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all eight teenagers sat in alannah's room. luckily her room wasnt that small, but she was sure everyone could use the extra space. she also wasnt too sure about letting emily in her house, but she didnt want to be like that.

"you guys wanna watch a movie?" alannah questioned, standing up from her spot on the bed. "sure" everyone responded, making the girl nod. "anyone wanna help me pick a movie?" she questioned, pulling out the baskets filled with movies.

"sure!" raina smiled, getting up. they both looked at every movie and decided on a random cute romantic movie. everyone settled down in the room and got all comfy.

cliff and allie were laying at the end of alannah's bed, james and raina were curled up on the small couch, kirk and emily were cuddling on a beanbag chair, and lars and alannah sat at the head of her bed.

everyone was all close together, except for lars and alannah...she was making sure to keep her distance. alannah turned the lamp off and the movie started off.

alannah though, wasnt watching the movie at all. her eyes kept guiding her to kirk and emily all cuddly. part of alannah wished that was her with kirk. but he paid alannah no attention when emily was around.

kirk looked back at alannah for a split second, making the girl look at the tv. the straight face she had quickly turned into a frown. i guess this whole time, alannah didnt hate emily for how she acted, she hated emily cause she got kirk.

alannah always knew there was something special about that curly haired boy. and when he took her in for the night, she immediately loved the feeling of being around him...even though she couldnt admit it yet.

"dont do this now" alannah thought to herself, as she could feel tears brimming her eyes. she quickly got up from the bed and slipped out of the room before heading towards the bathroom.

once she got in the safety of the locked - or what she thought was bathroom, she immediately began balling her eyes out. she kept her sniffles quiet so none of her friends, or mom would hear her.

a soft knock sounded on the door. alannah's head quickly perked up, but she stayed quiet, hoping that person would go away. the door opened without another sound and she was met with kirk's worried expression.

"hey, what's wrong?" he questioned, closing the door behind him before kneeling in front of her sitting on the tub. "nothing kirk, im okay" alannah nodded, with a non convincing smile.

"you can tell me what's wrong, i wont tell a soul" he smiled, making alannah breathe out and shake her head. "i-i cant" she sniffled, biting her lip.

"that's okay! but stop crying, please" he begged, reaching up to wipe away her tears. her heart fluttered and broke at the same time. "dont" she mumbled, lightly gripping his wrist.

"sorry" he apologized, pulling it back. "no, no, youre not doing anything wrong" alannah smiled, much more genuine this time. "are you sure you dont want to tell me whats wrong?" he questioned.

"can you ask raina to come here?" alannah spoke, dropping her head again. "sure!" he jumped up before quickly sending her a smile and exiting the bathroom.

alannah hadnt even known raina for a couple hours, but she already felt so comfortable around her. she was like a sister to her.

"hey babe, kirk said you wanted to talk to me?" raina questioned, entering the room. "awe honey whats wrong?" "is emily here still?" alannah asked. "no, when kirk went to check on you she got mad at him and left" raina chuckled a little.

that was good right? kirk prioritising alannah over his own girlfriend. woah alannah, dont get ahead of yourself here, he's just checking up on his friend.

"you were right" alannah spoke. "about?" "me liking kirk..." the girl spoke, making raina smirk. "i told you so!" she laughed, sitting beside alannah.

"so, tell me everything."

when raina and alannah had emerged from the bathroom, alannah went back to pretending nothing was wrong. when they got back to her room though, they were both surprised to see only kirk there still.

"where did everyone go?" raina questioned, curious as to why james left her. "theyre downstairs...they were just waiting for you" kirk spoke, nodding to raina.

"oh okay! guess i better get going" raina smiled, before picking up her purse and waving to both of them. she exited the room without another sound, and now it was just the two awkward teenagers left.

"why didnt you go with them?" alannah questioned, turning on her bedside lamp. "i wanted to make sure you were okay" he shrugged, sitting on her bed. he patted the spot beside her, and she slowly, but gladly joined him.

"i appreciate it, but you've been friends with them much longer than me, so go" alannah smiled. "nuh uh, im staying with you tonight" he spoke, making alannah's cheeks heat up.

of course it was an innocent thing, but alannah had finally admitted her feelings for him! so she had a lot on her mind...if ya know what i mean.

"kirk, i dont want you missing out on fun cause of me" alannah complained. "but i want to!" he smiled, making alannah break out in a big smile too. "fine, i guess" she shrugged, jokingly rolling her eyes.

"ready to tell me whats wrong yet?" he spoke, showing off a very cheesy smile that made the girl laugh. "nope...but i do have a weird question" alannah spoke, immediately regretting saying that.

"sure" he nodded. "do you ever...second guess your relationship with emily?" the girl questioned, a little scared of the answer. "honestly, yes. sometimes i wonder if she's really the one" he shrugged, looking down at his hands.

fuck alannah! how could you ruin the mood?

"i felt like that with my ex too" alannah nodded. "and i ignored all the warning signs and got hurt, until finally him cheating on me was just enough for me to walk out" she explained.

kirk sat there the whole time, his eyes glued to her, while he nodded his head along. she could tell he was truly listening to her - which made her feel much better about talking about david.

"if you dont mind me asking, did he physically hurt you before that night we met?" he questioned. that was a big question for alannah, but she left safe and trusted kirk, so she decided it was the time.

"yes...he left marks on my body in places that no one else could see....and he did horrible horrible things to me, and that's why i kind of freaked out when were in the bathroom that night" she explained.

"and im sorry for making you uncomfortable, and im sorry if i am now, i just yknow-" "kirk, if i didnt trust you i wouldnt be telling you this stuff" alannah interrupted with a small laugh.

"right, im sorry" he apologised. "no need to apologise, but now i feel extremely safe around you so dont even worry" she nodded, a smile occupying her face as she made eye contact with the boy.

a/n: since some of y'all are enjoying the book, imma drop chapters every three days instead of five!

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