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"daddy?" a five year old alannah spoke, creaking open the bedroom door. "get out!" her dad yelled, jumping out from the bed where another woman laid.

"but daddy!" alannah cried, falling on her behind as the door slammed in her face. alannah sniffled before going back to her room. she climbed into her bed and engulfed her teddy bear in a big hug.

"he's so mean, snuggles" alannah cried, allowing tears to drop on her bear. "at least i have you" she spoke, covering her small body with the blanket her mom had knitted for her.

alannah didnt have an easy time falling asleep. images of the woman in her parents bed kept filling the girls small head. "does he not love mommy anymore?"

"alannah, wake up sweetie" a womans voice spoke. "mommy" the little girl spoke, rolling over to face her. "hi baby, how was your sleep?" she smiled, sitting on the bed with her daughter.

"i saw daddy in bed with a woman" alannah spoke, making her mother tense up. "what did she look like?" "um she had red hair i think" alannah spoke, trying to remember what the mystery woman looked like.

"thank you for telling me, baby...stay here and play with your toys, okay?" her mom smiled, before kissing her forehead and exiting the room.

not much longer, she heard yelling coming from down the hallway. being the curious five year old she is, she peered down the hallway and started walking down to the end.

"im done! get out!" molly shouted, pain in her voice. "fine, be a bitch, like you always have been!" reggie yelled back, before emerging from the room and noticing his daughter.

"daddy? what's happening?" alannah questioned, a single tear dropping from her eye. "i gotta go, darling...but dont listen to your mom...she's a horrible woman" he spoke, before standing up and walking down the stairs.

and that...was the last time she had seen her father.

until now.

"alannah! wake up" a boys voice spoke, lightly shaking her. "what?" alannah spoke, cracking her eyes open. "you were having a nightmare" kirk spoke, looking down at her.

"im sorry" she sighed, looking at kirk. "dont apologise" he smiled, moving the hair away from her face. "what time is it?" she mumbled, still a little sleepy. "nine" he spoke, looking at the clock on her wall.

"we should get up now, huh?" alannah questioned, stretching her arms in the air. "sure" he nodded, slipping out from under the covers. alannah followed his lead and stood up from the soft bed.

both of the teens headed downstairs, following the scent of breakfast. "morning you two" molly smiled, noticing the two walk into the room. "morning mom" alannah yawned, sitting down at the table.

"wheres reggie?" alannah questioned, as her mom placed a plate of food in front of her and kirk. "he's still your dad" molly spoke, giving her daughter the look. "well, where is he?"

"he went back home" she shrugged. "and what about jennifer?" "she's- morning jennifer" molly smiled, seeing the blonde walk into the room. "hi, molly" she shyly waved.

"you can have a seat" molly smiled, pointing to the table where kirk and alannah sat at. jennifer slowly nodded before sitting across from kirk. alannah avoided her eye contact and smiled over at kirk.

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