twenty six

218 4 3

2 months later

"hey hon" molly spoke, noticing her daughter sitting on the couch, with a textbook in her lap. "hey" alannah smiled up before giving bowie a few pets and continuing her work.

"why haven't i seen kirk in a while?" molly questioned, setting down her purse. "too busy with his band" alannah scoffed, shaking her head slightly.

she had started to build up anger. kirk and her never hung out anymore. he was always with james, lars, and cliff. they had sent out a demo tape to a bunch of record labels, and they finally got signed. so that meant, kirk didn't have much time to spend with alannah anymore.

"what do you mean?" molly softly questioned, sitting on the love seat. "his band got signed, and they're getting ready to go record in new york" alannah explained. "oh" molly spoke, frowning slightly.

"mhm, so that means i'm without him for however long" the teenager shrugged, writing an equation down in her notebook. "awe honey, it's gonna be okay" molly promised. "is it really?" alannah questioned, dropping her pencil as a single tear fell from her eye.

"ugh i'm a mess" alannah cried, putting her head into her palms. "it's okay baby" molly sighed, sitting beside the girl and wrapping an arm around her back. "he means so much to me, and i'm so worried about him being across the country" alannah sighed.

"i get it, and you have every right to be worried" molly spoke, rubbing circles on alannah's back. "thanks" alannah nodded, looking up at her loving mom. "of course. that's what i'm here for" she nodded.

a few moments later the doorbell rang, making both girls look at each other. "i'll get it" molly spoke, getting up and walking to the front door. alannah took this time to dry her face and clean up. "lana, it's kirk!" molly called out, making alannah sigh out and hesitantly stand up.

molly walked past her into the kitchen, leaving the teenager alone. she faced kirk at the doorway, and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw her. "were you crying?" he questioned, reaching his thumb up to her face to wipe away the excess tears.

"oh uh yeah, just a math question...i got frustrated" alannah lied, with a convincing smile. "you sure?" kirk confirmed, making alannah quickly nod. "i'm leaving tomorrow" kirk quickly spoke, forcing alannah to hold back more tears. "how long are you gonna be gone for?" she questioned, not looking him in the eyes.

"i'm not sure. a few months probably" he shrugged. great, alannah had to be without him for that long? "...are you sure you're okay?" kirk questioned again, making alannah burst out into tears. "hey, hey, i'm here" he spoke, engulfing her in a secure hug.

"im really gonna miss you" she cried into his chest, making him feel bad. "let's go upstairs" he spoke, pulling back. she hesitantly followed his lead and closed the bedroom door behind her.

"come here" kirk waved, sitting on the girls bed. alannah nodded, and joined him on the comfortable bed. "be honest...are you worried about me being gone?" kirk questioned, making alannah suck in a deep breath of air. "a little" alannah agreed, fidgeting with her fingers.

"what are you worried about?" he questioned. "i'm just worried other girls are gonna throw themselves at you" alannah confessed. that was really her secret. "and on top of that i'm just really gonna miss being able to see you and...touch you" she shrugged.

"you're the only girl i want in this whole world, okay?" he confirmed. "mhm" alannah hummed. "lana, i mean it" he spoke. "i know you do." alannah wasn't convinced. because of her dads secret affair, she had trust issues. and they were fine

"i love you" kirk spoke. "i love you too" alannah quietly responded. kirk sighed out in defeat. he knew alannah would've been like this when he told her about going to new york. she had been so dependent on him, that he was curious to see how she would be without him.

"i'll make sure to call you everyday" kirk promised. "don't bother" alannah spoke, before standing up and walking to the bathroom. she slammed the door as hard as she could and slid down the door. was she being selfish? yes. super selfish. and she knew it too. it's selfish she wanted to put kirk's career on hold because of her.

"lana i really don't wanna leave with us on these terms" kirk spoke from the other side of the door. "then maybe we should just end it here" alannah spoke. "you don't mean that.." kirk spoke. "kirk, i don't know maybe you should leave" alannah spoke, coming out of the bathroom and waking past him.

"fine...but i meant it. and i'm gonna call every day" kirk sighed. "go ahead" the girl shrugged, sitting on her bed, facing away from him. "i love you" he spoke again, kissing her forehead before walking out the door. and that's it. he was gone now. and alannah was a total asshole to him.

"fuck!" alannah yelled, throwing a book at the wall. "fuck, fuck, fuck" she sighed, pulling on her hair. when she stood up, she thought about running after him and apologizing over and over again. maybe she should. alannah would be pissed at herself if she let kirk slip away.

after a few moments, she swung open her bedroom door and raced down the stairs. she threw the front door and ran out, even though molly yelled her name several times. "kirk! wait up" alannah yelled, racing to catch up to him.

"i'm really sorry...i shouldn't have said any of that and i feel like a total asshole. and i didn't mean any of it either i just-" kirk cut her off by giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "sorry, you were rambling" kirk laughed, making alannah purse her lips.

"anyways, i'm sorry and i'm just worried you're gonna find someone better than me" alannah confessed, looking down. "like i said, you're the only one i want" he promised, leaving alannah slightly less worried. she was still worried though.

"how about you stay with me tonight?" kirk questioned. "...okay...i'll have to let my mom know though" alannah sighed. "sure, i'll see you at mine?" kirk questioned, moving a strand of hair out of his face. "yeah" alannah nodded. kirk quickly kissed her cheek before walking in the opposite direction of her.

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