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alannah safely made it to the gym and awkwardly stood around as the teacher - mr martin, started on attendance. as he called her named, lars shot her a look from right across the room.

the whole class headed outside, since it was a warm day, and the class could do whatever they wanted to. "there's basketballs, volleyballs, and more....just dont leave" mr martin explained before dismissing everyone to do their own thing.

"hey" lars spoke, walking up to alannah. "hey" she spoke, looking over at him. "what are you doing here?" "i switched schools" alannah shrugged, squinting a little from the sun being in her eyes.

"oh, you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" lars questioned, making alannah quickly nod her head. "cool, you like tennis?" he questioned, walking over to the shed with everything in it.

"its okay" she shrugged, watching him pull out two rackets and a ball. "first to twenty?" he smirked, handing her a racket. "oh you're on" alannah laughed.

lunch came around, and lars and alannah walked down the hallway to the cafeteria. after that class, alannah honestly didnt hate lars anymore...sure he was a little annoying, but he was actually quite funny and chill.

lars led her to a table where a familiar curly headed dude sat. so did james, and another guy. "kirk! look who i found" lars spoke, nearing the table. kirk looked up from the table and his eyes immediately widened.

"alannah? what are you doing here" he laughed, moving over so she could sit beside him. "i switched schools" she shrugged, sitting beside him. "thats awesome! uh that's james, and that's cliff" kirk introduced.

"hey again alannah!" james laughed, making the girl laugh too. "you guys know each other?" kirk questioned, looking between both of them. "we have math class together" alannah explained, smiling.

the girl showed kirk her schedule, and it turns out they both had english together! she also had guitar at the end of the day, and both kirk and james were in that class.

"so are you gonna join any clubs?" lars questioned while chewing on his food. "no, im not really a club person" she shrugged, gracefully munching on her own food.

"how about you guys?" "nope, but were all in a band!" james exclaimed. "that's cool! whats it called?" she asked. "metallica" kirk responded from beside her. "hm i like it" she laughed. that would definitely explain the several guitars in his room.

after lunch, her and kirk walked through the hallway to english class. "so how you liking the school so far?" kirk questioned, swinging his arms back and forth. "i like it more than my old school honestly" she shrugged.

"kirk" a female voice called out that wasnt alannah's. "hey" kirk smiled, kissing this girl right in front of alannah. "whos this?" the girl asked, raising her eyebrows while looking at the new girl.

"oh! this is alannah, she just transferred here....and this is my girlfriend, emily" kirk spoke, introducing us to each other. kirk has a girlfriend?

"hi" alannah quietly spoke, not quite making eye contact. "anyways, come over later?" emily asked, biting her lip while twirling her hair. "uh band practice" kirk spoke, scratching the back of his neck.

"babe, you're band is taking up too much time" emily spoke, sighing out. she kind of reminded alannah of somebody particular...she was like the female version of david.

"im sorry...look i gotta go" he spoke, kissing her one more time before smiling over at alannah. they resumed walking down the hallway, and soon enough reached their english class.

"how long have you been with emily?" alannah questioned, sitting down beside kirk. "for a little over a year" he shrugged, pulling out his notebook that had doodles on the cover.

"she seems nice" alannah lied. she did not seem nice at all! she ignored alannah when she said hi. "yeah, she's great" kirk smiled, hearts practically forming in his eyes.

great, somebody too blinded by love.

sounds like alannah.

hey! im not like that anymore!

you sure? back to the story.

alannah finished up the day with guitar class, before heading out the front doors of the school. "hey! alannah, right?" someone questioned, nearing her. she recognized it as cliff.

"yep" alannah smiled, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "not to be weird or anything, but i saw you on your way to school...i live a couple houses down from you" he explained.

"its not weird, dont worry" alannah reassured. "anyways, you mind if i join you?" "of course not!" alannah smiled.

on the way home, they made small talk, and alannah learnt a few things about how he was the bassist of metallica.

"see you tomorrow" cliff waved, as they stopped off at his house. alannah waved to him before continuing her walk a couple houses down.

when she made it into the safety of her home, she immediately plopped down on the couch and sighed out. the school day felt longer than usual...probably since it was a new school with different people.

once she relaxed for a couple minutes, she took her backpack and went upstairs to her room. as she walked through the bedroom door, she noticed a figure sitting on her bed.

"you shouldnt be here" alannah spoke, gaining the attention of...tracy. "sorry, i just really wanted to apologize" she spoke, standing up.

"i dont wanna hear you should leave before my mom comes home" alannah spoke, not making eye contact. tracy only just sadly nodded before walking towards the door.

"oh, and dont come around here anymore" alannah spoke, making tracy turn around for a split second. "if that's what you want...then okay" she nodded. "just know i love you" she smiled before exiting the room.

alannah only just sighed out and set her bag down. she didnt feel like focusing on best friend drama. this school is a new start for her, so she needed to focus on that...and the four boys she became "friends" with.

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