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"how much longer do we have to walk" alannah moaned, following lars. "not much longer" he shrugged, picking up a twig before breaking it in half. "you said that what felt like an hour ago!" alannah complained, rolling her eyes.

currently it was after school on a thursday, and lars was dragging her to a cafe he liked to go to. but they had been walking for a while, and all alannah wanted to do was go home and pass out.

"its right here" lars spoke, abruptly stopping, causing alannah to crash into his back. "asshole" she grumbled, following him into the cafe that smelt like freshly baked pastries.

"what are you getting?" lars questioned, looking at all the treats. "pick for something for me and lets tired" the girl sighed, sitting down at one of the small tables fitted for two people.

"you wanna go to a party on saturday?" lars spoke, sitting down in the chair across from alannah with some baked goodies. "uh sure, who's hosting it?" alannah questioned.

"james friend, dont know him" he shrugged, grossly munching away at his food. "right..sure" the girl shrugged, making lars' eyes light up. "yes! cliff and kirk will be there too" he mentioned.

"let me guess, emily's gonna be with kirk?" "mhm, and same with james and cliff's girlfriends" he nodded. "so you're the only single one?" alannah smirked, holding in a laugh.

"im single...youre single" he smirked, making her jaw drop. "are you hinting to what im thinking?" she questioned, squinting her eyes. he only just barely shrugged, making alannah roll her eyes for the millionth time today.

"okay fine, maybe...i admit" he shrugged. "well im not sure about you but im kind of enjoying the single life" alannah smiled. her smile didnt last very long though as two people she never wanted to see again entered the cafe.

"lars, we need to go" alannah spoke, making him look up with furrowed eyebrows. "why?" "no asking questions, lets go" she spoke, viciously pulling lars up before dragging him out the door.

"wow girl, youve got a grip" he spoke, shaking his arm loose from her tight grip. "sorry, wanna come back to my place?" she questioned, feeling kind of bad. "okay" he smirked, throwing his arm around the girls shoulder.



the party had rolled around, and lars and alannah were walking up the front steps to james' friends house. lars opened the door and loud metal music took over alannah's hearing. she didnt mind it though, she liked rock and metal.

"james!" lars called out, noticing james and his girlfriend conversing in the kitchen. "hey" james nodded, noticing alannah behind the short danish drummer. "alannah, meet my girlfriend, raina..." james spoke, making raina perk up a little.

alannah thought raina was absolutely beautiful...she was tall, had long shiny hair, and her eyes sparkled. "im alannah" the girl spoke, holding out her right hand though.

alannah was taken by surprise as raina engulfed her in a sweet hug. "ive heard a lot about you" raina smiled, making alannah break out in a smile too. "james...youve been keeping this gem hidden away from me? how dare you" alannah spoke, eyeing the tall blonde.

"cmon, i'll introduce you to cliff's girl" raina spoke, dragging me away from the guys. "why havent i seen you at school at all?" alannah questioned, walking beside raina as they entered the backyard.

"we have our separate friend groups, but i do hope you'll consider joining us girls...those boys are crazy" she smiled, bringing alannah over to cliff and a mystery girl.

"hey guys! james and lars are in the kitchen by the way...and we're stealing allie" raina spoke, making cliff smile at alannah. "go ahead, i need another beer anyways" cliff waved before leaving the three girls alone.

"allie, this is alannah...and alannah, this is allie" raina introduced, making the girls send a small smile to each other. "it's nice to meet you!" alannah waved. allie returned the gesture, and soon enough the three had broken out into conversation.

from what alannah could see, she could tell allie was a lot more shy. her and cliff's personalities were quite the same. raina's personality also fit james, but she was a lot more polite and graceful.

"hey girlies!" a voice spoke, making all three girls roll their eyes. "hey emily" raina politely smiled, before turning away and wiping the smile off her face. "alannah! im surprised to see you here" emily spoke, making alannah furrow her eyebrows. okay...

"hey emily, could you do us a favour?" raina questioned. "sure." "could you grab all of us some drinks?" raina smiled. "i guess" emily shrugged before walking in the opposite direction, back in to the house.

"you guys arent a fan of her either?" alannah laughed. "nope, never have been" allie spoke, making raina nod her head, agreeing. "honestly, i think you'd be a much better fit with kirk than her" raina smiled.

"oh i dont-" "here!" emily spoke, handing the girls their drinks. "thanks" they all collectively nodded. "have any of you seen dave?" emily asked, making everyone shake their heads.

alannah still had no clue who or what this "dave" looked like. "he's probably hooking up with someone" allie shrugged. "true" raina agreed.

"there you guys are" lars spoke, walking over the group of girls. the rest of the boys followed and soon enough there was eight of them, just standing in a circle, socializing.

as night rolled around, they sat on the grass of dave's backyard. alannah had finally met him, and he was pretty similar to the boys she was friends with. allie had been right though, he was hooking up with someone earlier.

"you guys wanna leave?" james questioned, making everyone collectively nod their heads. "we can go back to mine!" lars suggested, but was quickly shot down.

"why dont we go to alannah's?" raina questioned, looking over at the brunette. "my moms home, but sure, i guess" alannah shrugged, with a smile on her face.

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