twenty four

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"ugh bowie...youre so cute" alannah sighed, petting the dog. bowie slowly rolled onto his back, leaving his stomach exposed. "alannah?" molly questioned, entering the living room.

"yeah?" the girl responded. "did kirk leave already?" she asked. "yeah, his mom wanted him home" alannah nodded. "all right...well im gonna go have a bath so dont bother me" molly laughed.

"what did you say? i should bother you? sure!" alannah smirked. "go away" molly chuckled, going towards the stairs. alannah sighed out and kissed bowies head.

a few moments later, the doorbell rang. "who could that be?" alannah mumbled to herself as she stood up. as soon as she opened the door, she couldnt hold back the eye roll.

"you're an asshole" emily spoke, arms crossed. "yeah, got that...uh why are you here?" alannah questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. "because you stole my boyfriend, duh" she snarked.

"he's not your boyfriend anymore" alannah shook her head. "well could you be such a whore?" "im not a whore, but think what you want" alannah shrugged, going to close the front door.

"mhm, and what about that david dude, huh?" emily smirked, making alannah pause. "what?" "yeah jennifer told me all about him, and how you cheated on him and assaulted him" she nodded.

"go home" alannah spoke, anger building up. "fine" she scoffed, turning around. within a second, the front door was slammed shut. "bitch" was all alannah could mumble as she ran upstairs.

she was completely ready to strangle jennifer! how could she say that? she wasnt even telling the truth.

alannah walked right into jennifer's room without knocking. luckily she wasnt in there. with blurred vision from her anger, she started snooping around, looking to see what she could find.

"aha" alannah smirked, picking up jennifers diary. "lets see what youre hiding" she whispered, flipping through the pages. one page though, stood out from the rest.

"she's plotting to ruin my life?" alannah mumbled, out loud. "what are you doing in my room?" jennifer questioned, eyes wide. "what the fuck is this?" alannah questioned, holding up the journal.

"thats none of your business" jennifer shook her head. she tried to reach for the book, but alannah pulled it back. "molly!" jennifer called out, sounding distressed.

"what?" molly asked, running into the room with a robe on. "your daughter here is reading my diary!" jennifer scoffed, crossing her arms. "alannah! that's someones personal property!" molly scolded.

"yeah, but why dont you look at whats in the book" alannah sniffled, handing the journal to her mom. alannah couldnt help but let tears cloud her vision.

"jennifer? is all this true?" molly questioned, facing the blonde. "its not! i swear! its just a joke" she defended, shaking her head. "maybe you should also tell her what you said to emily" alannah frowned.

"you're in big trouble, missy" molly warned, leaving the room. "whats going through your head?" alannah spoke, when molly was no longer around.

"you dont deserve kirk...i do" she shrugged. "you're a complete psychopath" alannah scoffed. "get out! i hate you!" jennifer yelled, pointing to the door. "stay away from my boyfriend."

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