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saturday rolled around, and both kirk and alannah were at the arcade. they were currently sitting at one of the racing games. "im gonna beat your ass" alannah smirked, cracking her knuckles.

"nope, im gonna destroy you" kirk smirked back. "3, 2, 1" the game counted down before their hands firmly gripped the steering wheel. alannah quickly took the lead, but kirk didnt take very long to catch up.

"kirk!" alannah whined, taking a sharp turn. "alannah!" he mocked, speeding past her. alannah did her best to catch up, but lost in the end.

"hah, im better than you" kirk laughed, sticking his tongue out. "shut up or i'll cut your tongue off" she scowled. kirk's tongue returned to the inside of his mouth as alannah's mouth curved up into a smile.

"want a slushie?" kirk offered, getting up. "yes!" she agreed, following his lead. they walked to the counter and leaned against it as the worker took their orders.

"been a while bestie" a voice spoke as it snaked around alannah's shoulder. "were not friends" alannah rolled her eyes. "mhm...oh who's this?" the girl smirked, noticing kirk standing there.

"tracy, leave me alone" alannah spoke, shaking her arm off before facing her. "just trying to catch up...but i guess you dont want to" tracy smirked, blowing a bubble before it dissapeared with a loud pop.

without another word, tracy was gone and alannah retrieved her slushie. kirk just stood there with his mouth around his straw and one eyebrow raised. "what?" alannah questioned.

"nothing" he laughed, shaking his head. "lets go play some more games" kirk suggested, holding out his hand. alannah nodded and grasped his hand as they walked to a pinball machine.

after they ran out of games to play, they made their way out of the building. alannah's eyes lit up as she spotted a different building. "kirk!" alannah whispered, lightly hitting his right arm.

"hmm?" he hummed, looking at her. alannah's arm raised up and pointed to the building across from them. "roller skating?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "mhm, lets go" she smirked.

they got inside the place and laced up their skates. "ive never actually done this before" alannah admitted, looking wearily at the rink. "you havent?" kirk questioned, his eyebrows raised in amazement.

"no..." she smiled. "im definitely gonna fall" she giggled. "i'll catch you" kirk laughed, holding out his hand for her. he helped her up and they quickly got inside the rink.

"holy shit this is hard" alannah laughed, trying to keep her balance. "you'll get the hang of it" he promised, never letting go of her hand. they started off slow, but their pace quickened as more time went by.

"youre getting the hang of it!" kirk yelled, over the loud synth pop music. "this is fun" alannah giggled, a huge smile on her face as she was able to let go of kirk's hand.

as alannah sped ahead a little, kirk couldnt hold back a smile. alannah's smile was so cute, and he knew he had fallen for her...and he knew he needed to ask her out soon. real soon.

"ouch!" a child cried out, making kirks eyes redirect to a small child laying on the wood floor. alannah was long gone, so he skated over to the child and leaned down.

"hey, you okay?" he questioned, making the child look up. " butt hurts a little" the girl admitted, making kirk laugh a little. "wheres your parents?" kirk questioned, looking around.

"they're sitting on the side" the girl spoke, pointing to a man and a woman sitting at a table, deep in conversation. "ah, you wanna skate with my friend and i?" kirk questioned, feeling bad that the girl had to skate all alone.

"sure!" she agreed, so kirk helped her up. at the time, alannah had just done a lap and skated back to kirk. "hey, whos this?" she questioned, looking at the little girl. she had to of been around seven.

"im claire!" she introduced, a big smile on her tiny face. "nice to meet alannah and that's kirk" alannah spoke, pointing to the curly haired boy. "i invited claire here to skate with us" kirk smiled.

"sure!" alannah agreed. alannah took her right hand and kirk took her left hand as they began skating around the rink. the infectious smile on claires face, made the two teenagers smile.

claire really looked like she was having the time of her life, and her parents didnt look very interested in this place. her parents hadnt even noticed that their daughter was skating around with two complete strangers.

"are you two dating?" claire spoke, out of the blue. "oh, uh no" alannah spoke, looking up at kirk for a second. "hmm, you two would be really cute together" claire spoke, making alannah blush.

good thing the lights in the place were going crazy, or kirk wouldve been able to see the vibrant blush on alannah's cheeks. "uhm im gonna go buy some guys want some?" alannah spoke.

"sure!" claire agreed. i mean of course...what child would say no to candy. alannah excused herself and exited the rink. kirk meanwhile, stayed with claire and they resumed skating.

"why havent you asked her out yet?" claire questioned, looking up at the boy. "im working on it" he sheepishly smiled. "you better soon...she's really pretty and somebody else might want her" claire shrugged.

hold up...does this kid know something kirk doesnt?

kirk shook it off and nodded. "so? what do you have to say for yourself?" claire sassed, making kirk look at her with raised eyebrows. "i havent found the chance" he shrugged. "what do you mean? look where you are! theres couples everywhere" she explained.

kirk was in surprise of how smart this kid was. but in a way...she was right. without another word, alannah returned back to her spot. "did you get candy?" claire questioned, looking up at her.

"yeah...dont let your parents see this" alannah smiled, handing the girl a small bag of gummies. "thank you!" she smiled, letting go of kirk's hand to hug alannah. "no problem."

y'all are gonna love the next chapter !!

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