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Tommy and Ranboo walked to a house. It was massive!

Tommy: Woah!

Ranboo: I get payed a lot for being a model

Tommy: That's so cool!

Tommy and Ranboo walked inside. It was a nice cozy home.

Tommy: This place is huge!

Ranboo: Good, you like it! Because you will live here!

Tommy: Wait what

Ranboo: You said we can get to know each other more! So why not live with me!

Tommy: Are you sure?

Ranboo: Mhm

Tommy: Thank you Boo!

Ranboo: Did you just call me Boo?

Tommy: What? No!

Ranboo: You did!

Tommy: Shut up! No I didn't!

Ranboo: Awww Tommy..

Tommy: Shut the fuck up

Ranboo just laughs

Tommy: Fuck

Ranboo: What?

Tommy: My boss! If they found out I was with the person I'm supposed to kill, they're going to kill me!

Ranboo: They'll never find you

Tommy: But they will find you

Ranboo: How?

Tommy: They have a tracker on you! That's how I found you!

Ranboo: Well where is it?!

Tommy: I don't know!

Ranboo: Well now there's people hunting us down, there's a tracker on me that I don't even know where it is, and we're both going to die!

Tommy: Yeah I know!

Ranboo: What are we supposed to do then!?

Tommy: I DON'T KNOW! OK?! I WAS SUPPOSED TO KILL YOU BUT I DIDN'T! I should have never went with you

Ranboo: Well now your stuck with me

Tommy: What the fuck?! No way!

Ranboo: Look Tommy, you're never going to survive out there. And even if you do survive, you're not going to have money.

Tommy: Fine! I'll stay with you!

Suddenly they heard a knock at the door

Tommy: Fuck. They're here

Ranboo: I know where to hide follow me

Tommy follow Ranboo he was taking him downstairs

With the people

Guy 1: The tracker is moving. Shit.

Guy 3: What?

Guy 1: Lost connection. They went down

Guy 2: Can we just bust the door open now?

Guy 3: You could have done that earlier

Guy 2: Fuck you

Guy 1: Just shut up and open it!

They knocked the door down and walked in. They had guns in their hands ready to shoot.

With Ranboo and Tommy

Tommy: Where the fuck are we

Ranboo: Underground

Tommy: How the fuck do you have a underground room

Ranboo: I use it just in case I need to hide from people

Tommy: This room is tiny!

Ranboo: Well it's only meant for one person!

Tommy: This place is like a fucking closet!

Ranboo: Be quiet I hear footsteps

Tommy turned around to Ranboo and saw that their faces was about 4 inches apart

Ranboo: Like the view?

Tommy: Shut up

Guy 3: You're being so loud!

Guy 2: Says the one who sounds like their fucking screaming

Guy 1: Both of you shut up

Guy 3: Where the fuck are these little shits

Guy 2: How are we supposed to know the tracker isn't working!

Guy 1: Their not here

Guy 3: Where else are they supposed to be then? We already checked the upstairs

Guy 2: They probably left then

Guy 1: How? The tracker would be working if they were outside

Guy 3: What if they took the tracker off?

Guy 2: I told you never to put the tracker in his hair!

Guy 1: Shut up! They could be here!

Guy 3: They aren't here!

Guy 1: Jared is going to kill us

Soon they left

Ranboo: The tracker is in my hair

Tommy: Well get it out!

Ranboo: Can we get out of this place first?

Tommy: Ok..

Tommy: Shit!

Ranboo: What now?

Tommy: Its stuck

Ranboo: Push it open!

Tommy: Stop rushing me!

Tommy then pushed the door open; they both got out and Ranboo found the tracker.

Ranboo: Found it

Tommy: Give it to me

Ranboo: Here

Ranboo said while giving Tommy the tracker

Tommy grabbed the tracker and stepped on it

Tommy: Where do we go now?

Ranboo: What do you mean? We need sleep

Tommy: What if they come back?

Ranboo: There's a bedroom down here

Tommy: You literally have everything

Ranboo: I know

Ranboo: You can sleep on the left side of the bed I can sleep on the right

Tommy: But it's dark!

Ranboo: So?

Tommy: I don't like sleeping in the dark!

Ranboo: We don't have light down here

Tommy: Then I'm sleeping with you

Tommy said while sitting down on the bed

Ranboo: Your such a child

Tommy: No I'm not! 

Ranboo: Whatever you say Child


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