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I watch Stiles and Derek banter and as they continue to hold up the exiting line of cars, Scott soon joins. The next person to get out of their car surprises me as I open my door and am met by the person I most fear.

"Stiles?" I hesitate as I speck scared that somehow he'll remember me, remember the secrets I've been sent to uncover.

"Hey?"He joins the hesitation routine.

Derek and Scott both turn their attention towards me as Stiles' voice rings heavily in the now awkward silence.

"We need to get you out of here." Scott says being Captain Obvious.

"Gotcha, Captain Obvious."

All three look at me as if if they just remembered their secret was recently discovered, but Derek doesn't know. I may have some fun with this if he continues to be naive.

"Scott, can't you take him?"

"Hell no! He's not taking a wounded dog to Allison's house." I intervene before Scott can come up with a lame excuse to protect his friends, but by his reaction, I know he agrees.


"What's wrong with your car?"

"It's small."

"You really think I'm going to let some dog wearing a leather jacket into my Lamborghini? You are aware that there are only 18 others out there?"

Scott and Stiles simultaneously look back at the car as if they've now just realized its true existence. It's not like it already stood out, its the most expensive car in the town, maybe even the country.

"Fine, but where do I take him?" Stiles finally asks knowing that there was never going to be a chance I was going to let Derek in there.

"Not Allison's nor my house. I don't want my mom walking in and seeing a bloody dog on her couch."

"Animal Clinic then." Scott says as soon as I finish by sentence.

After some glares get passed around and people begin to make their way out of their cars to see what's stopped the line, Scott and Stiles pick up Derek and make their way to his jeep. I walk to the driver's side to see Allison with a questioning look, but I hurry and get into the car. I don't want her to know about this just yet, but I need to start doing damage control over my recent behavior or else she'll get herself involved.

"Please, fill me in because I'm pretty sure last time I checked werewolves have healing abilities." I yell into my phone.

"She knows?" Derek's voice practically yells, but because of his current state it comes out as whispers.

"Yes, dumb ass. Why do you think all the dog jokes were for? Stiles?"

"Supposedly, he was shot by a magic bullet that he can't heal from."

"Okay, if he was shot then just get another bullet and use that to counteract the poison and that should buy him enough time to heal."

"We're trying to, but Scott's having trouble finding the bullet at Allison's house."

As soon as Stiles finishes saying her name, I can tell he didn't intend to tell me.

Why'd the bullet be at Chris's? This can't be what Derek meant when he said my family has its secrets. All he wanted me to do was find out what Argent meant.

I grab my phone from the passenger and move my thumbs to a translator. I enter Argent into its engine, but because I don't know its origin I select an all languages. It doesn't seem to widen the results as it only pops up translations and definitions surrounding the same thing.

"Argent means silver." I say not caring that my recollection can be heard by two sets of ears.

Silver? How does that relate to my family? Okay, Nina, you need to stop over analyzing things. Werewolves? Their weakness and the thing that can kill them is silver. My family's the silver isn't it? That's the secret, my family doesn't only know about werewolves, but the kill them.


"My family.. They hunt werewolves, kill werewolves. They're the ones who shot Derek meaning they've killed before. When was Derek shot?"

"Are you okay?" Stiles's voice feels with empathy.

"No! Stiles I'm not!. When was Derek shot?!" I yell not caring how insane I sound.

"Last night. He was shot last night."

"I'll meet you at the clinic." I don't wait for a response as I hang up and change my route to take me to my house.

Mom left last night to go to Chris's so could that mean she was the one who shot Derek. She does have a shotgun hidden under the front seat. Now that I think about it, why does she have a shotgun hidden in her car. If its for protection, she could've just have a handheld gun or even pepper spray, but a fucking shotgun! Derek wasn't the naive one, I was.

How long has she known? Whole life? a couple of years? How long before she was going to decide to tell me? Does Chris know? He has to know, their siblings, but I know Allison doesn't. If she did she wouldn't let herself get close to Scott. Talk about a Romeo and Juliet story.

I rush into my house as soon as I pull into the driveway with saving Derek the only thing on my mind. He needs to be alive to give me the answers unless there's a species that can speak to the dead, but since I don't have time on my side I'll just have to do with finding the bullets used.

Where would I put a case of magical bullets if I were some type of hazardous hunter? Maybe in a secret underground lair where I hold my captives.

I laugh to myself as I think about all the comic references that come to mind, but I need to remember that this isn't some story written on paper for millions of people to read. Instead, its a matter of life or death for Derek and my hopes of ever getting the full truth.

I walk into my mom's room like I did many times, but this time its different, this time I know where to look. I know my mom isn't an idiot and would move her most valuable items to a new place every time she thought I came in here. I grab her pull away ottoman, drag it to her closet, and use it to reach two of the duffel bags from her top shelf hoping one of them held the jackpot.

Once I got them thrown on the bed, I begin to hesitate as I walk towards them. This was what Stiles was talking about. I don't know if I want to cross this line now knowing what my mom would be on the other side.

I stand there, just staring down into the void that the bags seem to reflect and the longer I stare the more my surroundings seem to be fighting a losing battle against the darkness.

I snap out of my thoughts and open the duffel bag remembering someone's life will soon be joining that void.

I pull away the sides to be met by truth I most feared. Rows and rows of bullets act as if their mirror reflecting the horror plastered on my face, but they seem to be my kryptonite forcing my legs to buckle under its presence.

***Author's Note****

This chapter took longer then I expected as I decided to change how the event happened in the show. I just hope you guys like it, but I can tell you its not going to be the only event that'll differ from the show's.

As some of you guys have realized, I've picked up a updating schedule. My intent is to publish a new chapter every four days. It makes it a little easier now that I've begun to write the chapters a couple days before. ( This one being the exception as I finished this late the day before.)

Until next time.

Keep reading, voting, and commenting.


Got any suggestions for Nina or her character development. Comment down below and there might be a chance I'll adapt it into the story.

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