Two Faced Liars

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I watch their faces expecting surprise to be painted on their face, but instead  I see Stiles trying to hide a smirk.

"Know what?" Scott finally speaks up breaking the everlasting silence

"The supernatural, it exists."

Before he replies he looks to Stiles with pleading eyes, but to both our surprise he slowly shakes his head and denies any help.  Both fall back into the familiarity of silence as I begin to pace up and down the rows of wooden desks. 

"Don't try to shoot me down because your reactions just prove it." I whisper just loud enough for me to hear.

I expected more, I expected them to be like everyone else in this town, but I should've known they would've been different. Instead of writing me off as some crazy person, Stiles took the time to listen to me.

"How much do you know?" Stiles finally spoke

"There are werewolves who howl up towards the moon, but its not like Twilight where they can turn into an actual wolf. Instead they just grow 19th century sideburns and have glow sticks for eyes. They also have heightened senses and agility that allows them to run fast, but not the flash fast, just faster then I could."

Before I can continue the final bell for the last class rings indicating just how little time has passed since we entered the abandoned room.

"I have to get to class, I'm sorry Nina, but promise me you wont tell anyone. Promise me you wont tell Allison what I am."

Scott's a werewolf? The person that's dating my sister is the same creature as Derek Leather Jacket aka the one who's been terrorizing me every night.

"Did you know?"

"Yes." He mumbles, looking down at his shoes.

"You didn't feel it necessary to tell me you knew when I came to your house the other night and told you about my nightmares. You could've told me Stiles."

I was wrong. Stiles is just another two faced liar just like my mom. He may have not lied to me, but he kept the truth when he knew it could've helped me. I trusted him, but he couldn't trust me. How could this Derek tell me to trust them, if he isn't a real person and why was I so stupid to listen to some fragment of imagination. I need to go see the real version of Derek then hopefully he can tell me how my family and I are involved.

I snap out of my thoughts to see Stiles look at me apologetically,

'I'm sorry Nina, I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you from crossing a line you could've never came back from."

I walk towards the door, open the door and look at Stiles one last time before he becomes another memory of the forgotten.

"I didn't need you to protect me, I needed you to trust me." I say as I enter the hallway not listening nor caring if he had a response

I watch as the rows of lockers blur pass me as I run for the only escape I can trust. The only safe place I've known since I was a kid.


"Why is someone like you eating alone on their first day?" some boy asks as he sits across from me.

"New kids always sit alone last time I checked."

"Do you need to use my phone to catch up on recent events?"

"Smart ass." I say as I smile

"She smiles." He says as he begins to eat his lunch.

Another new town, school, and identity. Why can't we just stay in one place more then a few months. How can I be expected to start all over and still continue to be social when I know we'd we leaving by the time the semester ends.

"What's your name, New Kid?"

"Argent, Nina Argent."

"Well, nice to meet you Argent, I'm Jameson, Milo Jameson."

All I can do is nod at him. Why is he even sitting with me? He's got a social life and friends here, but he chooses to sit here out of all places.

"Over Here!" He yells to redirect someone towards our table.

"New Kid meet my sister, Jordan Jameson, but I call her JJ." He says introducing me to the stranger.

"New kid have a name?"

"Argent, Nina Argent." He says mocking my words.

"James Bond, I like it."

"What's got you down, Argent?"

I look up from my meal to find two sets of blue eyes staring back at me with empathy. I can't just confine in random strangers.


"For some reason I don't believe you."

"Neither do I, but there are some things I'd like to keep hidden." I retort

Stop being rude, these people were nice enough to sit with you and all you're doing is pushing them away just like everyone else. We don't even know how long we're staying so you might want to not make any enemies on your first day.

"Let me tell you a secret, Argent. Its okay to want to keep parts of you locked up from people you lost trust in, but just remember that everyone in this world has their darker selves locked up. It's part of our instinct of survival, but its also the reason everyone lies. They want to keep themselves or something hidden from people they know. They fear that they wont like the truth, but the only of truly knowing someone is being able to see their most pretty perfections and their darkest imperfections. Its only when you understand everyone is a two faced liar, that you can begin to break those mountain high walls of yours."

"That's deep." I blurt out.

"Don't get used to it, Argent. Not many people hear the wisdom I hold within." He says half jokingly.

"Now its my turn to ask a question, Junior. What's your big bad secret?"

"Junior?" he asks trying to change the subject.

" Junior Jameson, I kinda like that." Jordan breaks her long silence with a smile.

" Now look what you did, Argent. You got my sister calling me Junior."

"Looks like you're the new JJ." I laugh as I follow the sound of exiting students, leaving two twins smiling behind me.

***Author's Note***

OMG! I actually updated twice in 4 days. You guys proud?!?

Now, that I'm getting back into the swing of things, I can't wait to write the next chapter knowing every event, person, and emotion brings us closer to figuring out Nina and her friends.

Do you guys like the flashbacks?

Can Milo be trusted?

What do you think of the Jamesons'?

Can they be trusted?

Until next time

Keep voting and commenting I LOVE seeing your guy's comments

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