twenty five

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"i must admit, ive never been to a drive in before..." alannah confessed, taking off her seatbelt. "actually?" kirk questioned, his eyes wide. "mhm" alannah laughed.

"well i think you'll really like it" he smiled, taking off his seatbelt next. "i better or you're in trouble....what movie are we watching by the way?" alannah questioned.

"frankenstein" kirk smirked, making alannah's jaw drop open wide. "they play movies that old?" the girl gasped. "yeah, sometimes" he smiled, shaking his head at his girlfriends excitement.

alannah was hyped, and comfortable as a blanket rested on her lap. her and kirk moved closer together. the girl sighed out in content and cuddled into kirk's side.

during the movie, she could barely pay attention. she was too giddy thinking about what the future had in store for the two teenagers. would they get married? would they have kids? would kirk's band take off?

there were just so many questions, and no answers yet. but soon.

"alannah?" kirk questioned, making the girl look up. "mhm?" "i was just making sure you were awake" he chuckled, sending a forehead kiss to her. "yeah i am, surprisingly" she giggled, making kirk's smile grow.

by the end of the movie, alannah was a yawning mess. "you look really tired" kirk spoke, giving her a little squeeze. "yeah, in a few hours i'll get a lot of energy and then i'll be jumping all over the place" the girl explained.

"makes sense" kirk nodded along, sitting up, leaving alannah cold. as the girl sat up, raindrops began hitting the windshield. alannah loved the rain in a way.

when her and kirk first met it was raining, and when they had their falling out, they made up in the rain. something about the rain calmed her and made her happy.

"-so what do you think?" kirk questioned, leaving alannah confused. "i'll admit, i wasnt listening" she giggled, as kirk playfully rolled his eyes.

"i was asking if you wanted to stay the night at my place" he laughed. "yeah, for sure" alannah agreed, folding up the blanket and putting it in the backseat.

"okay...what do you wanna do now?" he questioned, looking around at the empty parking lot. they had gotten caught up in conversation, that everyone was long gone.

"i have an idea" alannah smirked, opening the car door. "babe? where are you going! its pouring" kirk called out as alannah shut the car door behind her.

with no choice, kirk confusingly followed her out into the pouring rain. when he stepped out, he noticed her dancing around. so with a smirk on his face, he popped a fleetwood mac cassette into the radio before turning it up and joining alannah outside.

"would you like to dance" alannah smirked holding her hand out. "i think im supposed to ask you that" kirk laughed. "too late, i did already" she cheekily smiled, taking kirks hand into hers.

he twirled her around and a few times before they burst out laughing. the smiles on their faces were the widest they had ever been, as they swayed back and forth in the night.

on the way home, they both sat uncomfortably as all their clothes were soaked and stuck to their bodies. love hurts by nazareth blasted through the speakers as alannah dozed off.

kirk would gaze over at alannah often, and smile as she slept peacefully. the song had shifted to something different, and kirk sighed as his thumbs tapped on the steering wheel.

every time kirk looked back at the girl, he couldn't help but fall in love with her even more. the way her lips slightly parted, as little snores sounded, or the way she shivered ever so slightly from being soaked by the rain.

kirk took that as his cue to turn up the heat a little as he neared his house. when he pulled into the driveway, all lights in the house were off. makes sense, it was just about three in the morning.

as the engine shut off, the teenage boy reached over and slightly shook the girl. "hm?" alannah stirred. "we're home" kirk spoke, opening his door before coming around to the passenger side door.

alannah laid where she was and kirk playfully rolled his eyes as he knew he'd have to carry her inside. to his surprise though, alannah got up by herself and started walking ahead, leaving kirk standing behind.

"you coming?" alannah questioned, turning back around. "yeah" he nodded, running after her. when they entered his house, they went straight upstairs to his bedroom.

"i need to get out of these clothes" kirk complained, walking over to his closet. "me too" alannah agreed, standing around, waiting for him to give her clothes. he turned back around and she took the shorts and shirt from him.

as he turned back around to get his own clothes, alannah quickly changed out of her soaked clothes and put on his. "i hope you know i'm gonna take these clothes home with me and i'm not gonna give them back" the girl cheekily smiled.

"oh trust me, i know. this wouldn't be the first time" he chuckled along. alannah nodded and got under the bed covers right away. "gonna fall asleep?" kirk questioned, joining her.

he wrapped his arms around her torso and dug his head into the crook of her neck. "yeah, probably. i'm exhausted" alannah yawned, making kirk yawn too. "sounds good with me. goodnight my love" he whispered, kissing her neck.

"goodnight" alannah sighed tiredly, before falling asleep right away. kirk though, laid there not quite tired. well, he was tired....just not tired enough to fall asleep. you know what i mean?

he was thinking about him and alannah's future, as she slept right beside him. he pictured a life where they were married, had two cute kids, a dog, and lived in a big house.

kirk would go on tour with metallica, while alannah would stay home and take care of the kids. she'd also come along on tour sometimes and always be there to support him.

woah kirk, you're getting ahead of yourself. the two hadn't even been dating for a year. with one more big sigh, kirk closed his eyes and waited until he finally drifted off to sleep.

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