Ice Cream With Stiles

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I wake up screaming. I look frantically around the room to see my mom pinning me down.

"Hey, you stopped screaming."


"What are you seeing in your dreams?"

"They're nothing."

"They're not. Your screams are starting to get longer and louder. Tell me what you saw."

"Mom why are you so interested. They're just dreams."

"I can't be a caring parent?"

"Not when you have an evil smirk."

I get out of bed and walk towards the closet.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention I have a date today."

"You have a date!"

"Yeah. Met him last night." I say as I grab a t-shirt and jeans.

"You're wearing that to a date?" she asks as she walks up to next to me

"Yes it's just a date it's not a wedding."

"Ok i'll leave." she says.

As soon as I get dressed my phone goes off. I go to it and see an unknown number.





"How'd you get my number."

"My dad's the sheriff."


"Yeah, hey are you ready I'm in your driveway waiting."

"Let me quess got that because your dad's the sheriff?"

"Yes and I like to snoop. Now come out I'm getting antsy.

When I get out side I see a familiar blue jeep as soon as Stiles sees me he gets out and silently opens the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?"

"Well, right now I'm driving you to the best ice cream place ever!"

"Ice cream?"

"Yes. You know the delicious cold stuff you shove in your mouth?"

"I know what ice cream is."

"Well, here we are." he says as we enter a ice cream shop(whats a name of a ice cream shop in beacon hills.) We get inside and Stiles immediately rushes to the casher.

"What kind do you like?" he says as he grabs a cone.

"Um, I kinda don't like ice cream," I say walking towards a booth.

"How can you not like ice cream?"

"It's too cold and I'd rather have a bag of trail mix."

"Omg, I'm so sorry," he says as sadness feels his eyes.

"It's okay and plus it's a hot day I might get some?"

"What kind would you like?"

"I don't know what's the best?"

Without replying he goes over to the cashier and offers ice cream. When he gets back he shows me a cone with the same ice cream he has. I take trying to hide a laugh.

"How you like the ice cream?"


****Author's Note****

Sorry for not updating but now that my exams are over i will be updating every 2 or 3 days.

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