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"hold still" alannah fussed, straddling kirk while she plucked his eyebrows. "they were starting to look like caterpillars" as she quotes. kirk finally stopped jumping every time she plucked a hair, and soon enough she was done.

"you look much better" alannah joked, squinting her eyes to see the finished piece better. "youre an asshole" kirk laughed, flicking her forehead. "says you! that hurt" she whined, grabbing his wrist before he did it again.

"guess what?" kirk suddenly spoke, making the girl raise her eyebrows, "what?" "guess who has a gig this weekend?" he smirked. "metallica? you guys have a gig!" she squealed, hugging her boyfriend super tight.

" better be there" he threatened as she let go. "didnt i already promise you i'd be at all of your shows?" she questioned, with a titled smile. "i believe you did" he nodded, planting a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"dinners ready- oh alannah, i didnt know you were here" chefela sweetly smiled, peering in kirk's room. "we'll be there in a sec, mom" kirk smiled. "okay, but please no grandbabies yet" she spoke before backing out of the room.

alannah and kirk shared a smirk with both their eyebrows raised. "my mom said the same thing" alannah laughed, climbing off of kirk. "really? do they think we're sex freaks or something?" kirk chuckled, opening his bedroom door.

"i guess so" alannah nodded.

alannah finished up dinner with the hammett's before getting her schoolwork together. "need me to walk you home?" kirk questioned, following alannah downstairs. "actually no, my moms picking me up" she smiled.

kirk sent her a smile back, and their moment was interrupted by a car horn. "thats my mom" alannah smiled, opening the front door. kirk walked down the path with her to molly's car.

"hi molly" kirk smiled, opening the door for alannah. "hi kirk, how are you doing?" molly smiled, her heart melting at the sweet gesture from her daughters boyfriend. "im fine, are are you?" he returned.

"im doing pretty good" molly nodded. alannah climbed into the car and kirk shut the door behind her. "whens the gig?" alannah questioned, turning to face kirk. "friday at 8, we can pick you up" he nodded. "alright" alannah smiled.

soon enough, kirk was in the distance as alannah looked in the rear view mirror. "gig?" molly questioned, both hands gripped on the steering wheel. "yeah, kirks band" alannah nodded.

"kirks in a band?" "you didnt know that?" alannah laughed, a surprised look on her face. "i mean neither of you ever mentioned it" she shrugged. "oh, i thought you knew."


alannah sat on her bed, lacing up her boots as she heard a car horn. "that must be them" she thought as she draped her purse over her shoulder. "i'll be back sometime!" alannah shouted, racing down the stairs.

"you better!" molly replied from the living room, making her daughter crack a smile. without another word, she left the house and walked towards james' beaten up white van. a kidnappers van basically.

"hey guys" alannah smiled, hopping the front back, beside raina - who she was surprised to see there. "hey" they all responded as james began driving off. "i didnt know you'd be here" alannah spoke up.

"had to support the boyfriend" she laughed. "same" alannah agreed, sending her a smile. the two made small talk while waiting for the ride to be over. "guess what?" raina smiled, making alannah's eyebrow raise.

"hm?" "i have my first ultrasound on wednesday!" she exclaimed. "really?" alannah asked, her smile growing wider. "yep!" she nodded. "did you tell your parents yet?" alannah asked.

"uh no....not yet" raina sighed, looking down and fumbling with her fingers. "hey, im sure everythings gonna be fine" alannah shrugged, rubbing circles on the blondes back. "i hope so."

not much longer later, they arrived at the club metallica was playing at. when alannah got out of the van, she could finally go over to kirk, who she hadnt said hi to yet.

"kirk" alannah spoke, making him look back with a smile on his face. "hey!" he smiled, kissing her cheek quickly. "you nervous?" alannah questioned, as they walked into the club side by side.

"a little honestly" he shrugged, lacing his free hand with hers. "you guys are gonna be so amazing!" alannah promised. "thank you" he chuckled.

raina and alannah decided to stay in the main area, instead of going into the dressing rooms with the guys. plus, there was another band performing at the moment, so they wanted to watch.

they slowly but surely, slithered their way up to the front of the stage. it wasnt completely packed, but there was still a fair amount of people here. "im so excited to watch them perform" raina sighed, a smile on her face.

alanna couldnt help but nod in agreement. all four of those boys had been working so hard to get here...just wait till they really popped off.

soon enough, the boys walked out on stage. raina and alannah shared a look before looking back up. james started yelling into the mic, and soon enough they started with seek and destroy.

"what did we think of that, ladies?" james questioned, emerging from backstage. "you guys did so good!" raina exclaimed. alannah nodded in agreement with a huge smile on her face as she waited for her boyfriend.

seconds later, kirk walked over to her, covered in sweat. he tried to go in for a hug, but alannah was quick to dodge it. "Im not giving you a hug until you shower" she giggled, shaking her head.

when lars and cliff were ready to go, the group walked out of the club and to the van. kirk put his guitar in the back before backing up. "are you not coming with?" cliff questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"uh alannah and i have our own way home" kirk spoke. "we do?" alannah questioned, cocking an eyebrow. "mhm" he smiled. "okay, if you say so" lars shrugged before stealing shotgun.

alannah sent a quick smile to raina before kirk began pulling her away. "kirk, where are we going?" the girl questioned, ever so curious. "its a surprise" he smirked.

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