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"hi" alannah replied, her voice monotone. "how was the party?" he questioned. "okay i guess" she shrugged. kirk could feel something was wrong. alannah never talked like this.

"anyways, i have super exciting news" he explained. "oh, what is it?" the girl questioned, sparking interest. "im gonna be back tonight" he smiled.

alannah felt her stomach completely drop. she called it earlier. "oh thats great!" she faked. "mhm, maybe we can spend the night together?" he questioned. "maybe" she shrugged.

"alright, well im pretty much finished packing, so ive gotta head to the airport...ill talk to you later, i love you" he spoke. "okay, bye" alannah returned before hanging up.

kirk was questioning why alannah hadnt said she loved him too. usually she did, so he sat there, wondering if she knew about what he did. but theres no way!

alannah on the other hand was on the verge of tears. she rolled over on her bed and rested her hand over bowies sleeping body. "breathe, its gonna be fine" she told herself, as her eyes became blurred by the tears.

they eventually started dropping onto the pillowcase under her. she just let out a huge sigh and brought her knees up into fetal position. alannah had no energy to get up.

kirk cheated on her, and now he was gonna be back tonight? she didnt even know what to do. since kirk expected to see her tonight, but alannah wasnt sure if she wanted to see his face ever again.

she turned back around quickly to check the clock. it read 1:30pm. all alannah could do was lay there and let her mind wander. part of her still loved kirk and wanted to forgive him, but the other part wasnt sure what to think.

her phone rang again, leaving her anxious. was it kirk? maybe one of the other guys? guess there was only one way to find out.

alannah picked up the phone and quickly put it to her ear. "hello?" she questioned. "hey its devonte, just wanted to make sure you got home okay" he spoke.

"oh yeah, i did...thanks" alannah sniffled. "hey you okay?" he questioned. "oh uh yeah just have a really runny nose" she quickly lied. "oh okay...let me know if you need anything" he responded, seeming a little weary.

"fore sure...bye" alannah spoke before hanging up. she was glad that it was only devonte. as she rolled back over, she got comfortable again and quickly dozed off.


"alannah? dinners ready" molly spoke, knocking on the teenagers door. "hm?" alannah hummed, slowly blinking her eyes open. "oh sorry, i didnt know you were sleeping" molly apologised, facing her daughter.

"its okay...ill be down in a minute" she yawned. "alright" molly smiled before backing out of the room. alannah sat up and stretched her arms in the air, as bowie got up too.

"cmon bowie, lets go eat" alannah smiled, patting his belly a few times. before alannah left her room, she checked the time. 7:04pm. hmm late dinner.

"how was your sleep?" mike joked, already seated at the table. "couldve been better" alannah shrugged, sitting down. molly gave her a look, but alannah ignored the intense stare.

alannah ate in silence, unless molly or mike asked her a question. "any news of when kirk is gonna be back?" molly questioned. "whos this kirk?" mike asked.

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