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kirk ran as fast as his feet could take him. and he eventually saw a figure sitting on the park bench. he cautiously approached the bench and nodded to himself before sitting down beside alannah.

alannah immediately noticed someone sit down, to which she tensed up. "you look cold, take my jacket" kirk spoke, holding out his jacket for her. alannah made not a single sound, and didnt even try to look his way.

"alannah?" he questioned, reaching out to touch her arm. as their skin made contact, alannah shook him off and moved to the end of the bench. "why are you ignoring me?" he spoke, clear hurt in his voice.

"why am i ignoring you? oh i have no clue...maybe cause you ignored me for a month!" she spoke, abruptly standing up. "im sorry! i really am, i just needed time to think" he begged.

"i wish you couldve told me that" alannah coldly spoke before speed walking away from him. "alannah!" kirk called, going after her. "your moms worried about you!" he yelled, trying to make the girl stop.

alannah paid no attention to him and picked up her pace. after a couple minutes though, she couldnt take it anymore. she dropped on to the pavement with tears in her eyes. her tears started falling in rhythm with the rain.

she felt a pair of arms wrap around her as she sobbed harder. "alannah, youre so cold" kirk sighed, covering her with his jacket before placing his arms around her again.

"kirk, i miss you" alannah sniffled, settling into his warm- yet cold body. "i miss you too, but im right here" he spoke, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "please dont leave me" the girl begged, wrapping her arms tightly around the boy.

"i wont ever again, i promise" he smiled, his thumb still on her cheek. alannah enjoyed this moment, of being back in kirk's arms. of course, it wouldve been much better if the setting was different. she was frozen from the rain.

"we should get you back home" he spoke, making the girl desperately shake her head. "i cant go back! i want to be with you" she admitted, still clutching onto him for dear life. "alannah, we have to" kirk sighed.

"then come home with me tonight" she offered, making the boy slowly but surely nod. "if that's what you want, then sure....but we should go" he spoke, standing up and holding out a hand for her.

"molly?" kirk spoke, opening the front door. "kirk? did you find alana-" molly stopped as kirk and alannah stepped into the living room. "baby, where did you go?" molly spoke, hugging her cold daughter.

"not important" alannah spoke, eyeing her father, sitting on the couch. "please never do that again! i was so worried" her mom sighed, kissing her forehead.

"and kirk, thank you for finding her...you are a great young man" molly smiled, giving kirk a genuine smile. "it's really no problem...your daughter means a lot to me" he smiled.

alannah's gaze broke from her dad and went straight to kirk. had she heard him right? it seems like everyone in the room was in shock from what kirk had said.

"do you need a ride home?" alannah's dad questioned, breaking the silence. "he's staying with me tonight" alannah spoke, feeling her cheeks heat up a little.

"you both cant sleep in the same-" "reggie" molly warned, eyeing her ex husband. "sorry" he apologised, sinking back in his chair. "ignore him, you two are fine" molly smiled.

"thanks mom" alannah nodded before turning around and walking to the stairs with kirk in tow. "are they like dating?" jennifer questioned, as the two teens walked out of the room.

both kirk and alannah had heard her comment, but they chose to ignore it. at the moment, alannah could barely look kirk in the eyes...but if she wanted to be with him all night, she'd have to sometime.

"i'll get you some clothes" alannah spoke, walking over to her closet. little did kirk know, she had stolen a few of his shirts. "here" the girl spoke, handing him one of his shirts and a pair of large sweatpants.

"you should go have a hot shower" kirk spoke, looking at the pale girl. "i'll be fine" she smiled, before turning around and going to get more clothes for herself.

kirk went to the bathroom, so alannah took this time to quickly change. when he returned, alannah was already in the safety of her warm bed. "we need to talk" kirk spoke, making alannah swallow hard.

"about?" "why you ran away" he spoke, closing the bedroom door before climbing in the bed with the girl. "my dad, that's why" alannah spoke, looking down.

"who's that girl by the way?" kirk questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "my half sister" alannah sighed, throwing her head back. "but she's the same age as you?" "do the math" alannah spoke, looking at him.

kirk quickly realised and opened his mouth slightly. "oh" he nodded, understanding why alannah didnt like her dad. "why are they here then?" he asked. alannah started to get slightly frustrated with his questions, but she didnt let it show.

"basically that chick is gonna be going to the same school as us, and she's moving in here" the girl spoke in a sarcastic enthusiastic voice. "really? thats weird..." he shrugged.

"mhm" alannah shrugged, dozing off a little. "lets go to bed, youre tired" kirk spoke, making alannah nod in agreement. they both laid down and got comfortable.

kirk laid on his back, while alannah had her head lightly resting on his chest. their arms were wrapped around each other, and they both liked this feeling.

kirk looked at the girl in his arms. the only light source being the moon, but she looked beautiful as ever. immediate regret settled in, once he realised how much he hurt her by ignoring her.

he ran his fingers through her damp hair as she looked peacefully asleep. "i know youre asleep...but i just wanted to let you know im so sorry for everything i ever did. you dont deserve any of it" kirk whispered quietly, making sure not to wake her up.

"and you look really beautiful right now" he smiled, moving the hair out of her face. he sighed out before smiling again. "and...i know this has taken a month for me to say back, but i love you" he spoke, feeling his heart beating faster.

before settling down, he gave the girl a quick kiss to the forehead before leaning back and closing his eyes. it didnt take much longer for him to be peacefully asleep with the girl.

only thing was...alannah had heard every word he said.

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