An Escape

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I run straight towards my car without the thinking of the consequences of missing another day of school. I can't handle walking the halls and seeing people deal with their normal lives, while mine is just imploding from the inside. I can't handle being surrounded by secrets in an endless void. Why did we have to come to Beacon Hills? My life was normal before we came; mom wasn't as secretive, Allison and I could've never been separated by something like this, and I could go to bed without the fear of walking up with sweat covered sheets.

I get to my car and stand there waiting for my fingers to get a hold of my keys, but they only grasp the thick fabric indicating the wrong thing found an escape

"You dropped these." Stiles' voice egos behind me.

I turn around and see Stiles holding my keys in his left hand as he walks towards the door and opens for me.

"I should've told you and I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did, but I do trust you."

I step into my car and pull the door from his tightening grip, only to have him walk to the other side of my car and try the door. I'm to slow to lock it and he enters.

"Nina, please."

I ignore his pleading voice, but instead of forcing him out of the car, I start the engine and pick up speed as I dodge others's vehicles. I'm going so fast I can only see white as the colors of my surroundings turn to a blur.

 "Slow down! You're gonna hit someone's car!" Stiles yells as loud as he can. Thinking if he got louder I'd slow down, but I just sped up more,  hoping his voice became another blur.

"I trusted you!" I say deciding to voice my thoughts.

"I trusted you, even when I couldn't trust my own blood! I told you things hoping you'd return the favor. I felt like a freak and you didn't tell me!"

"I can't apologize for doing something I thought was the right decision." He exclaims over the roar of the engine.

At the sound of his confession I slow down and pull into a parking area. I sit in silence knowing what he said was true, but why should I forgive him? I have to do this myself, I can't depend on other people. It wouldn't be right to drag him or anyone else into the void. These secrets have nothing to do with Stiles so why would Derek tell me to go to them, to trust them. 

"Nina?" He only whispers, but its enough to make me jump.

I unlock his door not remembering I locked it in the first place. Scott may be a werewolf and that may be the reason why Stiles is involved with Derek, but I don't want him to get caught up in the waves of my problems. The only way that would leave us is He'd be pushed to the shore, forced to watch me slowly drifting into uncharted waters and he doesn't deserve that.

"Get out. I'll try to keep Scott's secret, but the second it threatens Lydia or Allison, I will tell anyone who I think can help."


I look at him with a questioning look, but I don't have to wait long for him to explain the reasoning behind his words.

"I'm not gonna leave you because I know the secrets you're trying to find and I know the dangers you'll face when you decide to go get the truth."

"Stiles, I can take care of myself or has my demonstration led you astray."

"No, not it hasn't. I never said my intentions were on protecting you, all I said is I could help you along the way. I do know a little more since my best friend is a werewolf."

He does have a point there. I can't just let him get involved in this kind of manhunt. I don't know what kind of secrets I'll uncover or if they'll put the people I care about in danger. Stiles said the real Derek was dangerous which means he's seen him and what he's capable of.

"Fine, you want to help me? Then tell me where I can find Derek Hale. I saw him at Lydia's party which means he's in town. I also know his house got burned down so where would he be staying?"

"If I tell you were Derek is, you'll go and confront him. I don't want you to go alone. I've met Derek and I don't know if he can be trusted."

"Stilinski , Tell me where I can find him because I'll find out eventually, it'd be better if you tell me now for your sake and Scott's."

"You can't just put Scott's secret on the line every time you don't get your way. That's cruel and unfair to not only Scott, but all the lives it would impact."

"Watch me."

I reach into my back pocket and grab my phone. I hurry to unlock it, find Allison's contact and shove the information at Stiles.

"One of those lives are Allison, who is like my sister to me. You tell me its unfair to blast your secrets when they could put Allison is danger. I'm sorry, but my family's safety is more important then Scotty puppy problems."

I watch Stiles's face as I spit those words out, but to my surprise he doesn't throw out his signature remarks. Instead he sits there opening the door to the familiar silence, but it allows me the time to think . Will going after Derek solve any of my problems or is it something I created to distract myself from them? My dreams can just be another phase that won't mean anything in a couple of years that would've costed my current sanity

"You're hiding something from me because I can't be the only reason why you're man, but I am the person you're taking it out on. Don't get me wrong, I like that you feel comfortable taking it out on me, but what's changed?"

"I keep forgetting you're the son of a cop."

"and I keep forgetting how you like to dodge questions."

We sit in another wave of silence, but this time its not awkward or filled with anger. Its just there to remind us that sometimes its what you need.

"Why don't you drive us to my house and we can talk about it, but in a comfortable environment."

"You don't think these seats are comfy. You have seriously just hurt my car's ego." I retort sarcastically in an attempt to lighten the mood, but I don't get the chance as we're interrupted by the sound of the school's bell.

I pull out of our current parking spot and wait until the cars in front of us begin to move, but when we're at the front the line hits an irrupt stop as a man collides with the front of the car. Stiles gets out of the car to go see who was stupid enough to get in front of a moving car. The man struggles to lift he said towards Stiles and when he musters up the strength to do so I recognize his features instantly.

 The person who just ramed into my car was Derek.

Derek Hale

***Author's Note***

I know this was a shortish chapter, but I can tell you that things will be coming. Big things. Like me actually updating regularly, but until next time keep reading, voting and commenting.

And no, this chapter isn't edited 

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