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this time, it wasnt just boys in the cafeteria and girls in the gym. all of them sat together in the cafeteria. "can i just say that i had the best sex of my life on saturday" cliff spoke, making allie violently blush.

"what? we did too!" james laughed, making raina roll her eyes at her boyfriends behaviour. "yeah jennifer and i kinda got it on too" lars innocently shrugged. alannah's eyebrow arched high into the air as she looked between lars and jennifer.

"okay, so what about you two?" raina spoke, making alannah's breath hitch in her throat. "yeah, we also did" kirk quietly spoke, making allie and raina squeal. "you two finally did it?" lars spoke, his jaw dropped.

"what do you mean finally?" alannah spoke, her eyebrows furrowed. "i mean all of us knew it was gonna happen eventually" lars shrugged. alannah just hid her face in embarrassment.

it hadn't even been two days and now everyone knew that she had just had sex!

kirk and alannah sat in english class, bored as ever. they had already been dismissed to do work, but they were just talking and not caring about the project due on thursday.

"i guess lars and jennifer are gonna become the new thing" kirk laughed. "first he tries with me, then he tries with my sister" alannah giggled, a little too loud, causing a few people to look back at them.

"kirk and alannah? is there something you'd like to say?" mrs henderson spoke, arching her eyebrow. "no, were fine" alannah smiled. "maybe you two would like to present first on thursday?" she smirked, making alannah's eyes widen.

"my house after school?" kirk asked, making alannah nod with a smile. the two continued talking, instead worrying about working on the presentation at home.

everytime alannah looked at kirk, she saw someone she could trust and someone she loved a she was hoping kirk might ask her out soon, but of course she wasn't pressuring him.

the school day ended and kirk and alannah walked out of the school, side by side. "oh yeah, and my mom got back from the philippines so sorry if she bombards you with questions" kirk blushed.

"its okay" she smiled, as they crossed the street from the school. alannah was a little nervous to meet kirk's mom honestly...she was scared that she would hate her. then her chances with kirk would definitely be ruined.

they walked through the front door of kirk's house to be invaded by a woman. "kirk!" she smiled as she neared her son. her smile remained on her face, but her head titled slightly, curious as to who the girl kirk had was.

"you must be alannah! kirk talks so much about you!" she smiled, engulfing the teen girl in a hug. "oh, he does?" alannah questioned, smirking over at kirk. "mhm, the boy is head over heels for you!" she smiled.

"mom!" kirk interrupted, pulling alannah away. "what?" she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "nevermind...were going upstairs" kirk spoke, grabbing alannah's hand.

"im chefela, kirk's mom! you're welcome to stay for dinner if you'd like" she smiled. "i might have to take up that offer" alannah sweetly smiled before she followed kirk upstairs.

"your mom is very nice" alannah giggled, nodding in approval. "well she also likes to tell other peoples secrets" kirk sarcastically smiled before climbing into his bed.

"but now i know you think sweetly of me" alannah cooed, making kirk jokingly roll his eyes. "lets get started on this project" he groaned, pulling out a piece of paper from his backpack.

"what do we gotta do?" alannah questioned, laying on her stomach. "we gotta make a romeo and juliet skit but instead of all that 1300 stuff, we gotta make it as if the script was made now" kirk shrugged.

"1300s? kirk! romeo and juliet is from the 1500s" alannah giggled, reading over the project sheet. "so basically instead of saying 'romeo, romeo, where art thou romeo', we should be saying 'romeo, you wanna go have sex?'" kirk questioned.

alannah couldnt hold in the laughter and fell off of kirk's bed in the process. "i think we'll fail if we say that" she giggled, regrouping herself. "but isnt that what people are like nowadays?" he questioned.

"i mean no, love still exists-" "-in the form of sex" kirk interrupts, making alannah shake her head. "no, not in the form of sex" she smiled. "well we definitely have to be like 'you wanna go to a party'" kirk spoke.

"see? that's more like it" she smiled, happy kirk was actually getting it. "let me guess...english isnt your strong suit?" alannah questioned, making kirk quickly shake his head.

alannah and kirk had said their goodbyes, and she was on her way home. when she opened the door her mouth watered at the smell of homemade meatloaf.

"hey ma" alannah spoke, dropping her backpack on the kitchen floor. "hey hon! where were you?" she asked, as jennifer sat at the table too. "kirk's...we had to work on a project" alannah shrugged, filling up a glass of water.

"what's the project about?" jennifer questioned, raising her eyebrows. "um youre in that class too" alannah laughed, sitting at the table. jennifer only just looked away in embarrassment.

"well thats nice to see youre focusing on school" molly smiled in approval. "what else am i supposed to be focusing on?" alannah furrowed her eyebrows. "boys?" jennifer snapped. "yeah, what she said" molly agreed.

"well i dont have any boys to focus on, so" alannah shrugged. "oh also! i met kirk's mom" alannah spoke, trying to change the subject. "oh, you did?" molly questioned, making her daughter nod.

"she was sweet...i think you two would get along" alannah nodded. "thats wonderful" molly smiled. "oh yeah, how did your date on saturday go? i forgot to ask" alannah questioned, taking a sip of water.

"um i would say it went pretty well...he said he'd like to see me again" molly smiled, making her daughters smile widen. "thats so amazing!" alannah squealed, getting up to hug molly.

"that's so cute, it's making me feel single" jennifer spoke. "didnt you like sleep with lars on saturday?" alannah questioned. "didnt you sleep with kirk on saturday?" she mocked as she stood up and stormed out of the room.

"you slept with kirk?" molly asked, her jaw dropped. "yeah so what? what about jennifer?" alannah shrugged. "what about jennifer? she's not my responsibility, unlike you...and i don't want grandbabies crawling around" molly spoke, a strict look on her face.

"we were safe about it!" alannah defended. but now when she thought back to it, she wasnt sure if there was a condom involved. "you better be telling the truth" molly warned, before getting up out of hear chair.

"i am! i swear!" alannah promised. "mkay" molly shrugged, facing away from her. "night, mom" alannah spoke, picking up her backpack. "night hon" molly smiled to her daughter.

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