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"why do you need to switch schools?" mom asked, furrowing her thin brows. "because david cheated on me with tracy...and did this" she sighed, pointing to the mark on her face.

"oh sweetie" she sighed, bringing in her petite daughter for a hug. "mom, david hurt me and i dont wanna see him again" alannah cried, gripping onto her mothers shirt.

"if you want to switch, that fine, but any school in mind?" she questioned, making alannah think back to kirk. "actually, yes" she nodded, remembering seeing kirk's school name on one of his shirts.

alannah shared the name of the school and her mom nodded, before standing up. "i'll give them a call...are you going to be okay?" she questioned, making the girl nod.

soon enough, alannah was alone again with her thoughts. she so badly wanted to call tracy, but she remembered what had happened. this meant alannah had lost her best friend of 12 years. fuck.

alannah decided to get up and have a shower, so that's exactly what she did. except her shower turned into a nice warm bubble bath. as soon as she got in the tub, she noticed a bruised hand print around her wrist.

after she was done in the bath, she ventured downstairs to see her mom on the phone. she wasnt sure who she was talking to, but she quieted down once alannah walked into the room.

"i gotta go" her mom spoke before setting down the phone. "who was that?" alannah questioned, sitting down beside her mom. "your dad" she spoke, making the teen roll her eyes.

"why are you still talking to him?" "he has a right to know what happened to his daughter" mom shrugged. "whatever." a couple moments later, the phone rang, making her mom raise it to her ear.

"hello?" "oh, i dont think you should be calling here anymore." "bye." "let me guess....tracy?" alannah spoke, putting her feet up on the coffee table. "mhm" her mom hummed.

"oh, by the way! the school said they'd love to have you!" mom exclaimed, smiling over at the girl. "really?" alannah questioned, slightly surprised. it's not like she had bad marks, but they werent amazing.

"mhm, if you'd like, you can start next week? just to give your face a chance to heal?" she offered, making alannah gladly nod. "thank you, i really appreciate it" she smiled, engulfing her mom in a giant hug.


one week later

"ready to get going, darling?" alannah's mom questioned, dressed up in her nurse outfit. "mhm" alannah nodded, getting up from the kitchen table. she followed her mom to the front door and slipped on her boots.

"you nervous?" her mom questioned, backing out of the driveway as alannah clutched onto her backpack. "a little" she shrugged, watching the trees pass by as she looked out the window.

nobody wanted to start at a new school, but since she knew kirk went there, she felt a little more eased. now hopefully, they'd have a few classes together.

"okay, have a great day darling!" mom smiled, as the teen stepped out of the car. "you know how to get home?" her mom confirmed, making alannah nod. she watched the roads her mom took so she'd know which way to walk back.

alannah waved to her mom one more time before walking away and entering the warm school. "front office" alannah mumbled, seeing the sign. she walked down the hallway, getting a few looks from people, but she just shook them off.

"hello dear, how can i help you?" the secretary questioned as alannah walked through the office doors. "im new" she awkwardly smiled, before walking up to the desk. 

"all right, what's your name?" "alannah hart" the girl spoke, making the elderly woman nod her head. "let me just get your schedule and i'll send you on your way" the woman smiled, getting up.

alannah waited for a couple minutes, before she came back with a piece of paper and a few textbooks. "here is your schedule, and here is your books" she smiled, setting them on the desk.

"thank you" alannah generously nodded, before tucking the books in her backpack. "where is room 204?" alannah questioned, looking at her first class. math.

"go up the stairs at the end of the hallway, and turn to your left...the room will be down that way" the woman smiled. "thanks" alannah nodded before turning around and exiting the office.

when the girl made it up the stairs, she turned to the left and started looking for room 204 - which luckily she found right away. there were a few students sitting in the classroom, but that's cause class didnt start for another five minutes.

"hey! you must be alannah?" a voice questioned, making alannah look to the front. the teacher sat there, he was probably in his mid fourties, but she couldnt really tell. 

"that's me" alannah nodded, walking over to him. "alright! let me just check my seating plan and i'll let you know where you can mr nelson by the way" he smiled, reaching into his desk drawer.

"ok, ok...looks like you'll be sitting beside james" he nodded, getting up. he walked over to a desk and set a few papers on it, so alannah followed closely behind before taking a seat.

the final bell had rang and students came filing in. one particular boy - a blonde, gave her a weird look before sitting beside her. she assumed he mustve been the so called "james."

"are you new?" he questioned, looking over at her. "yeah" she smiled, and he did too. "im james!" he introduced. "alannah" the girl responded back.

"alright class, we have a new student! in the back there is alannah, so please be friendly to her and help her with finding her classes" mr nelson spoke, making alannah blush ferociously. alannah hated when a bunch of attention was drawn to her.

mr nelson started with the lesson, and alannah followed along as best she could. "okay work on the questions" the teacher spoke, dismissing the class. "hey james? what's the answer to this one?" alannah questioned, looking over at the blonde. 

"umm, 18.5 i think?" he shrugged, looking at his own work. "mkay" alannah responded, slowly nodding. she decided not to ask james any more questions, cause she wasnt sure that he was even doing his work.

"what class do you have next?" james questioned, snapping alannah out of her working daze. "um, gym with mr martin" she spoke, showing him her schedule.

"oh man, i hate him! my friend's in that class though" he spoke, handing the paper back to her. "what's your friends name?" she questioned, hoping he somehow knew kirk.

"lars" he smiled, making alannah stop and roll her eyes. "what's he look like?" alannah questioned, pretending she didnt already know him. "short, danish dude" james shrugged, making alannah laugh a little.

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