twenty one

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"wake up alannah! you cant sleep all day" an annoyed voice sighed, as the curtains opened and sun invaded the room. "its too bright" alannah moaned, hiding her face under the blanket.

"alannah" molly warned, tugging the blanket off of her. "im up!" alannah groaned, cracking her eyes open. when she could see, her mom stood there with a huge smile on her face.

"do i look bad or something?" alannah questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "happy birthday!" molly smirked. alannah's eyes went wide. how could she forget it was her own birthday!

"thanks...uh wheres kirk?" alannah questioned. "he's downstairs" molly spoke. "right" alannah nodded, getting out of the bed. " feel any older?" molly questioned. "nope, i still feel ten" alannah shrugged with a giggle.

molly and alannah both went downstairs together. "morning, lana" kirk smiled, making breakfast. "morning" alannah smiled, before furrowing her eyebrows.

"making breakfast, huh?" she smirked, walking over to him. "well its a very special day for a very special lady" kirk smiled. "so im the only one that forgot my birthday?" alannah questioned.

"pretty much" kirk cheekily smiled. "anyways, happy birthday...and you and i got a lot of things to do today" he spoke, taking the bacon off of the stove. "oh really?" alannah smiled, cocking her eyebrow.

"yes maam, now sit" he instructed. alannah nodded and sat down at the table. he served her and she sent a thankful smile to him. "so, what are we doing today?" the girl questioned, curious.

"that's for me to know and you to find out" he smirked, sitting across from her. molly reappeared in the kitchen and sent a look to kirk before looking at her daughter. "after breakfast, i have a present for you" molly smiled.

"oh okay" alannah smiled, inhaling a piece of bacon. "wheres jennifer?" alannah questioned. "shes out with her friends...are you warming up to her?" molly smirked, making her daughter scoff.

"its just quiet...usually she's here, flirting with my boyfriend" alannah sarcastically smiled. "alannah" molly warned, giving her a strict look. "just being honest" alannah shrugged.

"all right, you ready?" kirk questioned, holding alannah's hands. "no, im scared...and blind" alannah spoke, making kirk chuckle a little. "youre fine, i got you" kirk spoke, leading alannah down the front steps.

"okay, stop" kirk commanded. alannah planted her feet and waited for the moment she could take off the blindfold. "mkay, take it off" molly spoke, waiting for alannah to see her present.

alannah took the blindfold off and her jaw dropped open. "is this mine?" she smiled, walking over to the new car her mom had gotten. "of course it is!" she smiled, walking over to the teens.

alannah ran her fingers on the car and she couldnt contain her excitement. "heres the keys" kirk spoke, placing them in alannah's hand. "thank you so much!" she squealed, hugging her mom as tight as she could.

"youre welcome darling..." molly sighed. alannah turned to her boyfriend and sent him a smile. "you should also thank kirk...there's something in the glovebox for you" molly smiled.

alannah raised her left eyebrow before unlocking the car door. alannah pulled open the glovebox and pulled out a few cassettes of her favourite albums.

like dark side of the moon, toys in the attic, machine head, and a few more. "awe kirk, thank you!" alannah smiled, engulfing her dearing boyfriend in a hug. "no problem! but i have something else for you" kirk spoke.

"you do?" alannah spoke, unwrapping her arms from his body. "yeah, but you'll get it tonight" he smiled. alannah couldnt help but let a smirk show through. "you two will not be having sex in my house tonight" molly spoke.

"i-i wasnt talking about that" kirk stuttered, mumbling. "mom" alannah groaned, scrunching up her face. "whatever...go have fun, and take your has a full tank" molly smiled before excusing herself and going back in the house.

"uh i should get changed" alannah giggled, looking down at her pyjamas. "yeah, lets go" kirk laughed, holding out his hand for the girl. she gladly took it, and they made their way up to alannah's room.

once they were changed and ready, they went out front to alannah's new car. "would you like to drive?" alannah offered, holding out the keys. "sure" kirk agreed, taking the keys in his hands.

they both entered the car, and kirk started it up. "where are we going?" alannah questioned, rolling down the window. "the mall" kirk laughed, giving in. he knew alannah would keep asking where they were going if he didnt tell her.

"whats at the mall?" she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "whats not at the mall?" "fair enough" she laughed, putting on her seatbelt. a few seconds later, they were driving down the road.

"how did you know it was my birthday? i dont think i ever told you" she spoke, making kirk look over quickly. "your mom told me" he admitted with a laugh.

the couple later arrived at the mall and went straight for the ice cream shop. alannah reached in her pocket for some money, but kirk had already paid. "kirk! i couldve paid" alannah whined, as they started walking around the mall.

"but its your birthday, and that means im spoiling you" he smirked. "fine" she huffed, rolling her eyes. "lets go in here" kirk spoke, pulling her into a clothing store.

"kirk, everythings pink..." alannah spoke, raising her eyebrows. "just grab something" he shrugged, looking through the discount racks. "anything?" "anything."

alannah was confused, so she grabbed the nearest shirt. "cmon" kirk spoke, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the back of the store. alannah's brain clicked, and she let out a low chuckle once she realized what his idea was.

"hi, she'd like to try this shirt on" kirk spoke to the worker. "mkay" the woman sighed, before pointing to the dressing room. alannah walked in first and kirk followed suit.

"excuse me sir, but you can't go in there" she spoke, making alannah turn around quickly. "he's my service dog" alannah spat out. "uh" the worker spoke with wide eyes.

they took this moment to lock themselves in the room. "service dog? really?" kirk laughed, showing off his cute smile. "shut come here."

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