His Son

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Ranboo: Mom I don't want to go to the party.

R-Mom: Too bad, you're going. There's going to be a boy your age, maybe you'll be friends with him.

Ranboo: You want me to date him, don't you?

R-Mom: He's a nice guy and he's your type. 

Ranboo: I haven't even met him yet!

R-Mom: Well atleast try being friends with him.

Ranboo: Fine.

R-Mom parked the car in front of a house and left the car with Ranboo doing the same thing.

They went inside and said hello to some people.

Phil: Mary! (don't ask) It's good to see you again!

R-Mom: Hi Phil! This is my son Ranboo!

Ranboo: Hello!

Ranboo took his hand out for him to shake.

Phil: Hi! My son is upstairs if you want to see him. He has a few friends over by the way but they're all nice.

Ranboo nodded and walked upstairs. He heard some yelling coming from one specific room and automatically knew it was the one.

He opened the door and saw 3 boys. He saw a dirty blonde one who played with brunette hair. The brunette had a purple hoodie on that looked way too big and was holding a controller. There was also another boy. He was blonde and had blue eyes. He was also holding a controller.

Purpled: So are you just going to  stand there looking at Tommy?

Ranboo looked at the dirty blonde who had just stood up.

Ranboo: Huh- I'm sorry- I- uh-

Purpled: It's fine! My name is Purpled, the brunette is Tubbo, and the blonde is Tommy.

Ranboo: Thanks-

Tubbo: Purpled!

He looked at Tubbo who was walking over to him.

Purpled: Hm?

Tubbo: Tommy won..

Purpled shook his head and then looked at Tommy.

Tommy: Your boyfriend sucks at the game.

Purpled: Tommy shut up

Tommy just rolled his eyes and then he looked at Ranboo.

Tommy: Who are you?

Ranboo: My name is Ranboo

Tommy: Oh! You're that guy my Dad was talking about.

Tubbo pulled Purpled onto the bed and hugged him.

Tommy: You guys better not fucking make out on my bed.

Tubbo: You're no fun.

Tommy: Make out on your bed but not mine.

Ranboo: Are they dating?

Tommy: Yup. They are the most clingiest couple on Earth.

Tubbo: You're just jealous you don't have someone to cuddle with!

Tommy: Whatever. 

Purpled: My parents just texted me. They want me to go back home. 

Tubbo: Awwww..

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