Powerful 2

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Tommy elevated him off the floor. 

Tubbo: Tommy!

Tommy stopped and let go of him.

Tony: What the hell was that!

Victor and Fred started banging on the door along with two other people.

Kyle quickly opened the door for them and let them in the bathroom.

Victor: We heard screaming!

Purpled: What happened?!

Ranboo and Purpled rushed over to Tubbo and Tommy.

Tony: He lifted me off the floor! B-but he was doing some sort of star wars force thing!

They all looked at Tommy. 

Ranboo: Tommy-?

Tommy: He was going to hit Tubbo!

Fred: When I said to do whatever you want with them I didn't mean to fucking hit them!

Tony: Well you didn't tell us that dumbass!

Victor: He's not a dumbass! You're the dumbass here! You and Kyle! You know that's not what we fucking do!

Kyle: So are we not going to talk about how he almost killed Tony!?

Fred: You guys could be lying!

Tommy: They aren't.

Ranboo looked at Tommy quickly.

Tommy: It's about time people know and if someone tries to take me, I have powers.

Ranboo nodded.

Victor: You have powers-?

Fred: A boyfriend and powers- Fucking awesome.

Purpled: Boyfriend?

Kyle: Yeah they told us you guys are their boyfriends.

Ranboo: Uh- Tommy? Tubbo?

Tubbo: They told us to kiss and they called us pretty.

Victor: We weren't actually going to make you guys kiss but I kinda see how you guys would think that. And Fred calls everyone pretty even though he should only be saying that to me.

Fred: You're pretty and cute.

Purpled: So- Out of everyone in this school, you chose us?

Tommy: It was the first thing that popped in my head!

Kyle: So you guys are single?

Tubbo: Yeah

Victor: Imagine being single.

Tony: We already know you're gay for Fred now shut the fuck up.

Purpled: Anyways- Tommy has powers, and they aren't dating anybody.

After that the rumors spread fast. Fred and Victor became friends with the four and Kyle and Tony third wheeled.

The End.

348 words

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