French Class

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"I hear that Scott dislocated Jackson's shoulder during practice " I saw walking towards stiles.

"Not the only thing he did this morning. "he says in a faint whisper.


"oh, um nothing."

"you sure?"

"nothing. nothing happened."

I start to walk towards Mr. Harris's class but then I turn around and head towards stiles.

"weird question but my mom has been acting weird and I wanted to ask you, since your related to the sheriff. is every thing ok? is there anything mad that would have my mom on edge like this?"

"Weird? um nothing out of ordinary happening here. I um got to go see you later." he says as he walks off.

what is going on with the people in this town? does everyone act weird? or is it just them? my mom started to act weird when we got here. maybe its stress from her job.


"Can we please just go to french class"

"when have you cared about french ."

"how long have we been here?"


"i just am going to tell scott we are going to his lacrosse game."

"who was that?" allison asks as she walks down the stairs

"My mom, um she is nothing um i mean um its nothing im never too busy for you."

"um I like the sound of that um well I have to round too French class but I wanted to let you know im coming to your game tomorrow."

"You are?."

before Allison can reply I start speaking " yes we are and after words we are all going out me Lydia Jackson and this girl you call Allison."

" really you had to butt in?"

"yes you two love birds are going to make me late for French."

"tell stiles he can come too. "Allison says as I pull her to class

"hold up I got to get something out of my locker."

"well, I'm going to class because unlike you I don't want to be late." I say walking towards French class

****Author's Note****

The book is now off hold and in honor of Jeff Davis after this chapter every Monday there will be a new chapter released. [Moonday] Cant wait for the 2nd half of the premiere tonight!

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