Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

Go fuck yourself.

Tubbo: Can I just read one page?!

Tommy: No!

Tubbo: Why?

Tommy: It's called a diary for a reason Tubbo

Tommy was at Tubbos house and Tubbo was begging to read Tommys diary. 

Schlatt: Tommy! Your Dad says you need to go home!

Tommy: Alright!

Tubbo: Awe! Don't leave me!

Tommy: Sorry Tubbs. My Dad is really strict about my curfew.

Tubbo: Promise to meet me after school?

Tommy: I promise.

Tommy took his things and left the house. It was 7 pm and he needed to get home by 8 pm.

It was an hour walk.

He took out his phone and texted his brother Wilbur.


Child 🏳️‍🌈 💅: Are you home?

Soot Boy 😇🔫: No I'm with Q right now

Child 🏳️‍🌈 💅: Are you coming home tomorrow?

Soot Boy 😇🔫: I think so. Why?

Child 🏳️‍🌈 💅: I need to talk to you

Soot Boy 😇🔫: Oh then I'll be home early

Child 🏳️‍🌈 💅: Thank you :)

Soot Boy 😇🔫: Np Child


Tommy started to put his phone in his pocket until someone bumped into him.

Tommy: OI!

Ranboo: I'm sorry!

Tommy got off the ground and looked at the boy who bumped into him.

Tommy: Ranboo?

Ranboo: Yeah?

Tommy: Idiot. It's me Tommy!

Ranboo: Oh! Sorry! My memory isn't good right now

Tommy: It's fine Memory Boy

Ranboo: What are you doing out here?

Tommy: I could ask you the same thing.

Ranboo: I'm going home

Tommy: Same

Ranboo: Isn't that going to take you an hour?

Tommy: Yeah

Ranboo: It's going to rain soon, you shouldn't stay out here.

Tommy: Well I cant stay at Tubbos house because his Dad is also strict about people sleeping over at his house.

Ranboo: You can stay at mine

Tommy: True. I'll text my brother.

Ranboo: Why dont you text your Dad?

Tommy: He doesn't respond quick like Wilbur does.

Ranboo: Oh ok

IN TEXT (in sync bb)

Child🏳️‍🌈 💅: Can I sleep over at Ranboos house?

Soot Boy 😇🔫: Whos that? Why? How long?

Child🏳️‍🌈 💅: He's a friend of mine. It's going to rain soon and I don't feel like walking. And only for today.

Soot Boy 😇🔫: Ok then. Yes but stay out of trouble and I'm going to pick you up.

Child🏳️‍🌈 💅: Thanks!

Tommy: He said yes

Ranboo: My parents are never around but my siblings are.

Tommy: I didn't know you had siblings

Ranboo: I don't talk about them a lot

Ranboo and Tommy start walking to the house.

Ranboo: I have 2 siblings by the way

Tommy: What's their name?

Ranboo: Alex and Melody. Melody is older than Alex. Alex can get very clingy to people and Melody doesn't really speak much.

Tommy: They sound cool

Then it started to rain. Sad isn't it? But the rain always has perfect timing. If it's nice enough.

Tommy and Ranboo ran to the house and went inside. The rain wasn't that bad but they were still wet.

Alex: Ranboo!

Alex ran to Ranboo and gave him a hug.

Ranboo: Hi! Where's Melody?

Alex: She's in your room sleeping.

Ranboo: Alright. Oh! Meet Tommy!

Alex: Tommy? 

Ranboo: Yup!

Alex: Hi Tommy! Ranboo talks about you a lot!

Alex gave Tommy a hug and Tommy looked at Ranboo with confusion

Ranboo: Just ignore him

Alex took Tommys hand and dragged him toward Ranboos room.

Ranboo: Alex what are you doing?

Alex: That's Melody

Tommy: She's sleeping so I think we should go

Alex: Okay

They all left the room and walked to the kitchen

Ranboo: Are you guys hungry?

Alex: Yes

Tommy: I ate at Tubbos house

Ranboo: Alright.

After cooking and eating because I'm too lazy to write it 😎

Alex: Can you play dress up with me?

Ranboo: Sorry Alex but you have to go to sleep right now

Tommy: Sorry bud

Alex slowly walked away into his room.

Tommy: So where do I sleep?

Ranboo: There's a guest room down the hall. Do you need any clothes?

Tommy: Sure

Ranboo walked away leaving Tommy alone to explore. After a few minutes Ranboo came back and handed Tommy clothes.

Ranboo: I just remembered that Melody is sleeping in my room so I'll be sleeping with you.

( I didn't have any motivation to keep writing this. This was made I think last month and I just didn't do anything to it. )

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