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I look into the calming sight of my own ceiling. I blankly stare at it hoping I'd get lost it it's simplicity,but all I loose is conscience.

"Welcome back, you've been avoiding me." Derek breaks the blindness.

"Yea, Lydia likes getting to teach me about makeup and I like not having to see or hear from your leather wearing ass."

He walks closer and slowly the world fades from black and into something more familiar behind him. I watch as he begins to willingly shifts into the wolf like face.

"You didn't flinch this time."

"I'm not scared of you anymore."

"You're not scared of me, but you are scared of what I represent. There's a reason you're having Lydia teach you about makeup"He whispered.

"She's teaching me because she wants to. It has nothing about you so you might want to dial your ego down a bit."

"You can keep lying to yourself, but deep down you know the truth. Lydia Martin may be the one teaching you how to be more like her, but you and I know you're just using that princess as a mask to hide yourself from the world around you." He spits as if the words were venom.

Lydia has nothing to do this, she may be a bitch at times, but deep, deep down she's smart and kind. Hopefully one day she'll see she doesn't have to hide who she is just for others to like her. She's been nothing but nice to Allison and I since we got here. I don't know what makes us different from the rest of the kids who've known her for years, not weeks. It may not be us, but Allison and she's just tolerating me. If that's the case I'd be fine with it because then we'd get to pretend that our lives are the normal we crave them to be.

I snap out of my thoughts as a growl escapes an unseen figure. My first instinct is to look at Derek, but when his face matches mine I know it can't be him.


"Its not me."

"I know, but who's that." I say pointing to a grey wolf lurking between some bushes.

The grey wolf makes their presence known as the begin their way down the slop. I stand there, helpless as it inches closer. I can't do anything. I can't yell, can't move, can't even find the power to continue to breathe.

"The beast who's raised among their end will meet it by their creator." The beast speaks in mt mind, but I can only hear its growls.

"Derek? Did this wolf just speak to me?" I ask.

He's the only the thing that seems familiar. He hasn't done anything to earn it, but for some reason my instinct is telling me I can trust him. I don't know if I want to listen to these instincts given there's a wolf circling me as if I was prey and speaking to me.

"Nina, wake yourself up!" Derek's voice egos against the trees.

"How in the hell am I supposed to do that. If I could don't you think I would've before!"

He's right, this is your dream. You have control over what happens and what you can do so just find a way to make yourself wake up. Okay, so given the past dreams I always wake up either before or after I'm attacked. I just need to get my blood running, right? I don't have to actually die to wake up do I?

I begin to slowly turn in the direction of the wolf. Both of us going in an endless circle, but we don't move or do anything to disrupt the synchronization. I stare into its eyes and for a second I swear it turned purple.

Wait, turned. It turned just like Derek's eyes did when he transformed. This isn't an actual wolf, this is a werewolf. This isn't something lurking for its next meal, its someone circling a hostage. I'm the hostage, I'm the one it needs or hates. How can that be possible? It's my head, my sub-conscience, and my dream.

I kneel down so I no longer lean over it. I read somewhere that people show dominance by who's taller so maybe if I get down to its level it'll feel safer. They see my sudden movement, but instead of being frightened, it moves closer. I reach out towards its face and to my surprise it doesn't make any sudden movements. It's as if they knew what I would do and that I wouldn't hurt it.

"It's rare. Not a lot of werewolves can turn themselves into a wolf." Derek says deciding to let his voice break the silence.

"Who are you?" I whisper to the wolf hoping it'd respond in the same way it spoke minutes before.

"You'll soon find out."

"Can you hear my thoughts?" I wonder as it finishes their sentence.

"We're connected, you and I. You may not believe Derek's words, but trust me. You and I are connected just like you and Derek are."

"And how are Derek and I connected?"

"I can't give you all the answers Kristina. This is your future and past coming together to form the present. You need to decide the paths to travel and the course of those paths."

"Trying to be as vague as possible aren't you?"

Instead of answering my last question I watch as the wolf backs up and begins to whimper as it moves erratically. I watch curiously as I know it must be turning back into a familiar figure. when it finishes all I can see is a shadowy figure staring back at me.

"I am the person you least expect." It finally echos. It's is loud and muffled as if it its coming from one of the generic voice modulators.

I stand up reaching its height, but falling a couple inches short. I search for any sign of life, but all that stares back is a black abyss. I reach towards it the same way I did when it was in wolf form, but this time it does react. As soon as my hands close enough it grabs it and pulls me into the abyss.

I land hard on my back and when I open up my eyes again I am back in the black void I began in. I begin to stand up, but stop dead in my tracks as I feel my hands brush against something. I turn my heads and glance down at what my hands were touching and yell.

"Mom! Allison!" I yell getting louder as their names leave my mouth.

I look down at their bodies and the puddles of blood that accompany them. I walk closer and see the lacerations that cover their bodies.

"Who did this to you guys." I say still in disbelief.

"You did. You're a hunter and they were your prey." The distorted voice says. They walk out of the shadows and make their way to the bodies.

"I'm not a hunter. I'm not a killer like my mom. I would never kill anyone let-alone my own family." I yell back

"Yet. You're not a hunter yet. Someday your mom will train you to be what she is and when she does you will kill."

"I'm not a Hunter! I wouldn't hurt anyone! I am not a killer!" I yell louder and louder with every breathe.

"But I am." It says as it shifts back into its' wolf form. I back away, turn around, and run to scared to look back, knowing if I did I'd die. All of a sudden my legs stop working and I fall to the ground. I manage to use my arms to turn over and stare helplessly at the incoming wolf knowing I'm about to die yet again.

**Author's Note**

Happy Birthday to me! I've wanted to post this chapter a couple days ago, but decided against it as I wanted to get a chapter out on my birthday. Not only is this chapter my Sweet 16 chapter, but it is also the 50th published chapter!

There is no amount of words I can use to show you guys my gratitude. This is honestly a big achievement and the fact that I reached on my birthday makes it even better. I don't deserve all of the support you guys have given me over the past 2 years.

You guys keep motivating me to write every time I see a new comment/vote. I love reading your comments and they don't always have to be good because one of the main reasons why you see longer chapters is because someone left a comment telling me they wished they were longer.

I am so sorry that its taken me almost a month to get this chapter out and I am still surprised some of you have stayed and waited for a new chapter. I DO plan on writing more often. I will teach myself to put time aside to write because it isn't fair to you guys when you have to wait that long.

Until next time. Keep reading, voting and commenting!

Teen Wolf: I am an ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now