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(Sooooooooooooo uhhhhh this is not smut but it kinda is jk it really isn't lol. But there will be hickeys, is that pretty much smut? Idk you guys tell me lol. Anyways this will probably be the only chapter with that type of stuff or not it depends if you guys want me to keep writing that stuff. Tell me what you think of it at the end.)

Tommy and Ranboo have been dating for a year already they have never done anything bad like sex and shit. Ranboo knew that one day they would probably do it but right now it wasn't the time for that.

They have never talked about that until today. They were both on the couch watching a movie.

Ranboo: Tommy?

Tommy: Yes?

Ranboo: Have you ever thought about.. us having uhh.. it?

Tommy knew what he meant by that so he paused the movie and faced him.

Tommy: Not really honestly.. why?

Ranboo: We've been dating for a year now and we've never talked about it

Tommy: True. 

Ranboo: Can we try it?

Tommy: Hm

Ranboo: We don't have to if you don't want to

Tommy: We could but don't take it to far because my family is coming over tomorrow

Ranboo: I promise

Tommy was already on Ranboos lap but he was facing the tv, so he turned around to face his boyfriend

Ranboo: I like this view

He was looking at Tommy while saying it

Tommy: Shut up..

Ranboo leaned in and kissed Tommy. They let go after a while to catch their breath but then kissed again.

Ranboo then started to kiss his neck. 

Tommy: That tickles..

Tommy said while giggling

Ranboo started to bite his neck leaving hickeys all over. He made sure those will stay on for at least a couple of weeks, maybe even a month.

Ranboo started to kiss every single hickey he left on the blonde. There were about 10 or 15 hickeys. 

Tommy: Ok, ok, that's a lot

Ranboo: Good luck hiding those..

Tommy just giggled and started kissing his lover again.

Every single kiss is soft and warm. Tommy knew that he was going to have trouble with the hickeys but it was fine.

Tommy: Your so pretty

Ranboo: You too

Tommy: Lets go bed now I'm tired and we have to wake up early

They both stood up and Ranboo looked at the shorter one. 

Ranboo: Tommy you should look in a mirror

Tommy got his phone out and went to the camera. He looked at his neck and saw all the hickeys.

Tommy: Those things will be on there for at least a month

Ranboo: I know..

The Next Morning

Ranboo: Tommy.. wake up..

Tommy: My family can wait..

Tommy was still in bed. Ranboo on the other hand was fully awake. Tommy's family was already over and was waiting in the living room.

Ranboo: You still have to cover up those hickeys

Tommy: I'll do it right now..

Ranboo: Ok I'll tell them to wait for a little

Tommy: Thank you..

Ranboo then walked out and left Tommy. Tommy was still tired but he knew he had to get up to see his family. 

He got up and walked over to the bathroom. He had makeup leftover from halloween. 

He grabbed the makeup and put it on the hickeys. You could still see the hickeys so he added another layer. He kept adding layers until you could barely see it. 

He grabbed Ranboo's sweater and put it on. The makeup was barely noticeable but if you got close you would be able to see it.

He walked out of the room and went downstairs. He saw his family and Ranboo in the living room talking.

Wilbur: Hey Tommy!

Tommy: Hey Will!

Phil: You're getting old

Tommy: I know

Techno: I'm not even supposed to be here

Tommy: I heard Dream was with George today

Techno: Yeah I'm out of here. Bye everyone

Wilbur: So Tommy

Tommy: Yea?

Tommy was sitting next to Ranboo while Phil and Wilbur sat across from them

Wilbur: How has Ranboo been treating you?

Tommy: Great! 

Wilbur: How great?

Tommy: Well he makes me food every day and he takes me places

Wilbur: Does he pay for your food?

Tommy: Yes?

Phil: Ok Will, don't go too far

Tommy: Have you found a girlfriend?

Wilbur: Hey! Fundy doesn't like women

Tommy: You need to bring him some day

Wilbur: He's always with Eret and his castle.

Tommy: Aww he likes Eret!

Wilbur: No he doesn't! They just have a really good friendship..

Fundy: True

Tommy and Ranboo looked next to them to see Fundy and Eret. Holding hands.

Wilbur: Weren't you two at the castle? And why are you guys holding hands?!

Fundy: Oh

Eret looked at Fundy and then looked at their hands. He smiled at that. 

Phil: I think we should go now.. uhh bye guys!

Fundy: Bye Uncle Tommy! Bye Ranboo!

Eret: Bye bye!

They all walked out leaving Tommy and Ranboo laughing.

Ranboo: Your brother is so protective

Tommy: He gets like that a lot

Ranboo: You can take the makeup off now

Tommy: It was getting hot anyways..

Tommy walked to his room and went into the bathroom. He took some makeup remover and started to wipe the makeup off.

Ranboo: You hid it pretty well

Tommy: Thank you! 

He then got a call from Phil. He answered it and then hung up.

Ranboo: What did he say?

Tommy: We have to babysit Fundy for a week

Ranboo: Why?

Tommy: Wilbur is going to visit Quackity in Las Nevadas and Phil can't take care of him.

Ranboo: It won't be that bad

Tommy: I have to hide the hickeys again

Ranboo: I'll go wait for them

(I have to do part 2 for this! My hand hurts and its 4 in the morning. Bye!)

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