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"seven minutes in heaven? what kind of high schoolers play that" alannah grumbled as the eight of them formed a circle. this time instead of emily being there, it was jennifer.

alannah wasnt too sure about playing the game, i mean its stupid! "okay, everyone knows how to play?" james confirmed, making everyone in the room nod their heads. "alright, how about...jennifer? you can spin first" james shrugged.

jennifer held the bottle with a smirk as she let go and it spun around. the whole time alannah was hoping it wouldnt land on kirk...but it did. "kirk and jennifer" james nodded. "see ya in 7 minutes" lars waved as they left the room.

alannah sent a look to raina, to which she sent a smile back, letting her know that everything was going to be okay. alannah just nodded before looking away and biting her lip. jennifer was definitely the least trustworthy person here, so she was a little worried.

"7 minutes is up!" james yelled. the two walked back into the room, still looking the same as usual. thats a good sign, right? kirk sent alannah a smile before sitting beside her again.

"can i spin now?" lars questioned. "fine" james spoke, slowly handing him the bottle. lars set the bottle down and spun it around. quickly, it landed on alannah, and her face scrunched up.

"bye you two" allie waved, with a giggle. alannah sent a scowl to her, but quickly got up, and following lars to the closet they'd have to be in for seven minutes. "wheres the lights?" alannah questioned, as the door shut.

"i dont think theres one" lars shrugged. "bullshit" she spoke, reaching around for a switch or string. "so uh, were alone right now" he spoke. she couldnt hear the smirk in his voice, and her eyes widened.

"mhm" she spoke, hoping he wouldnt act on her. "well you wanna makeout?" he questioned. "no, im fine" she spoke, finally finding a light switch. didnt work. ugh.

"cmon" lars whined, touching her arm. kirk in the other room could hear alannah yelling at lars. everyone else laughed, while he felt a little bad. he knew lars was interested in alannah, and how much he liked to try with her.

"okay, get yer asses out here" james yelled. alannah gladly and quickly exited the closet. she returned to her spot and ignored kirk's stares. "you okay?" he lowly whispered, making the girl look up with a smile and a nod.

"who's spinning next?" cliff questioned, waiting for someone to speak up. "i'll do it" raina smiled, setting her hand on the bottle. she spun it and it landed on james. lucky for her....

"lets go, baby" james smirked, helping her off the ground. "uh oh" allie spoke, already knowing what was coming. "might wanna plug your ears for seven minutes" cliff laughed.

seven minutes later, the two walked out of the room. raina looked the same, but james looked like a wreck! everyone could see the tear in his shirt, as well as the hickies forming on his neck.

"what do ya say we switch to truth or dare?" james coughed.

everyone reformed the circle to start truth or dare. "mkay, allie you can start" james spoke. "okay, uh...jennifer truth or dare?" she asked, smiling a little. "truth" jennifer nodded.

"okay uh, whats the weirdest place youve had sex?" allie questioned. "in the back of a classroom at my old school" she sheepishly smiled with a shrug. "was there people in there?" lars questioned. "yeah, it was a full class" jennifer shrugged.

"weird...okay your turn" james spoke. "lars, truth or dare?" jennifer questioned. "dare" he smirked, puffing out his chest. "i dare you to drink a whole raw egg" she smirked.

the whole room bursted out in laughter while lars only rolled his eyes. "i'll go grab the egg!" cliff volunteered. he ran out of the room and returned a few moments later. he handed lars the egg that was now cracked into a cup.

"you guys know im gonna die, right?" lars exaggerated. "just do it!" kirk laughed. lars took one deep breath before swallowing the egg whole. once it was down he gagged, so everyone moved away from him.

"you okay?" james questioned, making lars nod. "james, truth or dare?" he spoke, glaring at the tall blonde. "dare" james smirked. "i dare you to go next door, and ask your neighbours for a condom" lars spoke.

"this'll be a good one!" alannah laughed. "ugh, fine" james spoke, getting up, as the rest of the group followed him. everyone peered their heads out of the front door as james knocked on the door.

"hi, darling...can i help you?" the woman asked. she was a grandma...."hey, at least she looks nice" lars spoke, sending some snickers through the group. "hi mary, i was wondering if you had a condom i could have?" he spoke, trying not to burst out laughing.

"oh dear, i have my husbands used one, if you'd like that?" the woman spoke, making james' eyes widen. "uh no that's okay! thanks" he yelled, while running back to his house.

"she's crazy" james spoke, panting. "you shouldve seen the look on your face!" cliff laughed. "whatever, lets just continue" he spoke, walking back into the living room.

"raina, truth or dare?" james questioned. "dare?" raina spoke, starting to regret saying dare. "i dare you to put ice cubes down your pants and wait for them to melt" james spoke, making his girlfriend roll her eyes.

she left to the kitchen and returned with half a tray of ice. she poured the cubes into her pants and soon enough she was cringing. "i hate this...i hate you" she spoke, looking right at james.

soon enough, the ice had melted and it looked like raina had pissed her pants. and now it was raina's turn to ask. "alannah, truth or dare?" she smiled. alannah didnt wanna be a downer, so she sighed out. "dare."

"i dare you to kiss kirk" she smirked. alannah's heart stopped for a second. is she being serious? alannah remembered that jennifer thought they were dating, so she quickly turned to kirk.

their lips connected for just a few seconds, and when they split apart, alannah could feel her cheeks heating up. "she's red as a tomato!" raina pointed out, making alannah hide her face as best she could.

her and kirk had finally kissed though!

only took you thirteen chapters...

fuck off.

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