twenty seven

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"so, how's it been without kirk?" allie questioned, holding her stuffed teddy bear in her lap. "kinda weird...i'm not used to being apart from him for long" alannah shrugged, playing with the sleeves of her hoodie.

"i get feels weird" allie agreed, sending a small smile to alannah. "yeah, i'm glad you get it" alannah nodded, returning the smile. "mhm." "are you worried about cliff being with anyone else?" alannah questioned, cursing at herself for asking that question. "no, not really. are you worried about kirk?"

"a little, to be honest" alannah shrugged, letting out a big sigh. "i can assure you everything's gonna be fine" allie smiled, patting alannah's leg a few times. alannah wanted to believe allie, but she just couldn't. her stomach had a dropped feeling the whole time, she left like something bad was gonna happen.

"what's raina doing now?" alannah questioned, looking at the clock in the corner of the room. "she had to babysit her brother" allie mentioned. " got any alcohol?" alannah questioned. "yeah, im sure there's a few beers in the fridge" allie smiled, getting up while alannah followed.

alannah didnt drink very often, but tonight she wanted to forget about kirk, and let the alcohol ease her worries. as they retrieved a six pack of beers, they returned to allies room and put on a movie. gentlemen prefer blondes, to be specific.

after a while, the phone started ringing, so allie picked it up right away. the smile on her face widened, so alannah quickly guessed that it was cliff. kirk had called her once so far since he had left for new york. it had been a few days, and she hadnt heard from him, so she was a little disappointed and worried.

as soon as allie got off the call, she turned to alannah and immediately apologized for ignoring her friend. "its okay" alannah laughed, throwing a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "are you sure?" allie confirmed, making alannah jokingly roll her eyes.


a new week rolled around, and alannah headed to school by herself. she parked her car, and started walking towards the school when something hit her in the head. with a thud, she fell to the ground and gripped her head. "what the" she groaned, looking around.

a guy quickly ran up to her and kneeled down by her side. "oh im so sorry, are you okay?" the guy questioned, making alannah look up and at him. woah he was pretty attractive. alannah! snap out of it, you have a boyfriend.

"uh yeah, my head hurts a bit though" alannah groaned. "what even hit me?" she questioned, looking around. "this" the boy spoke, holding up a football. oh, so he was a jock. fun. "how hard did you throw it?" alannah joked, a smile starting to occupy her face.

"pretty hard, i was trying to aim for the garbage, but you walked by at a bad time" he explained. pursing his lips. "ah" alannah nodded. "mhm...oh let me help you up" the boy spoke, holding his hand out for alannah.

"thanks" alannah smiled, getting back up on her feet again. "yeah of course...oh im devonte" he introduced. "alannah" the girl nodded back, with a small smile. "i know this might be an odd question, but do you wanna grab a bite to eat after school?" he questioned.

alannah had to look up at the guy, since he was so much taller than her. she guessed he was maybe 6'3? "oh uh i have a boyfriend" alannah awkwardly smiled. "no no, i just meant as a sorry for hitting you in the head, i could buy you food" he laughed. "oh then sure" alannah nodded.

"alright..see you after school?" devonte questioned. "yeah" alannah nodded back with a smile. alannah turned on her heels and waved at the boy before walking inside the school and heading to her first class. devonte seemed like a nice person, and it wouldnt hurt to make another friend.


school rolled around pretty quickly, and soon enough her and devonte were sitting in the booth of a diner. "so who's your boyfriend?" he questioned, dipping a fry in room temperature ketchup. "kirk hammett" she spoke. "oh he's the blonde with blue eyes thats really good at math, right?" he questioned.

"you dont know who he is, do you?" alannah laughed. "yeah, i dont" he laughed, shaking his head. "well he has long black curly hair, brown eyes, he plays guitar, and yeah" alannah shrugged, missing kirk again. "oh, so complete opposite."

"where is he then?" devonte questioned again. "in new york...recording with his band" alannah explained. "oh, thats really cool!" devonte nodded. "yeah...kinda sucks though, i really miss him" she shrugged, playing with her food.

"makes mom is always travelling with her job so most of the time its just me, my dad, and my brothers" devonte explained. "how many brothers do you have?" alannah questioned, trying to steer the conversation away from her.

"three, and im the oldest" he laughed. "damn four kids? that's a lot" alannah smiled back. " any siblings?" "just a half sister that i know of" alannah spoke, before taking a sip of her coca cola. "nice" he nodded.

"so are you graduating this year?" alannah questioned. "no, next year..and then im heading to ohio" he explained. "let me guess, football?" alannah laughed. "yeah, you got it" he laughed, with a surprised expression.

"what about you?" he questioned, staring into alannah's soul. "oh um to be honest i havent really though about that yet" alannah shrugged, removing the tomatoes from her burger. "hmm, have any interests?" he questioned again.

"i mean i love music so maybe that, but my mom is a nurse so sometimes i think about taking that path" the girl smiled. "well whatever makes you happy" he nodded.

" have a girlfriend?" alannah asked, before quickly regretting her question. she kinda sounded like a creep. "nah, im more focused on football" he laughed. "makes sense...i think career is definitely before relationships."

how could alannah say that? she easily put her and kirks relationship above her career. "shall we head out?" devonte questioned, making alannah snap out of her daze. "sure" alannah agreed, standing up.

as they exited the diner, they turned to each other one more time. "well it was really cool getting to know you!" devonte smiled. "thanks, you too!" alannah shyly smiled. "i should get home, i'll see you tomorrow" the girl spoke up, waving.

devonte sent a wave back, and soon enough alannah was in her car, on her way home.

(not gonna lie, i totally lost track of time in this story, so it should be much further than it actually is. oops)

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