twenty two

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"it's so cute! i wanna take it home" alannah squealed, eyeing the goat surrounded by fence. "i dont think your mom would like that" kirk disagreed. "fine, then we'll move into our own house and start a goat farm" alannah shrugged.

"yum, food" kirk smirked. "wow! look how cute it is, i could never eat it" alannah spoke, shaking her head. "its kinda cute" kirk shrugged, kneeling down beside his girlfriend.

"its getting kinda chilly, you wanna head home?" kirk suggested, already knowing what was in store for alannah. "yeah, youre right...lets go" alannah agreed, standing up.

"are you sleeping over at mine again?" alannah questioned as they neared the car. "i was thinking" he nodded, pulling the keys from his jean pockets.

"i had fun today, thanks" alannah smiled over at kirk. "no problem! i had fun too" he agreed. "wait...i feel like you should drive your car" kirk laughed, tossing the keys to her.

"sure" she smiled, before climbing into the front seat. "which tape?" kirk questioned, opening the glovebox. "well we listened to deep purple on the way eagles" she nodded. "alright."

"do the guys know its my birthday?" she questioned, parking in the driveway. "i mean sure, why wouldnt they?" kirk shrugged. "i mean none of them called or showed up here" alannah shrugged, shutting off the engine.

"its fine...maybe they'll swing by later" kirk nervously shrugged. "youre right...i'm probably just overreacting" she nodded, before getting out. kirk ran right to her side and took her hand.

"are you deprived of attention or something?" alannah laughed, shaking her head at his weird behaviour. "definitely" he laughed. "i mean i thought what we did at the mall was enough for you" she smiled.

kirk opened the front door and alannah took one step inside before the lights turned on and people jumped out from their hiding spots, yelling "happy birthday!"

"is this why you brought me out?" alannah scowled, turning back to kirk. he only just sheepishly smiled. alannah turned back to the crowd and saw all the guys and girls she was friends with.

alannah wasnt sure what to say, so she just shyly waved. "happy birthday you!" james spoke, lifting alannah off the ground. "thanks!" alannah squealed, mouthing a 'help me' to raina.

"ok, put the birthday girl down!" allie laughed. "thanks for showing up, guys...i thought you mightve not known it was my birthday" alannah awkwardly laughed. "we could never forget about you!" raina exclaimed.

once alannah split from the group, she ventured around the house to find her mom. she stepped into the kitchen and noticed her dad...with a random woman. "oh alannah! happy birthday honey" reggie spoke, forcing alannah to put on a fake smile.

"thanks..." she spoke, pursing her lips. "uhm this is my wife, linda" he introduced, pointing to the blonde. alannah definitely knew she was jennifer's mom.

"happy birthday! oh youre just absolutely beautiful" linda smiled, her eyes lighting up. "uh thank you" alannah spoke, wide eyes as linda went in for a hug. "babe!" a voice called out.

linda backed away and alannah quickly looked behind her. kirk stood there, two drinks in his hand, nodding his head to the living room. "gotta go" alannah spoke, turning back to reggie and linda.

"god i hate my dad so much" alannah groaned, taking one of the drinks from kirk. "i get it...but forget about him. it's your day" he smiled, leading her to the couch where all her friends sat.

"no mine first!" lars argued, shoving james. "whats going on?" alannah questioned, stifling a laugh. "i want you to open my present first" lars spoke, practically shoving the bag in alannah's face.

"ok" alannah laughed, sitting on the ground beside allie. intense eyes were on her as she opened the bag. first she pulled out a bucket hat, and then another, and two more? it just kept going...

"you got me...ten bucket hats?" alannah questioned, looking up at the drummer. he nodded his head and sat back with content. "well, thanks!" alannah smiled, putting one of the hats on her head.

"mine next" james spoke, placing a small box in front of alannah. she reached for it, and pulled the top sides up. her eyes widened as she pulled out a mixtape on cassette.

there were no songs written on it, so she was curious as to what it was. "uhm i made it for you...and i added some of our songs" he spoke, shrugging his shoulders. "cool, i'll give it a listen, thanks."

"alright! us" allie spoke, handing her gift to the girl. it was from both allie and cliff. the box was bigger than the others, so she opened it up and peered inside. "a polaroid camera?" alannah gasped, picking it up.

"mhm, youre part of our family now, and we're pretty you dont wanna miss a thing" allie smiled, nodding her head to the camera. "thank you guys so much! thanks for the gifts" alannah smiled, hugging allie, cliff, james, and lars.

"what about you guys?" cliff questioned, noticing neither raina or kirk had given alannah anything yet. "later" kirk shrugged, sending a smile to alannah.

"im gonna get more drinks" james spoke, standing up. "me too" kirk agreed, getting up. "im going to the bathroom" lars spoke before leaving the room. "do you want us to put your presents in your room?" allie offered.

"oh, sure...leave the camera though, we gotta take some pictures" alannah smiled. allie nodded before leaving with cliff in tow. "guess i can give you my gift now" raina nervously chuckled.

she pulled a really tiny box from her purse and handed it to the brunette. "i hope you like it" raina smiled. alannah opened the box and her eyes widened at the sight.

"this- it's so pretty" alannah smiled, pulling the ring out of the case. "i know right! it took me so long to decide which one fit you the best" raina laughed, urging her to put it on.

with ease, alannah slid the ring on her middle finger. "it looks good" raina nodded in content. "this looks so expensive- how much did it cost?" "thats not important" raina laughed.

"thank you!" alannah smiled, engulfing raina in the biggest hug ever. "i wanted to ask you something..." raina started. "sure."

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