot steps coming up the stairs and walking towards my door. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door and the foot steps stop.

"Listen Harp... you don't have to say anything. But if you decide to, and you don't feel the same way, I'll leave you alone and drop it." I wanted more time to think about it. I've always tried to avoid even thinking about my feelings for Rowan. I get up from my bed and start to walk over to open my door. Once I open my door, I see Rowan leaning and the wall next to my door, waiting for me.

"Look Rowan, for my entire life, all I've known you as is my brother's best friend. You and I both know how Matt feels about this topic, and because of that, I've been trying my best to not think about how I feel about you. I'm going to need a little bit more time to think about this." He gives me a comforting smile grazed my cheek with his thumb.

"Take all the time you need, I won't rush you." He starts to walk back down the stairs, and I start to wonder if he would tell Matt about any of this. Suddenly, Rowan stops mid-way. "Oh, and don't worry, I promise I won't tell Matt anything." I smiled and giggled under my breath, as he seemed to read my mind.

After I heard the front door close, and the sound of Rowan's car starting, I started to feel a sort of emptiness. I walked back into my room, lied on my bed, and just started to think.

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