twenty three

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"do you wanna be the baby's godmother?" raina softly spoke. alannah looked up from her hand and right into raina's eyes. "me...? what about allie? wont she be mad?"

"i talked to her and she thinks you should be" raina smiled. "well..sure!" alannah agreed, with a giggle. "all right! I was hoping you'd say yes" raina giggled.

"what are you ladies talking about?" james questioned, sitting beside raina and throwing his arm around her. "i was just giving her my gift" raina smiled at her boyfriend.

"kirk? when do i get my gift?" alannah whined, as kirk sat beside her. "you'll get it when everyone leaves" he laughed, as his girlfriend groaned. "ooh" raina smirked, raising her eyebrows.

"not that" kirk sighed, slapping his forehead. "yeah, sure" james scoffed. alannah just let out a chuckle and leaned her head on kirk's shoulder.

"alannah?" molly called out, spotting the teen. "yeah?" she called back, but molly didnt respond. "ugh, i'll be back" alannah groaned, getting up.

as she walked away, a flash appeared behind her, so she turned around. "kirk!" she giggled, noticing him holding the camera up to his face. "what?" he cheekily shrugged.

alannah just rolled her eyes before walking over to her mom. "what do you want?" the teen questioned. "what? i cant say happy birthday to my daughter?" she spoke, eyebrows raised.

"sorry..." alannah apoligized. "its fine...i know youre having fun with your friends" molly smiled, looking behind her daughter for a split second. "yeah" alannah smiled.

"i wont keep you long...but i wanted to let you know that david had court today and he got sentenced to ten years in prison" molly spoke.

"oh um, thats great" alannah nodded, in shock of the news she just heard. "yeah, just thought i'd tell you...i'll leave you alone now" molly laughed, kissing alannah's forehead before walking off.

"what was that about?" kirk questioned, as alannah returned to her spot beside him. "she was just wishing me a happy birthday again" alannah lied, as she sent a smile to her boyfriend.

"you guys wanna take some photos?" alannah questioned, making the group look up and nod. they all grouped together, as molly snapped the picture.

"once again thank you for the gift" alannah smiled, hugging raina at the front door. "its no problem! happy birthday again" she smiled, splitting away from the hug.

"thanks for the mixtape, i'll listen to it tomorrow" alannah spoke, looking at james. "sure" he nodded, sending her a smile. "we'll see you guys on monday!" raina spoke, waving to alannah and kirk.

alannah shut the door behind them and sighed out. "and everyone's gone" she laughed, making kirk smile. "i guess i can give you my gift now" he laughed, holding out his hand.

alannah followed him up the stairs and to her bedroom door. "okay um, you can open the door" he smiled. "im scared...what if you put a alligator in my room or something?" she rambled on.

"just open it" he laughed. "okay" she agreed, placing her hand on the handle. with a swift turn, she creaked the door open, and gasped what was on her bed.

a cute golden retriever laid there, it's eyes glued to alannah. "you got me a dog?" alannah gasped, looking back at kirk. "mhm..i remember you telling me you love dogs" he spoke.

alannah walked up to the bed and held out her hand. the dog sniffed it a few times before soaking her hand in slobber. "its so cute! whats it name?" the girl questioned.

"you get to name him" kirk smiled, leaning down beside her. "lets see...i think im gonna name you...bowie" alannah nodded. "thats a good name" kirk agreed.

"thank you so much babe!" alannah squealed, wrapping her arms around kirk. "its no problem" kirk laughed, returning the gesture.

"i love you so much" she sighed, splitting from the hug and planting a kiss on his lips. "i love you more" he smiled, using his right hand to move a few strands of hair away from her face.

their lips made contact again, but much slower this time. as their mouths explored each other, alannah suddenly pulled away. "whats wrong?" kirk questioned.

"i feel a little awkward with bowie watching" she giggled, making eye contact with the dog. "youre right...we could put him in the hallway for now?" he suggested.

"i feel kind of bad, but i guess" she shrugged, petting bowie for a few seconds before getting up. she opened her bedroom door and called the dog over.

bowie jumped off the bed and ran straight to her. "i gotta put you in the hallway boy, im sorry" she apologized, as she guided the dog out of the room.

"i'll be back soon, dont worry" she assured, kissing the dogs head before closing the door on him. "i feel bad" she frowned, looking back at the closed door.

"its sure he's not that offended" kirk chuckled, throwing his head back. "youre mean" alannah frowned, walking over to him. she stepped between his legs and looked down at him.

"thank you for today" she smiled, running her hands through his wild hair. "thank you for being my absolutely beautiful girlfriend" he returned. alannah's eyes lit up as her smile grew wider.

"im flattered you think im beautiful" she giggled. "you're the most beautiful girl ive ever laid my eyes on" he whispered, leaning in. alannah's heart was beating all crazy as their lips touched again.

she wasnt used to all this affection. david was never like this with her before. oh gross! stop thinking about david when you're making out with kirk.

"you think we can be quiet enough?" kirk smirked, pulling away. "im not the loud one! youre always groaning" alannah giggled. "am i really?" kirk questioned, his eyes wide.

" the real question is, do you think you can be quiet enough?" alannah smirked. "youre an asshole" he laughed, pulling her onto the bed. "thank you."

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