The Truth

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After leaving the dining hall and returning to your room, you had decided that it would be best to stay in your room for the rest of the day and focus on yourself. So many things have happened ever since you had stepped foot into Hope's Peak and you haven't had a chance to breath and take everything in. You also wanted to think about what you'll do when you leave this place just incase the outside world isn't the same. Of course you'll go back to the clan, but, there are a few things that need to be handled before that. Like...informing everyone about Mondo...and why you've been gone for so long. Just thinking about all of that made you more curious about what the outside world is like. And once curiosity had gotten to the best of you, you decided to go to the library to see if you can find anything that relates to the outside world. Of course it may not seem like a book about the outside world that everyone has been dying to know about (pun intended) would just be out in the open like that, but it's worth a shot. You then left your room and headed to the library. Once you had entered, there was a face that you were hoping to not see...

"Oh? What's this? You're actually coming in here to learn something for once? That's a surprise", Byakuya said.

"I don't have time for your bullshit today you bastard... Just leave me alone", you said as you walked passed him. As soon as you did that, you began to look through some of the books. But of course, that didn't stop Byakuya from getting on your nerves...

"I still want you to explain to me why your eyes change colors. You've been really quick to change the subject every time I bring it up. Why is that"?

You then took a deep breath and shut the book that you were holding in your hand and faced Byakuya with an irritated yet expressionless face...

"It's because assholes like you keep getting on my nerves with this whole eye color changing bullshit! Why can't you just drop it, huh!? What has you so hooked on to my eyes that you have to ask the same question over and over and OVER again!? It's getting really annoying".

"Perhaps it wouldn't be so annoying if you would just tell me. Your making this problem more complicated that what it needs to be. It makes it even more suspicious every time you try to change the subject".

"More suspicious? What the hell are you talking about"?

"Recently, I found an article about a little girl who went on some crazy rampage and killed almost every single one of her fathers clan members. Both the father and the mother were both found dead inside the home. And their daughter, the one who went on the rampage, was believed to be in hiding until things had settled down. And given that the clan was under F/N L/N, it makes me even more curious since the leader has the same last name as you. Don't you think"?

"Tch! So what? There's other people out there in this world with the last name L/N. That still doesn't explain why that this is pin pointed towards me".

"Is that so? Well then, I found another name in that article that had caught my eye. It was a strange name though. She didn't have the last name L/N, but she seemed to be real good friends with the little girl and seemed to be really important to the clan as well. Tell me, does the name...Maki Harukawa sound familiar to you?", he said with a smug face

Your eyes a widen a little bit. "...Never heard of that name before...".

"Really now? You seemed very hesitant to answer that question. It's almost like you know who she is".

"Well I don't. So stop bugging me about it and just leave me be".

"...I know it's you".


"I know that you were the little girl in that article. The one who killed half of her fathers clan...and possibly the one who killed her own parents".


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