Clearing Up

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Before I get a chance to respond or react Stiles moves himself between us

"I only agreed to this because Nina would've done it on her own and I don't trust you." He spits as he turns to face Derek.

Instead of acknowledging Stiles, Derek just stares past him and right at me.

I feel like I should say something. I had all these questions, but now I can barely muster up enough strength to make eye contact.

Noticing my hesitation Stiles walks towards me with concern written All over his face.

"Nina? You okay?" He whispers as softly as he can. Almost like if he spoke any louder it would break me.

"No. I've seen this very man kill me and tell me all I know is a lie. Every. Single. Night. Now he's standing here as if we're strangers. I know to him, I'm a stranger, but to me he's my murder."

"Look, I may hate, distrust, and hate Derek, but you need to do this. You need to confront him. You said the Derek in your dreams kept on telling you to look into your heritage before he killed you."

"Yea. Some nights the last thing I saw before.. well you know." I pause to look over at Derek.

"Was Derek as a human and Derek as a werewolf." I continue


"I don't know."

"But you do, you just won't say it out loud."

"Two sides of the same coin." I say finally realizing parts of the hidden whole.

"Derek represents the life I knew. Then when he shifts he represents the new life that I keep rejecting."

"Exactly. Somewhere deep inside that head of yours, you already knew of werewolves."

"My preconscious was trying to warn me because it knew what was gonna happen."

"Exactly!" Stiles yells after the pieces come together.

Just before I get the chance to respond, Derek clears his throat reminding me of where we are.

I turn my head and find Derek looking at us with a questionable look on his face.

"I'm lost."

"Not my fault, Big Guy." I saw barely giving any effort.

We all drop into a silence, but for once it's good.

How would I've already known of the supernatural? Maybe, this means I won't have to see his face anymore. I won't have to keep on dying. I can go back to a normal life

A normal life that's filled with secrets and lies, but still a life.

"Anyone wanna feel me in?" Derek's voice rings.

"Ever since I've moved here I've had nightmares where you kill me, violently, but before you kill me you tell me some vague as fuck message."

"What kind of messages?" His voice rings with curiosity.

"Your family are hunters. You are a monster. Which I find ironic since you can literally turn into a wolf, but whatever. That's not even the weirdest part."

I know I shouldn't be telling Derek all of this. If Stiles and my dreams are correct, Derek's someone who I can't trust. Especially if I go to him first over the one who's done nothing but help me. Hell, he's even kept all this a secret from his best friend who share secrets of their own.

I watch Derek take a threatening step forward.

"What is the weirdest part?" He asks a little harshness in his voice, but also with a hint of concern hidden deeply.

I try to back up, but I can't, I won't. This isn't a dream, this is real, and I won't give him the satisfaction of having power over me.

"Show me you can be trusted. Show me you're not the same person I see kill me and just maybe I'll fill in the blanks."

"Tell me." He demands

"You heard the girl, now back up." Stiles says as he again he puts himself between Derek and I.

"Stiles, you aren't apart of this so stay back or you'll regret it."

I watch as Derek's threat tears Stiles' confidence apart and he shrinks down. I don't blame him. I'm actually surprised he's lasted this far.

"If you even think about hurting him Derek, I will make sure you'll regret it." I emphasize the you to make my point clear.

I do my best to sound as tough as possible and luckily it seemed to work because both boys turn towards with a puzzled look on their faces.

"What could you possibly threaten me with? Keep in mind, I'm the werewolf and you're the human. You are just a weak little teenager. You will never understand what truly goes on in the dark." Derek yells bitterly.

" I may be a weak little teenager, but there's also 1 detail you failed to see." I say just as bitter.

" and what's that?"

"Nina, don't." I hear Stiles whisper, but he's too late.

I run straight at him with all my might and I must've caught him off guard because I actually make contact with him.

I hurry to my feet not wanting to be at a disadvantage when I'm already fighting a supernatural creature and other no home field advantage.

I watch as he quickly gets up and charges towards me, but for some amazing reason I move out of the way just in time.

I hurry up and grab the hidden weapons from my boot knowing that I may have to fight for my life.

Derek finally readjusts his body just in time to see me twirl the two halves of the staff.

"You're a hunter?" He questions.

"No, Derek."

I run after him making sure that even with his heightened senses he won't be able to predict my next move.

He dodges me quickly, but since I've caught him off guarded it's not fast enough. I swing as hard as I can aiming right for the face, but come up a little shot hitting him right between his shoulders.

I try to recover from the unexpected knockback, but now it was my turn to be too slow.

Derek grabs the extended end of the combined staff and turns me around so I'm pressed against his chest trapped in his arms.

"If your not a hunter then what are you?" He breaths into my ear.

I feel my staff rubbing against my forearm. I shift my weight just enough to get a hold of it with one hand.

I press the hidden button I added a couple months ago making a blade extract going straight into Derek's side.

He loosens his grip just enough that I maneuver out of his arms. I turn around and as I look into Derek's eyes I watch them shift to the same shade of blue represented in my dreams.

I grab ahold of my staff, grab it out, clean off the blood, split it and put it back in my boots all in one motion.

Kneading down to Derek's level, I grab his face and position it so his icy blue eyes are staring back at me.

"I am an Argent."

***Author's Note***

Wow, two months go by quickly. I am so so sorry. One day it was September the next November. I can't begin to apologize for just leaving you guys on a cliff hanger.

I hope this chapter was worth it because it was my first fight sequence. I know it's bad but you got to start somewhere, right?

To be completely honest with you guys, I didn't plan for them to fight. Originally I wanted them to just have a conversation and some Sterek banter mixed in, but things lead to another and I decided Nina was an Argent and she shouldn't be a damsel in distress.

Keep commenting, reading, and voting because the more I receive notifications the more I'm reminded to update



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