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"the beach, really?" alannah questioned, as they arrived to the giant body of water. kirk didnt say anything, and instead dragged her to a grassy area next to the sand.

he fell to the ground and got comfortable on the grass, leaving alannah confused. "you gonna tell me what we're doing here?" she asked, an eyebrow raised. "come lay down" kirk smiled, patting the spot beside him.

alannah hesitantly joined him on the grass and rested her head. above both of the teens was a clear sky, and the stars shone brighter as ever. alannah felt more relaxed, so she let a smile occupy her face.

there was silence between the two, but the loud waved crashing filled that. "you've told me so much about you, and i feel like i havent told you anything about me" kirk spoke up.

alannah stayed silent, as kirk spoke up again. "i guess you've probably wondered why its just my mom and i." he looked over at the girl and she shook her head. "dont lie" he chuckled, making alannah roll her eyes. "fine, i have wondered once....or twice" she giggled.

"well my dad he's an alcoholic and he abused my mom and i..." he sighed. "wheres this coming from?" alannah questioned, rolling on her side so she could face her boyfriend.

"your dad kind of reminds me of my dad" he admitted. alannah felt horrible...she didnt want him feeling like that. "im dad he was abusive too...i get it" she nodded.

kirk took this time to apologize to her too. "it's okay...cause i've found you...and youre everything i needed" alannah spoke, a blush starting to appear on her cheeks.

kirk broke out in a smile and he felt so happy to have found someone like alannah. "are you just gonna stare at me?" she spoke, waving her hand in front of his face. "youre beautiful" he smiled.

"thank're quite handsome yourself" she giggled, making him chuckle a little. kirk's arms opened up and alannah found comfort next to his body with her face nestled in his chest.

neither of them wanted the night to end. this was the perfect moment for them. "lana?" kirk questioned. "hm?" the girl responded, keeping her eyes glued to the stars.

"i love you" he hesitated. alannah's head snapped right to kirk. she was in complete shock even though he had technically said it to her before. even though she was "sleeping" when he did say it.

"i love you" alannah quickly responded. "for a minute i thought you werent gonna respond" he nervously chuckled. "sorry, i just wasnt expecting it" she shyly admitted.

"that's okay" kirk smiled, leaning in a little. they shared a sweet kiss, before she rested her head back on his chest. "its a beautiful night, huh" kirk spoke, admiring the stars.

"it is" alannah agreed, looking up at the sky as well. "we should probably head back" kirk spoke after a few moments. alannah didnt want to go, but she knew her mom would kill her if she wasnt home when she woke up.

"sure" alannah spoke, sitting up and stretching her arms in the air. kirk got off the cold earth and held out his hand for the girl. she accepted and soon enough was on her feet again.

the two teens left the beach and returned to the main road. "got any money on you?" kirk questioned. alannah reached into her small purse before shaking her head with pursed lips.

"we might have to hitchhike" he suggested. alannah just shrugged, as she was exhausted. they stood on the side of the road, kirks thumb extended, as they waited for someone to pull over.

the road was pretty empty, but in a couple minutes, a car pulled up. "need a ride?" an elderly lady questioned as she rolled down her window. "yes please" kirk nodded with his sweet smile.

"sure, get in" she smiled, nodding to the car. kirk sat in the front seat with the woman, while alannah sat in the back, trying not to fall asleep. she could hear kirk and the woman talking.

"so are you two dating?" she questioned, both hands on the steering wheel. "yes...uh we should introduce ourselves. im kirk and that's alannah" kirk spoke. "you two seem lovely, im nancy" she introduced.

nancy was a sweet old lady, but when they got dropped off down the road from alannah's, they were glad. the car drove off as they walked down the street, to alannah's house.

"you tired?" kirk laughed, watching alannah nod. "just a bit" she smiled, with a giggle. "everyone must be sleeping" she spoke, noticing not a single light on in the house.

alannah unlocked the door and quickly and quietly slipped in. they discarded their shoes and creeped up the stairs, to the girls room. they entered her room, and alannah quietly shut the door before sighing out.

"wow, its two in the morning" kirk spoke, noticing the time. "damn" alannah spoke, taking off her shirt. kirk watched in amusement as he laid down on her bed.

"what?" she asked, rolling her eyes as she grabbed a larger shirt and slid it over her small frame. "nothing, just looking" he shrugged, picking up a magazine and flipping through the pages.

she also took off her pants and replaced them with shorts. "im gonna brush my teeth, i'll be back" alannah spoke, smiling to kirk before leaving her room.

once her teeth and face were clean, she returned to her room to see a shirtless kirk sitting on her bed. "ready for bed?" she questioned, climbing beside him.

he nodded his head and got under the covers - same with alannah. she turned off her bedside lamp and they both laid there in the darkness. "i had fun tonight" alannah spoke up, a smile occupying her face.

"i did too" kirk agreed, pulling alannah towards his body. "youre warm" she giggled, pressing her body right against is. "and youre cold" he laughed, rubbing her arm. "goodnight, kirk" she yawned. "night alannah" he smiled, closing his eyes.

soon enough, sleep took over both of them.

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