Milo and Derek

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I run to my computer and try to search up anything I can on the Hales, but the only thing coming up is the fire. What kind of family has no trace on the internet? They don't strike me as a Facebook kind of family. Maybe I just can't find any information, but maybe someone else could. I should contact him with my problem. He is the one who taught me he may know how to get around this.

I go ahead ad email him and a few minutes later he replies with a live chat addres so I click on it and as soon as I do a message pops up.

Haven't heard from you in a while. How's Beacon Hills going for you so far?

Weird, stuff has been happening. Like my mom being overprotective of a secret.

Still wondering who your father is, I see. What else has been happening?

Nothing, just the father stuff. This time is different I actually know his name.

Nina, you have a big ego so you wouldn't text me if 1. you couldnt get something and you need my help 2. you're shaken up a bit and you have no one to talk to that would understand you, or 3 all of the above. So spill the bad and I'll get working on your father, but I need the name.

I may be having these nightmares about some dude who may be related to my father and he keeps telling me to ask my mom about our family, but did you find anything on the Hales. Other then the hale fire, I've read that article a thousand times.

I havent had much luck either, but there was this one thing I saw that said it may have been a serial Killer and not an electrical fire . It says the Hales may have made some enemies and someone decided to kill them.

that may have been what my mom meant by he was a monster. Could he have gone into some bad things

Maybe, not likely. If he did and it was a murder, what kind of person would kill a whole family to get to one person.

Haven't you seen any movies? He made the killer angry and to get back at him, he killed his family.

I don't know, lets not jump to conclusions, we don' t even know if your father was a Hale.I'll get looking and getting in touch if you promise to do the same with your nightmares.

What ever. See you later Milo.

Stay safe.

So if it was a murder. Who was the target. A house full of Hales and one of them could've been my father. The same dude that angered someone and got his whole family killed. Not every hale was in there. There's Derek and Laura. I need to talk to Derek again. Now.

I hurry and get changed into my pajamas and get in my bed. I stare up at the ceiling knowing whats going to happen. I need those answers and if doing this is the only way, then i have to do it.

As soon as I close my eyes the surroundings change into the familiar black abyss and I know the nightmare has already started.

"Derek! Derek!" I continue to yell, but as I continue my voice gets quieter until it is just a faint whisper.

"So you needed to talk?" His voice rings from everywhere.

"I need answers."

I close my eyes, I know this isn't real. This is a dream, my dream. I hold the power here. I close my eyes and think of a white room with white walls, floors and lights and when I open my eyes I'm met by my thoughts.

" You're learning. Are you learning your past?"

"I ask the questions here. If you came here you also need something. What is it?"

"You. I need you to learn and fulfill your destiny.  You're a very rare creatures one that only happens only a thousand years old."

"I'm a human and if I'm not mistaken, a human is born like every 8 seconds."

" I did you to believe in what you don't know and if you do that then the rest will come to you."

"Still sticking with the vagueness."

" You know I am real, but am I real in here?"

" No dreams are just a recreation of your unconsciousness" I stutter.

Why would Derek appear in my dreams. I never saw him before the other day, after he started to show up in my dreams.  There's apart of me who knows he m. I just don't know how. I don't remember him.

"Apart of you knows the truth and is trying to tell you. I am that part."

" Is there a reason why it's YOU and not someone I trust?"

" I'm connected to your past, the key to uncovering everything. Even the answers you most desire"

Could he be my dad? No he's only a few years older then me by the looks of it. Could he know who is? Could we be related?

"Why might you be the key. Out of all the all the people I know, why you?" I ask already knowing it was a mistake.  These types of dreams end in one way me waking up, screaming.

Just as I finish the thought, Derek's face changes, transforms into an animals face.

I'm not longer in control of my body when he growls, but I run, I run as fast as my legs  can carry me.

His face. Oh my god it just changed.  The fangs and the eyes. Wait the fangs, eyes, and the mysterious sideburns can't be random. Come on Kristina. What kind of animal did it look like. A wolf, it looked like a human/ wolf. It can't be werewolves, they aren't real, they can't.

I'm so  in Tune with my thoughts that i don't even realize i was running into his trap.

" Some say its not just the prey that matters, but the hunt." He laughs evilly.

I turn around take in my surrounding forgetting the thought of the illusion. I need to survive. okay calm down. CALM DOWN!! If you want to get out strip away the treats, the extra, unimportant stuff. I close my eyes while the last thing I see is Derek running in slow motion.

When I open my eyes again, I'm met by a new sight. The exit to this horrific sight, glowing in purple. A tree stump.

I run full speed, ignoring the scratches I get from the branches. I need to get to this stump, I know i can make it.  RUN NINA, RUN!!. Come on Nina ! you can do this escape this reality.  I slide over the stump like a trained assassin. How do I do that?

"Its in your blood." His voice roars right behind me.

I turn around just in time to see him fly towards me ready to kill and the only thing I can do is scream

**Author's Note**

I am sorry this isnt edited but I just had to get a chapter out. Oh My God!! 51,000 reads! I can't believe this story has hit 50 thousand reads. From a simple Idea to 50 thousand reads. I'm planning to get more chapters out over Christmas and New Years in celebration of 50 THOUSAND READS.

I have so many plans for this character and I think when this book gets finish I'll have a poll up for my updating schedule. Let's just hope no one uses my ideas.

I can't tell you how much this means to me. I took a big break and you guys kept reading like thanks. I love seeing all your feedback so keep commenting and voting and I'll keep posting.


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