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kirk had invited alannah to the boys' band practice, so here she was, sitting on a couch and watching them practice. "lars you're out of time...again" james spoke, turning to look at him.

"try being a drummer" he mumbled, before banging on the drums again. "good enough?" he questioned, looking at james with raised eyebrows.

james only just turned around with an eye roll before restarting the song.

alannah wasnt the only one watching...emily was there too, unfortunately. but emily didnt need to know what alannah thought of her, yet.

"so..what did we think of that ladies?" james questioned, speaking through the mic after they had finished the song. "it was so good!" emily responded, making alannah roll her eyes.

"honestly...i think it could be a little faster" alannah shrugged. "really?" kirk questioned. "i think that is a great idea! lars can ya keep up?" james questioned, making everyone in the room laugh - except for emily.

once the boys finished up practice, they all sat in the living room of lars' house. that's where they practiced, since it was a hassle to bring his drum kit everywhere.

"should we order pizza?" kirk questioned, his arm around emily. "fuck yeah, im hungry" james agreed, and so did everyone else. lars got up and grabbed the phone before dialling the number of the nearest pizza place.

"i hate to be that kind of person, but i should get home" alannah spoke, standing up. she felt kind of awkward here, and plus she was tired, and wanted to go home.

"i can walk you home! it's late" kirk spoke, going to stand up. alannah read emily's face and immediately turned down his offer. "i'll be fine...thanks for the offer though" she smiled, before waving to them and walking to the front door.

alannah didnt want to intrude on kirk's relationship....after all, he had known emily much longer than he knew alannah. and she already figured out that emily was a very jealous personality.

lars' house was a semi far walk, and it was a little cool out. "wait up!" a voice called out, making alannah roll her eyes. does that boy not listen?

"kirk, what are you doing here?" alannah asked, turning to face him. "im just making sure you get home safe" he smiled, before continuing to walk. "what about emily?" "what about her? she's the one who told me to go" he shrugged.

"right" alannah nodded, shaking it off. emily told him to go after her? yeah right. "what are you doing tomorrow?" kirk questioned as they walked down the abandoned street.

"uhm i have some homework to catch up on, why?" she asked. "just wanted to see if maybe you wanted to go see a movie" he shrugged, kicking a small pebble on the road.

her mind immediately floated back to emily, and she sighed out. "i have a lot of homework to do, so i dont think i'll be able to, im sorry. raincheck?" "sure, sure" he smiled, nodding his head.

alannah felt kinda bad. after all, kirk was just trying to be nice - which she most definitely appreciated.

"well, this is my stop" alannah spoke, stopping in front of her tan house. "oh, okay! see you at school monday?" "of course" alannah smiled before walking up the front steps to her house.

she waved to kirk one more time before entering the house and shutting the door behind her. "where did you go?" mom asked, walking over to alannah.

alannah immediately cringed. "did i forget to tell you?" "mhm." "sorry, i was at lars' house, watching the boys practice" alannah explained, making her mom smile.

"stop smiling! i dont like them" alannah spoke, immediately knowing what her mom was going to say. "if you say so" she smirked, putting her arms up in defense.

"now if you excuse me, i have tons of homework to do."


two weeks later

"i brought donuts!" alannah spoke, entering the basement of lars' house. "thanks alannah!" james spoke, taking the whole box from her before sitting down on the couch. "hey, we're here too!" kirk laughed, trying to take the box from james.

"did you bring beer too?" cliff questioned, his bass sitting on his lap. "no, sorry" alannah apologized, before stealing kirk's ball cap off his head, and putting it on her own.

"hey! im having a bad hair day" he frowned, making the girl laugh. "youre always having a bad hair day" lars cut in. "he's right" alannah agreed, sitting on the couch beside james.

"i thought you were my best friend, alannah" kirk scowled, making alannah raise her eyebrows. "i didnt even know we were friends in the first place" she joked.

they all settled down on the couches and started up a movie. there was no more room on the couch, so kirk sat on the floor, in front of alannah. the whole time they watched the movie, alannah was running her hands through his wild curly hair.

that was until emily came bursting into the room, making alannah quickly pull back her hands. "hey guys!" emily waved, setting down her several shopping bags.

"i didnt know you were coming by" lars spoke, getting up to pause the movie. "i came to pick up kirk" she smiled, looking over at alannah and kirk before her smile faded.

"where are we going?" kirk asked, furrowing his eyebrows. he hadnt heard about going anywhere with her. "its a secret" she smirked, winking.

"uh ill catch you guys on monday" kirk spoke, getting up from his spot on the floor. alannah could practically hear everyone in the room roll their eyes at kirk's gesture.

and before anyone knew it, kirk was gone. "fuckers gonna choose sex over friends" james sighed, stuffing his face with the donuts alannah had gotten earlier. let's just say, he wasnt sharing any of them.

"you look mad" cliff spoke, snapping alannah out of the daze she was in. "what do you mean? im not" alannah shrugged, turning towards the other three boys.

"mhm...does someone like kirk?" james laughed, raising an eyebrow. "nope! im just not a huge fan of emily is all" she spoke, ignoring the boys' stares.

"yeah, yeah whatever, you guys wanna have a foursome?" lars spoke, making everyone turn to him with with disgusted face. "and that's my cue to go home" cliff spoke, standing up. "im going with you!" alannah laughed, also getting up. "me too" james agreed.

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