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I watch as Derek's eyes slowly switches to those reflecting anger.

Before I get a chance to react, Derek gets up and pushes me so my back is pushed up against a tree.

"Derek, Stop!" Stiles yells as he comes up behind Derek.

"You're friends with a killer, Stiles. I'd be doing you a favor if I killed her."

"Please, Derek. She may know of the supernatural, but that's all she knows."

Before I can even question what's going on Stiles sends me a glare as if he knew I was going to say something I might regret.

"You're telling me the daughter of Chris Argent doesn't know what her aunt did?" He asks.

"Daughter of Kate Argent." I correct him speaking in between breaths as his claws dig themselves digger into my throat.

I watch as he angered face turns into fury and he stare become more dangerous.

"Derek, she doesn't know!" Stiles yells as Derek takes a step closer to me making the space between us less then an inch.

I try to pretend to be strong and not be scared, but every second seems more like a dream. One where I die at the hands of the very same man standing in front of me.

"Is it true?"He growls.

Instead of trying to speak all I do is point to my throat. He gets the messages and loosens the grip just enough so I can speak comfortably.


"The Hale house, the one that kill most of my family. Do you know who set it, who's responsible for a massacre?"

I look to Stiles hoping for him to help, but all he can do is look down at his shoes.

"Stiles, what's he talking about?"

"What I'm talking about? I'm talking about your mother murdering my whole family in a fire!" His voice increases.

My mom wouldn't kill someone, especially a family. She's not that kinda of a killer you takes advantage of someone's weakness. That would go against everything she taught me, but is it possible she wanted me to be better then her. That might explain why she didn't tell me about the hunters.

Why am I even thinking about this? There is no way my mom would murder a whole family and there is no way that she'd be ok with doing that.

What would have driven her so far off the edge that setting a fire was morally correct. I don't care if she's some kind of supernatural hunter there has to be rules, some sort of code.

"My Mom wouldn't do something like that. She may be this supernatural killer but she's not a mass murder."

"Really? You don't think your moms capable of something like that? I hate to tell you, but you don't know your mom at all, sweetheart."

"I know that if you don't take your claws off me, you'll regret it."

"I'll regret it? How is that so little Argent."

Before I even get a chance to respond Stiles is quick to the plate.

"What would happen if Kate found out that a Hale out of all people killed her only daughter?"

As soon as Stiles' words set in, Derek loosens his grip completely.

As soon as he does, I let myself slide down to the ground knowing the tree stump was the only thing keeping me upright.

Stiles runs to my side as soon as I hit the ground.

"Nina, your hurt." He says softly as his hand breezes against my neck.

Teen Wolf: I am an ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now