Secrets Unfold

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I need to call Stiles as soon as I can. He needs to know whats been happening. He may be able to help or give me some advice. The whole two heads are better then one. Why has he been so understanding? Part of it may be that he's a nice guy but its kinda weird. What if I can talk to both Stiles and Scott? Would they even give me the time of day or know how to help?

I look at the clock to see it was only 5 in the morning. As some sort of instinct I rush towards my room thinking that I had to go to school, but I realize that Mom did say I could stay. I could just go back to sleep and wait for my mom to return. I turn towards my bed, but instead of thinking of relaxing all i see is an empty void. Maybe this was what my unconscious was trying to tell me, but that wouldn't make sense. Don't sleep because your family has a secret? No, but it could mean don't sleep because that's how I'm being deceived. Secrets are sometimes refereed to as shadows. So the secret has something to do with the night or occurs in the night.

I stumble out of my room and head to the shower still consumed by the past. I know I all the pieces, it just putting them all together that I'm having trouble with. As I turn the shower head on the nightmare comes to life and the only thing i can see is his face. The way it distorted itself to resemble a wolf wasn't even possible. Those are the things you hear in folklore, werewolves howling at the moon. Are they real? No, Nina. You're just tired. There's no such thing as werewolves.

When i get back to my room I head straight to my computer and as soon as i get on I send him a request. Maybe he can prove to that the supernatural aren't real and then hopefully my life will go back to being normal

Twice in 48 hours.

I'm desperate.

Now here I was thinking you actually wanted to talk

I do

What can i do for you today, Ms Argent

I need your help to derail a recent theory of mine.

What's the theory

The world of the supernatural actually exists.

Milo Disconnected From Channel

What the hell? Why would he just leave and especially after that? Why does it seem like everyone's keeping secrets. Mom, Josh, Chris, everyone seems to know something I don't and they're doing their best to keep it that way.

I need to talk to Stiles. He's got to be connected to this somehow. Why would he appear in that void if he wasn't.

I run downstairs and straight to my car. If nobody want to tell me, maybe the son of a cop will


"Stiles, we need to talk!" I yell into the kids voicemail. What's the point of having a phone if you never actually answer it.

"Hey, Alex" Allison calls after me as soon as I enter the building.

"Do you know where I can find Stiles?" I ask I try to remember his schedule.

"Why weren't you here earlier. You know the days almost over now, right?" She says, ignoring my question.

"Please, Allison. It's really important."

"I don't know where he is, but I do know what class Scott has next."

"Great, now tell me where Romeo is now."

"Seriously, Nina?"


"Scott should be in History right now and so should you."

"He's in my history class?"

"Yeah? Has been for awhile or have you just skipped enough you've forgotten."


How haven't I realized that before?

"Nice of you to join us Ms. Argent." The teacher snarks as I walk in right as the bell rings.

I hurry up and scan the room to see both Scott and Stiles staring up at me. I walk towards them and sit next to Stiles.

"You're in my seat." I hear some voice wimper in protest.

"We don't have assigned seats so just go find another one to sit at"

The student stands there, staring back at me probably to muster up the courage to respond, but before they can the teacher begin the class and she's forced to go find another seat.

I sit and watch the teacher begin to pass out tests the class's tests thinking on how I'm going to word the following statement without sounding crazy. I turn and see both boys awkwardly trying not to stare at me, but I can't help to smile. I don't know why, but when ever I'm around my friends, I feel calmer.

I get up after the teacher finishes, but before I get up I look towards the boys and whisper

"Meet me after class. I need to talk to you, both of you."

"When can I make up that test?" I ask when I get at the front of the room.

"I'm sorry, but you're the one who decided to skip. I can't make a whole other lesson for those you don't take the time to come to the first one."

"If I can get you a doctor's notice, then can I come in and take this test."

"Fine, but I'd have to create a new test, but since you probably already read the answers for the last one, its going to take some time."

"Thank you."

I turn around to be meet with Stiles and Scott staring at me as if I was a ghost, but after they realize that I've turned around, the stare back down at their tests. I try to hide my smirk as I walk to my desk, but as I watch them pretend to look over the test, I loose it.

"What you laughing at MS.ARGENT" Stiles says making sure to put emphasis on my name as if it was suppose to inflict some kind of embarrassment."

"You Mr. Stilinski, or should I say your real name."

"My name's Stiles Stilinski and that's my name." He says oblivious to the real meaning of my words, but luckily Scott understood what I meant and begins to smile just as devilish as my smirk.

"Now both of you are starting to creep me out."

After a moment of silence we all stare back at the front of the class. I sit there watching the clocks hands move as if ever second its slowly chopping the line of my sanity, but eventually it hits it mark striking its final blow sounding an alarm that could be heard across campus.

I get up along side the boys and follow them out of the class and as soon as we're in the hallway I take the lead and go into an empty room.

Scott and Stiles look as nervous as I do. It's almost like they know the words that will be written into a hidden reality.

"So, um what's up?"

I look up and finally make eye contact with him, hoping his eyes can bring me some kind of solace.

" I know."

****Author's Note****

Surprise! I'm alive!

The school year is coming to an end and I've totally abandoned the development of this story and Kristina. I hope that can change this summer. I'll force myself to begin a schedule so I can release new chapters on a weekly basis. When I begin to write, there may be some plot holes so if you find one please notify me.

If your wondering, no this chapter isn't edited nor do I plan to edit it until either I get sick of errors or to any people notify me of errors.

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