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"i think i might break up with emily..any tips?" kirk questioned, his head resting on alannah's pillow. "just be honest really" alannah shrugged, her legs crossed while she faced kirk.

"yeah, that's probably a good idea" he agreed. "i'm gonna do it monday" he spoke again, sitting up. "that soon?" alannah furrowed her eyebrows. "yeah...better to get it over with" he shrugged.

"youre right" she agreed. "anyways, im exhausted, let's go to bed?" kirk asked, letting out a big yawn. alannah also started yawning too, a few seconds after him.

"yeah" alannah nodded, laying down on her bed. kirk had passed out almost right away, to which alannah debated leaving him to sleep in her bed by himself.

even though kirk and emily were in a tough spot, alannah still felt it was wrong sleeping in the same bed as someone who was in a relationship.

she laid there a couple minutes, before throwing the covers off of her and standing up. "where are you going?" kirk mumbled, barely awake. "im going to sleep in the guest room" she spoke, keeping a hushed voice.

"why?" he mumbled before quickly falling back asleep again. alannah couldnt help but giggle a little. she quickly shook it off though, and headed down the hallway to the guest bedroom.



"hi?" alannah's mom questioned, opening the front door. kirk stood there, an awkward look on his face. "uhm is alannah here?" he questioned, trying to peek behind her.

"no, im sorry, she went on a walk. is there something you needed from her?" she asked. "i just wanted to talk to her" he explained, making the woman nod along.

"of course! she left a while ago, so she should be back soon, if you wanted to wait in her room?" she smiled. "yes, please" kirk nodded. the woman stepped to the side and kirk quickly entered the house.

alannah on the other hand, was upset. she had just found out her dad was married and had a child who was her age. she was not impressed. to most people, there was nothing wrong with that..but when her parents were still together, and he cheated on her mom, she lost all the respect for him.

so, in anger when her mom told her, she stormed out of the house and went for a long walk. unfortunately though, night time was nearing, so she knew she had better get home before her mom became worried.

"im home" alannah called out, entering the front door. there was no response, so she shrugged it off and made her way upstairs to her room. when she creaked open the door, kirk laid there, sleeping.

"kirk?" alannah questioned, closing the door behind her. "hm" he hummed, stirring a bit before slowly cracking open his eyes. "what are you doing here?" she questioned, taking off her runners.

"i came to tell- were you crying?" he asked, sitting up. "yes i was, now what were you gonna say?" "i broke up with emily" he spoke, not making eye contact.

"how'd she take it?" "not very good" he shook his head. "but enough about me, why were you crying?" he questioned. alannah only just shook her head and practically ran into kirk's arms.

"dont cry, youre too beautiful to cry" he cooed, stroking alannah's hair. "kirk, i-i think i love you" alannah spoke, making kirk's body tense up right away. "uh" "im so sorry! it just slippe-" "i gotta get home" he spoke, quickly standing up.

soon enough, he was no longer in the room. it was just alannah, alone, with her thoughts.

"mom?" alannah questioned, knocking on her moms bedroom door. "yes?" she called from the other side, making alannah open the door and crawl in her bed. "i made a mistake" alannah sighed, fiddling with her fingers.

"how so?" "that boy that was here, i accidentally told him i loved him" she spoke, nearing tears but trying not to let them drop. "and what's wrong with that?" her mom questioned, setting down the romance novel she was reading.

"ive barely known him, and he just broke up with his girlfriend" alannah spoke. "i see...well do you love him?" she asked, leaning forward. "i think so" alannah nodded, making her mom smile.

"if you love him, then you didnt make a mistake by saying that...obviously the timing might have not been the best, but you shared your feelings, and that's very important" her mom explained.

"but he got up and left right away!" alannah sniffled. "honey, those three words are a lot to take in...you just need to explain that, that is how you feel about him" she smiled, engulfing her daughter in a much needed hug.

"so, tell me about this boy" her mom smirked, crossing her arms. "well..."

alannah explained how she met kirk, to which her mom gave her a "really?" look. she also told her about emily and how she felt, and pretty much everything in the book.

"my dear, it sounds like you are head over heels for him" the woman laughed. "yeah, i got that" alannah scoffed, jokingly rolling her eyes. "well, it's late, so you should head to bed" mom spoke, checking the time.

"yeah, goodnight" alannah smiled before exiting her moms room, and entering her own.


at school the next day, kirk didnt even acknowledge alannah, or look her way. she knew she could still sit with the boys at lunch, but with all the kirk drama, she decided to join raina and allie.

"hey guys" alannah spoke, sitting down beside them in the gym. "you decided to sit with us!" allie mentioned, making alannah smile and nod. "whats the occasion?" "kirk's ignoring me" alannah sighed.

"awe, why?" raina questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "i said something to him i shouldnt have" she shrugged. "i'm sure it couldnt have been that bad!" raina shrugs. "it was" alannah sighed, biting her lip.

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