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"why havent you been at school the past week?" raina questioned, on the phone with alannah. "some things happened..." she trailed off, as she looked at her bruised face in the mirror.

"oh im sorry, is there anything i can do? do you want me to come by?" she questioned. "no, no, its fine...i promise" alannah smiled, even though raina couldnt see her.

"alright" raina spoke in her usual voice. "alannah! kirk's here!" molly shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "hey, listen i gotta go, but i'll call you tomorrow" alannah promised. "ok, bye." "bye."

alannah set down the phone and walked to her doorway. "you can send him up!" she hesitantly yelled. alannah wanted to see kirk, but at the same time, she didnt want him to see her as she was.

"hey alannah, i havent seen you for a while, you al-" he spoke before stopping mid sentence. "was it david?" he sighed, making the girl sadly nod. "come here" he smiled, opening his arms wide.

alannah practically ran right into them. she missed kirk in the week she hadnt seen him. "how'd this happen?" he questioned, lightly tracing bruise on her face. "i did it to save jennifer" alannah admitted.

"so youre warming up to her, huh?" he laughed, making alannah roll her eyes. "i just didnt want her to get hurt like i did, but obviously she doesnt appreciate what i did for her" she shrugged.

"does she know about your past?" "no, and that's why...." alannah nodded. "mhm, so why arent you coming to school?" kirk asked, laying down on alannah's bed.

"i look hideous" she laughed, laying down beside him. "i still think you look beautiful" he spoke, showing off his cheesy smile. alannah's heart melted at what he said, and her mind wandered off to when he said he loved her.

"you have a hottub right?" kirk spoke, making the girl slowly nod her head. "then let's go" he smiled, getting up. "kirk, you dont have a bathing suit" she laughed, shaking her head. "i always come prepared" he spoke, walking over to his backpack.

"whaddya say?" he smirked, holding up his shorts. "fine" alannah sighed, sitting up. she walked over to her closet and pulled out a bikini that she hated, but that was all she had.

kirk went to the bathroom, while alannah changed in her room. soon enough, they both met in the hallway and headed downstairs. "where are you two going?" molly questioned, cleaning up the dishes from dinner.

"the hot tub" alannah smiled before dragging kirk out of the patio door. she uncovered the hot tub, before climbing in. kirk followed right behind her, and soon enough they both sat in the hot water.

"hows the band going?" alannah questioned, sick of the awkward silence. "pretty good, we just finished a demo tape" he smiled, making alannah's smile widen. "really? that's amazing!" she giggled.

"yeah, were gonna send it in to some record labels and hopefully get some gigs soon" he explained. "well, i will make sure to be at every single one of your shows" she nodded.

"why thank you" he laughed, with a playful smirk. "and if youre feeling up to it, james is having a party next weekend" he smiled. "i'll see how im feeling, but i'm sure i'll be there" alannah nodded.

the two sat in a comfortable silence, just taking in the cool breeze as the moon shone down on them. part of alannah wanted to bring up what kirk said to her last week, but she was afraid he'd tense up again and leave.


a week later

"you ready?" alannah questioned, lacing up her shoes by the front door. "yeah" kirk nodded, sending the girl a smile. "bye mom! we'll be back later!" alannah shouted, opening the front door.

molly walked out from the kitchen, dressed up kind of fancy. "where are you going?" molly questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "a party...where are you going?" alannah returned, a confused face.

"" molly sheepishly smiled, making her daughter nod. "ok, have fun" she smiled, turning around. "wait! uhm do you guys think you could possibly bring jennifer with you?" molly asked, holding out her left hand while her index and middle finger were crossed.

"uh" alannah spoke, looking over at kirk. he only just shared the same look as her. "please? she needs someone like you right now" molly pleaded, her eyes softening. "fine" alannah huffed, rolling her eyes.

"thank you...jennifer!" molly shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "have fun you two" molly smiled, before exiting the front door. "huh?" jennifer questioned, peering down the staircase, just to roll her eyes at the sigh of alannah.

"were going to a party, lets go" alannah spoke, making jennifer's eyes light up. "one second!" she yelled before running back to her room nd emerging a few moments later with a different outfit.

the three of them walked down the sidewalk, lit up by the streetlights. kirk and alannah made conversation as jennifer walked slowly behind them. "who's place are we going to?" jennifer questioned, ripping them out of their conversation.

"our friend, james" kirk spoke. "cool" jennifer nodded before backing off and allowing alannah and kirk to continue their conversation. "why did my mom have to invite her" alannah scowled, annoyed with her mom at the moment.

"hey, its fine...were gonna have a blast" kirk smiled, lacing his hand with alannah to calm her anger. "i guess your right" alannah nodded, as they neared james' house.

the trio entered james' house, and alannah and kirk immediately left jennifer in the foyer. it seemed as james was always in the kitchen, so that's where they checked first.

there james stood, popping open a bottle of beer before spotting the two. "hey!" he exclaimed, putting his arms up. "where's raina?" alannah questioned, looking around. "she was doing her makeup in my room" james shrugged.

alannah quickly thanked him before splitting from the two and venturing upstairs. she lightly knocked on the door and slowly creaked the door open. raina was in there, but she wasnt doing her makeup.

"raina?" alannah questioned, making raina's head snap up. raina only gave her a sympathetic look, so alannah went and sat beside her. "what's wrong?" alannah questioned, facing the tall blonde.

"i-im pregnant" she spoke, making alannah's eyes widen. "really? oh my god, thats so amazing! youre gonna be the best mother ever" alannah smiled, engulfing her in a hug.

"im still not sure if i want to keep it though" raina trailed off. "hey, thats fine! i support you no matter what" alannah promised, making raina smile and nod as tears still streamed down her face.

"now lets get you cleaned up" alannah laughed, dragging raina to the bathroom connected to james' room. "do you think i should tell james?" raina questioned, as alannah redid her makeup.

"you should...but only when you feel ready" alannah nodded. "does allie know?" alannah questioned again, putting some mascara on the girl. "no, i havent seen her yet" raina shrugged.

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